
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Big Bend Revisited :: Boquillas Canyon Trail

Sunday, March 3rd - - On my last day at Big Bend, I decided to hike the Trail to Boquillas Canyon, going in mid-morning to avoid the heat that was coming later. It was forecast to get near 90 degrees today, the hottest day yet.

It is a short trail - only 1.4 miles round trip - but it takes you up a rather large hill, then back down the other side.

The trail provides some nice views. Blending into the distant landscape is the the town of Bouquillas. If you look closely you can see a few white buildings in the center of the photo, just beyond the green area. Actually, the town is not far from the Rio Grande Village area.

One of the many bends in the river. The man in the foreground was fishing. I wonder if he caught anything?

On my previous visit in February 2010 I had the pleasure of hearing "Victor, the singing Mexican" but he was on the other side of the river then. There were several bottles set out along the trail, asking for donations for singing. Some bottles were identified as Jesus, others as Victor. This man was standing beside one of the bottles identified as Victor but when I asked his name, he said Jesus! Anyway, while I was in the canyon area, I was being serenaded.

The path leads you to the river... 

The canyon walls go straight up, and the river disappears around the bend.

It was cool in the canyon, but as I walked back out, I could feel the heat. It was indeed going to be a hot day and it felt good. A few of the buildings in the town of Boquillas can be seen in the far right corner of this photo. As always, double-click to view a larger version.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "Big Bend Revisited :: Boquillas Canyon Trail," Kinexxions, posted March 13, 2013 ( : accessed [access date])

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