
Thursday, March 07, 2013

Seminole Canyon :: Revisited

Wednesday, February 27th - - If you are going to Big Bend, and I was, the last "large" town is about six hours away - Del Rio, Texas is the place you want to stock up on supplies and fill up the gas tank!  Del Rio is the home of the Amistad National Recreation Area with a large reservoir that was startlingly low compared to the last time I came through the area, three years ago. There are a few little towns and ranches west along highway 90 but once you get through Del Rio, it appears barren and desolate. Actually, it was pretty much the same from Junction to Del Rio!

About 60 miles west of Del Rio is Seminole Canyon State Park, near Comstock, where I spent the night, as I had done nearly three years ago on February 19th and February 20th.

Private property borders the park and the two are separated by a rather flimsy fence that extends for miles. In-between the metal posts were these "stick" posts that helped support the sagging fence.

The posts were connected very loosely to the fencing with twisted strips of wire. 

It wasn't a "spectacular" sunset, but 'twas very nice.

There was more color, and clouds, in northwestern sky.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "Seminole Canyon :: Revisited," Kinexxions, posted March 7, 2013 ( : accessed [access date])


Carol said...

Might have to put this on my bucket list. Love the close up photo of the fence, but, you knew I would! LOL

Becky Wiseman said...

Yep, thought of you when I was taking that photo. Depending how y'all went to Big Bend, you might have driven right by Seminole Canyon. It's easy to miss... I didn't do the tour this year but it is well worth the time and the few bucks it costs.

Carol said...

We came out of Fredericksburg to Fort Stockton and then turned south to Stillwell Campground (north entrance). So, we missed this. It is noted now! :-)

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Becky Wiseman - -

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