
Sunday, October 04, 2015

The Olympic Peninsula :: Rialto Beach - August 12th

Returning to U.S. 101 after visiting Neah Bay and Cape Flattery, I continued south a short distance to Forks, apparently one of the "sites" of the "Twilight" movie - there were several billboards advertising "Twilight" Tours. I turned onto highway 110 to go to Mora Campground, which is in a portion of the coast that is part of Olympic National Park.

The campground was nearly full so I couldn't be too picky but I drove through three of the five loops of the campground (100+ sites total) before finding an open site that was relatively level.  Then I headed on down to Rialto Beach, about two miles from the campground. It was 3 p.m. and it was cold, damp, and blustery on the beach. I stayed for an hour or so then returned to the campground for a late lunch/early supper. By that time the campground was full.

At about 5:30 p.m. I went back to the beach. The wind had calmed down and it was quite pleasant walking along the shore.

I didn't stick around for the sunset, it was still rather misty and I was tired... However, if you want your sunset "fix" I stayed at Mora Campground in September 2010 when there was a beautiful sunset at Rialto Beach!

The next morning I had the beach practically all to myself for about an hour and a half. The tide was out and I walked all the way over to the "islands" on hard-packed sand.  The sun had not yet made its way over the tree tops and the misty fog gave the place a rather strange, eery, yet interesting feel. About 8 o'clock I headed back to Forks and highway 101, southward bound.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "The Olympic Peninsula :: Rialto Beach - August 12th," Kinexxions, posted October 4, 2015 ( : accessed [access date])

Friday, October 02, 2015

The Olympic Peninsula :: Cape Flattery Trail - August 12th

Returning to U.S. 101 after leaving the site of the Glines Dam, I continued west to Sappho, where I turned north onto highway 113, whith connects to highway 112, which goes along the coastline of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Highway 112 was a really fun route to drive with numerous curves and hills to go over and around. And the views weren't bad either. At the end of the route 112 is Neah Bay, the primary community of the Makah Indian Nation and a spur road that takes you about six miles up to the Cape Flattery Trailhead. A Makah Recreation Pass ($10) is required to park at the trail head and can be purchased at several businesses in Neah Bay.

Only 3/4 of a mile in length, the trail consists of boardwalks, dirt paths lined with tree roots, and numerous steps going through a forest to get down to the northwesternmost point of the continental United States. Oh, and there is an elevation loss of 200 feet. Photos of the trail (a good excuse for taking numerous rest breaks) were taken on the way back up to the trailhead.

At the viewing platform a family was taking a group photo.

Almost back to the trailhead.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "The Olympic Peninsula :: Cape Flattery Trail - August 12th," Kinexxions, posted October 2, 2015 ( : accessed [access date])