
Sunday, October 04, 2015

The Olympic Peninsula :: Rialto Beach - August 12th

Returning to U.S. 101 after visiting Neah Bay and Cape Flattery, I continued south a short distance to Forks, apparently one of the "sites" of the "Twilight" movie - there were several billboards advertising "Twilight" Tours. I turned onto highway 110 to go to Mora Campground, which is in a portion of the coast that is part of Olympic National Park.

The campground was nearly full so I couldn't be too picky but I drove through three of the five loops of the campground (100+ sites total) before finding an open site that was relatively level.  Then I headed on down to Rialto Beach, about two miles from the campground. It was 3 p.m. and it was cold, damp, and blustery on the beach. I stayed for an hour or so then returned to the campground for a late lunch/early supper. By that time the campground was full.

At about 5:30 p.m. I went back to the beach. The wind had calmed down and it was quite pleasant walking along the shore.

I didn't stick around for the sunset, it was still rather misty and I was tired... However, if you want your sunset "fix" I stayed at Mora Campground in September 2010 when there was a beautiful sunset at Rialto Beach!

The next morning I had the beach practically all to myself for about an hour and a half. The tide was out and I walked all the way over to the "islands" on hard-packed sand.  The sun had not yet made its way over the tree tops and the misty fog gave the place a rather strange, eery, yet interesting feel. About 8 o'clock I headed back to Forks and highway 101, southward bound.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "The Olympic Peninsula :: Rialto Beach - August 12th," Kinexxions, posted October 4, 2015 ( : accessed [access date])

1 comment:

Charlie Purvis said...

I am enjoying your travelogue and photos.

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