
Friday, May 11, 2007

Runaway Colt and Marriage (Meier-Burnworth)

Columbia City Post ~ Wednesday, August 1, 1917
Colt Ran Away With Two Young Drivers.

Henry Meier, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Meier of this city, and Carl Stickler, son of Orlando Stickler and wife, of Washington township, got the “worst” end of a runaway Sunday while driving a colt.

Meier and his friend, a Miss Burnworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burnworth, of the south side, had driven to the Stickler home to spend the day and during the afternoon the two young men went to the barn and hitched the colt to a cart. The parents of Stickler saw him hitching the colt but did not stop him as he had driven the colt several weeks and had never had any trouble. About an hour after the boys drove away they returned but not wearing the same garments they had on when they drove away.

They told the following story: After driving down the road a short distance an auto came up behind them and they turned out to let it go around. When the machine was even with the colt it gave a jump and the shafts of the cart were broken. This frightened the colt and it ran away. The rig collided with a mail box in front of the Noah Mullendore home and they were thrown from the cart. Their trousers were torn so badly that they found it necessary to borrow a pair each from Guy Mullendore. Both boys were bruised at places on their bodies and Mr. Meier found it painful to sit down.

Columbia City Post ~ Saturday, August 11, 1917
Young Folks Eloped to Michigan.
Information reaches this paper that Henry Meier, son of Mrs. John Meier, of this city, and Miss Doris Burnworth, daughter of Charles Burnworth, of the south side, eloped to Kalamazoo, Mich., Thursday evening, where they were married. The groom has been working at the Panhandle depot in this city for some time. He is eighteen years old and is a hustling youngster. The bride is well known among her circle of friends. They will reside in this city.

[Doris Elbertine Burnworth - was my 2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed. Doris was 16 years old and Henry was 18 when they were married. They shared their life together for 46 years, until he passed away in 1964. Doris passed away in 1977.]

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