
Friday, May 11, 2007

Sheep Drowned

Columbia City Commercial ~ Wednesday, July 2, 1902

F. H. Foust had eight or ten sheep drowned Sunday night and Monday morning as a result of the floods. He had about 150 head on the low lands Saturday and the recent rains drove 50 or 75 to an island boarding on the river, where they were compelled to remain until the island was completely submerged with water. Some of the sheep were fortunate enough to get on the tree tops, stumps, etc., but as many as ten are thought to be lost. Supt. Harshbarger and his hands had a narrow escape from drowning Monday while going to the rescue. They attempted to drive a team of horses and wagon to the isolated sheep, when they got into the deep water, the wagon box floating off. After some time and trouble they rescued the remainder of the wool growers to a place of safety.

[Franklin H. Foust was the husband of my 3rd Great-GrandAunt, Maxamillia Francis "Maxie" Jones.]

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