
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Acadia :: Carriage Roads and Bridges

From 1913 to 1940, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was instrumental in constructing the beautiful carriage roads on Mount Desert Island, which would later become part of Acadia National Park. There are 45 miles of carriage roads (including 17 stone-faced bridges) available for walkers, bicyclists, equestrians and even carriages. In the winter, they can also be used for cross-country skiing.

The 'problem' with walking on the carriage roads is that the bridges are sometimes difficult to view. (This website has more photos of some of the bridges.) It was easy walking along the carriage roads, even the uphill grades weren't too bad, and it was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

This bridge was at the southern end of Jordan Pond.

The roads and bridges were constructed with manual labor. At times, there was a crew of 300 men working on these roads.

Each of the bridges is different but built to 'fit in' with the surroundings. This group of riders stopped after we told them they were riding over a bridge. When you're on the road it is sometimes difficult to know that you're on a bridge. Many areas have the large stones bordering the roadway.

Another view of the same bridge in the previous photo.

Some bridges, like this one, were constructed with viewpoints that extended off to the side of the road, which were nice so that you could actually see the bridge itself.

This little bridge was near the Bubble Pond.

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