
Monday, February 11, 2013

Georgia Sunset :: On The Road Again

Reflection in the side window of Van Dora. Taken January 31, 2013 at the Georgia Veteran's Memorial State Park southeast of Americus, Georgia.

A few minutes later, the colors are more muted.

You may have guessed by now that I am no longer in Indiana! I was ready to leave the cold weather behind in November, but for a variety of reasons was unable to get away until the end of January. After a short stop in Alabama to spend a few days with my friend and distant cousins, Babs, I've been enjoying the much warmer temperatures and very pleasant weather in Florida for the last week (in spite of several rainy days). As an added bonus, I was able to meet-up (separately) with two geneablogger-real-life friends, Charley aka Apple, and Denise Barrett Olson. I thank them both for their hospitality and for the time spent with them.

Even though I am now traveling, work continues on that monster Database Cleanup that was started in December. Once the sun goes down I have several hours before turning in for the night - and those rainy days are put to good use too. It's actually kind of fun - I'm getting "reacquainted" with some of the families that I haven't worked on for a long time and seeing a lot of "data holes" that need to be filled. It is awfully tempting to go searching for the "missing" information but I'm trying really hard to stay on track!

Registration for G.R.I.P. was last week and as much as I really wanted to attend (particularly the new tract with Tom Jones) I decided to forgo that opportunity this year. To be honest, I haven't fully absorbed everything from last year. The syllabus and my notes are traveling with me so when I get tired of working on the database they are available to peruse. I also felt that it was important to get the database straightened up a bit as well as getting all those documents reviewed that I obtained at Salt Lake City in 2010 and 2011 - I have barely even scratched the surface with them. Perhaps G.R.I.P. or one of the other institutes will be on the agenda in 2014.

I'm not sure how long I'll be traveling this time around, or even where all I'll be going. There are a few places on the "definite" list, mostly in The West, but this journey will be taken at a much slower pace than was done previously, with more time spent at each stop along the way.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "Georgia Sunset :: On The Road Again," Kinexxions, posted February 11, 2013 ( : accessed [access date])


Anonymous said...

What an amazing photo of the sunset reflected on the glass of your van! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Joann

Michelle Goodrum said...

Yeah! Another road trip. Love the sunset reflection in the window.

Anonymous said...

Hello Becky, if you find yourself in Eastern Washington please let me know. Roger in Spokane.

Carol said...

Yep, that first photo, total winner. Enjoy your time on the road, maybe we will meet up out west?? And, I highly approved of SLOWLY!

Becky Wiseman said...

Hi Joann! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone too, especially meeting your son and grandkids.

Becky Wiseman said...

Thanks Michelle! I don't know when, but I'm sure to be out your way in a month or two... will let you know this time!

Becky Wiseman said...

Dear Roger in Spokane, I *might* if I knew who you were! And that's a very tentative might...

Becky Wiseman said...

Carol, thought you might enjoy the "Reflections" in that first photo. Would love to meet up with you again. Are you making a stop in Genea-Mecca this time too?

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Becky Wiseman - -

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