
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Maurice James Wise

Scott-Keister Cemetery, Etna-Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana
Maurice J. / 1877 - 1943
Photo taken, by me, July 14, 2000

Maurice James Wise was born on December 9, 1877 and died on July 25, 1943. He is the twin brother of my great grandmother Maude Wise Brubaker Yontz.

His is a small stone, about 12 x 16 inches. And although his surname is not included on the stone he is surrounded by family. His parents, sisters Maude and Hazlette, and two infant nephews.

Joslin Family :: Irwin Visits Grandma

According to this letter, Grandma had scheduled Irwin's visit for August 2nd and 3rd, 1969. There are no letters in her files between the one she wrote on March 30th and the next one that Irwin wrote on Tuesday, July 29th, after his visit. So apparently the date of his visit was changed. I'm guessing that the visit was the previous weekend, July 26th and 27th.

I don't think that I was even aware of the visit. At the time, I was living in Fort Wayne, working for the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company in the accounting department, and busy with my own life. Family History was the furthest thing from my mind, at least until the early 1980s.

From Irwin's visit, we have two photographs commemorating the event:

Irwin Joslin and his wife Alice.

Second cousins. Irwin Laverne Joslin and Hazlette Ferguson.
July 1969 - Irwin was 47 years old and Grandma was 67.

This letter from Irwin, following his visit to grandma, was written on stationary from the Westinghouse Air Brake Company.


Dear Mrs. Ferguson,

We had a real nice morning in Fort Wayne then a nice drive home. It rained a little but cleared up as we got near home.

We really enjoyed our weekend at your house. Thank you so much for having us. Hope that you can come to Peoria sometime.

We feel like we accomplished something in Fort Wayne - that is a fine genealogical section in the Library. First we looked over the Whitley County history in the newer book - it is about the same as your book. I made copies of the Troy Township section.

Then we found something we didn't know in a book of marriage records of Whitley County from 1838-1860. Did you know Lysander's middle name was Price? That is what it shows. It says Lysander Price Joslin married Lydia Robison on Aug 23, 1843. I thought that was interesting. Of course he was named for Price Goodrich but until we came to see you we didn't know who Price Goodrich was.

Then we also suspected that James Joslin might have come from Delaware County, Ohio since we knew the Goodrichs were from there. So we looked at the 1820 census for Delaware County, Ohio & the only Joslin listed was a Jonas Joslin who had 1 boy under 5 years old & one between 20 & 30. Then the 1930 [sic] census of that county lists both Jonas & James in Delaware County. It shows that James had one boy under 5 (probably Lysander) & one boy between 5 & 10 years as well as 2 girls - one under 5 & one between 5 & 10.

Therefore it looks very much like Jonas is James father. We got out a book on Delaware County & we knew the township was Liberty so we read through that section but never found his name. The 1830 census lists 10 other Joslins but only James & Jonas are in Delaware County.

So we think we have found another clue. We will keep working at it. We also looked over Mrs. Wessler's book - "the Josselin -Jocelyn Family". They have it in the library there. She has a lot of Joslins listed & if we go back far enough we may be able to connect on to someone she has. I was glad to see the book - I may buy one sometime.

Well, that is about all for now. Hope you have no ill effects from your fall - is your foot still sore? Take care of yourself.

Irwin L. Joslin

=+==+= Some Notes Regarding the Letter =+==+=

There were two histories published on Whitley County at the time, both are now available online. The 1882 history by Goodspeed and Blanchard is at the Harold B. Lee Library and the other, in 1907, by Kaler and Maring is at Google Books.

Jonas Joslin is listed in the 1820 census on page 95a in Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio. In 1830 he is listed in the same location, on page 85 as is James Joslin. In that census, Lysander (born in May 1825) would have been the male 5-10 years of age, not the one under 5 years.

Click on the images below for a larger, legible version.

Other posts in this series:

Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog Feed Issues?

Anyone else out there having a "problem" with Feedburner and blog posts not showing up in a "reasonable" amount of time?

This was posted at 10:15 AM today (March 30, 2009)

It showed up in my Google Reader 12 hours later, at 10:43 PM (March 30, 2009), after I posted this at 10:28 PM on the 30th. The post from earlier today still hasn't shown up in Bloglines.

It's been happening for the past few days. Actually, it has been several times in the past month. I checked Feedburner Help Group and it is apparently affecting a lot of people and mostly blogs on Blogger.

Just wondering if other genea-bloggers are having the same problem...

Oh, My!

Last week I learned from Craig that there is no such thing as proof.

Today, I'm wondering if such a thing as a good source exists.

Now what? Time to give up on the research?

Or perhaps, April Fools' Day has come early this year?

(Be sure to read the comments, along with the posts...)

Joslin Family :: Grandma Invites Irwin to Visit

North Webster, Ind.
April 6, 1969

Dear Mr. Joslin:

Your most welcome letter received: I have marked my apointment book Aug. 2 and 3 - Irwin Joslin may come here today; I had to use these dates as I work five days a week and the weekend is open and free to entertain you and your family. I do hope you can arrange to be here on these dates as I can show you so many interesting things about your ancestors.

I am enclosing an obituary of your great-gr-grandfather which I found in an old scrap book of Grandma's. You will note that it lists your ancestor as Mrs. Joslin of Okla. I was disapointed that her given name was not used. I told my Aunt Hazlette, about you and she knew all the Elliots here, and as she is now 84 years old she may be able to tell us many things. There is a Robert Elliot in Larwill and she says he is Robert J. Elliots decendent. Yes I know all these people about Larwill. My five children graduated from Larwill High school.

A few years ago I found the 1850 census for Whitley Co. This is in the Ft. Wayne Library and Columbia City Library too. Ft. Wayne has one of the finest geneology departments in the U. S. Hope you can find time to visit there while on your vacation. This is the information I want to share with you:
Census 1850
Lysander P. Joslin age 25
Lydia Joslin 29
Anna E. 5
Mallisa 11 month

James Joslin age 54
Abagail Joslin 45
Edwin 20
Joseph 19
Emily 12
Mary 6
Bela Goodrich 74

Henry Robison age 56
Ann Robison 56
Eliza 22
Henry 17
Emily 15
Elizabeth 10
There are so many ways to find the answers to a lot of things we want to know about these people, but I seem to have so little time to work on it. However, I shall keep at this line now until you come in Aug. in the hope that I can help you. Hearing from you has given me incentive to work harder on this line. I am trying to trace all my ancestors on each branch. All my great grandparents were in Whitley county by 1850 and I am realy having a ball in working on this in my spare time.

=+==+= Some Notes Regarding the Letter =+==+=

I don't know if she wrote more at this time or not. There isn't another letter or page in her files that goes along with this.

The obituary she enclosed was for Robert J. Elliott, father of Luther Joslin's wife, Phoebe Dorcas Elliott. Robert died on December 6, 1893.

Lysander Joslin was found on page 471 of the Whitley County, Indiana census, James Joslin on page 472, and Henry Robison on page 461. No townships were given in the census for that year. Grandma misinterpreted Lydia's age on the census - by comparing other entries on the same page you can see that she was 24 years old, not 29.

Grandma seems to have that age-old problem that most genealogists encounter - not enough time to devote to research!

Other posts in this series:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Joslin Family :: Irwin's Letter of March 25th

1002 E. Tripp
Peoria, Illinois 61603
March 25, 1969

Dear Mrs Ferguson,

I was very happy to receive your letter of March 21st. I was also glad to get your invitation to come to Indiana sometime & discuss the Joslin family tree. If it would be convenient for you I would like to plan on doing that sometime when I am on vacation this year which is the week of July 28th and August 4th. We would like to spend a day or two in your part of Indiana.

I am afraid I misled you in saying my Grandmothers name was Phoebe Dorcas as if Dorcas was a last name. It was Phoebe Dorcas Elliott. She also named a daughter Phoebe Dorcas (my Aunt Phoebe - Mrs Frank Kutz who lives in Chicago).

What information do you have on James Joslin who married Abigail Goodrich? Was James Joslin born in America? Your letter states they came to Indiana in 1834. I just wonder what you know of them before that time. Do you have names of his children?

I am sending you copies of some of the data I have accumulated. Some of it is from a family bible my Aunt Phoebe has. Some of it are my father's (Virgil Newton Joslin) writings which are quite personal but tell a lot of history also. Some are from a notebook he had at age 14. Notice in there that he referred to his mother as Mrs. Dott Joslin and another place as D. Joslin so possibly she was called Dott or Dorothy. Also note on the next page pg. 2 he lists her as Phoebe D. Joslin. On Page 4 he has again Phoebe Dott Elliott.

In this same notebook my Dad put down a lot of names of people he knew at various places he lived. I ran a copy of pg. 10 & 11 where he listed a lot of people in Whitley County Indiana. Perhaps you know some of them. It appears on a map that North Webster is not too far from Larwill.

Must close for now,
Sincerely, I. L. Joslin

=+==+= Some Notes Regarding the Letter =+==+=

I think you can tell how excited Irwin was about making contact just based on the date of his letters. Irwin's reply was written only four days after grandma's letter!

The copies that Irwin sent to grandma comprised 21 pages of information, some handwritten and some typewritten. One of the documents, 3 pages in length, was a timeline for Irwin's grandfather, Luther Marion Joslin which included all of the towns where he had lived in Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. There were several years in which the family moved four times!

Other posts in this series:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Joslin Family :: Grandma Responds to Irwin's Letter

If you haven't already done so, you may want to read the post Joslin Family :: First Contact before continuing. In that post, my grandmother corresponds with Edith Wessler and makes contact with her 2nd cousin, Irwin Joslin. Their correspondence continues... This letter was typewritten. It has been transcribed as written including spelling and typing errors. Click on the image to view a larger, readable version.


Box 27
North Webster, Ind. 46555
March 21, 1969

Mr. Irwin Joslin
1002 E. Tripp
Peoria, Ill. 61603

Dear Mr. Joslin,

I was so delighted to receive your letter of March 3rd as I had been hoping to hear from the Joslins in the west. I have so many interesting things to tell you of the family, that I hardly know where to begin.

You were right about the birthdate of your grandfather as my records show that he was born January 2, 1852. Then the record shows that Luther Joslin married Dorothy Elliot in 1876. Now may I make a suggestion? Could the above named Dorothy Elliot have died and your grandfather married Phoebe Dorcas some time later? I notice that your father, Virgil was born Feb. 1891. That is 15 years after the marriage record I have, I am having a copy made of the letter written by Andrew Joslin on Feb. 7, 1895 and sent to my grandmother. I will send this to you as soon as I can.

Now I shall tell you some of the things I know about our family, other than that which Mrs. Wessler has told you. The Goodrich family tree has been researched by a member of the family and it seems that they were from Wales and the line was traced back to several Kings(?). This is not of much interest to me as I expect some researcher made some money for this. However, the family was very interesting after coming to Indiana in 1834. They were of the first settlers. Abagail and her husband James Joslin had several children by that time. Lysander was 9 years old. He married Lydia Robison in Aug. 1843. They were both 18 years old. In the next 24 years they had 15 children. Now this was a big family by any standards and I know where the family lived and it was very poor land. They did not prosper financialy as can be understood. By 1877 four of their children were married and five had died. That year they took the 6 remaining children and went to Kansas. I have letters from them written in 1890 and 1894.

My grandmother kept in touch with Eliza, who died in 1885. Her decendents are in Iowa. She also wrote to Roxie Parkinson (their husbands were half brothers) and Madella Quillan and Ida Dressier. I have some old letters from these. Robert Quillan the author and columnist of the 30's was Della's son. Please ask any questions that you would like answered and I shall do my best to help.

Grandma Mellisa Brubaker had two sons, Charles Romain b. Aug. 1872 and Hale b1886. Charles Remain was my father. Hale died when only 25 years old and had not married. I have a brother William Hale Brubaker and a sister Jane Jacobs. I was born 1902, my sister 1903 and Bill 1905. I Have 5 children, 17 granchildren and 7 great-granchildren.

I do hope that you can come to Indiana some time. I know of only one Joslin family here, besides my family and that is the decendents of Lysander's sister, her granddaughter and I are very close friends. I shall send the copy as soon as I can.

Very sincerely yours,
[since this was grandma's carbon copy, there was no signature]

=+==+= Some Notes Regarding the Letter =+==+=

The confusion over Luther's wife was partially because the bible record stated that Luther had married Dorothy Elliot. Apparently grandma had not seen the Whitley County marriage record (Bk2 p521) which gives her name as Phebe D. Elliott. Also, in Irwin's first letter to grandma he simply wrote his grandmother's name as Phoebe Dorcas and my grandma interpreted that to mean her maiden name was Dorcas. Irwin's father, Virgil, was the fourth child of Luther and Phebe. Their first two children came rather quickly then there was a six year gap between the second and third as well as between the third and fourth child. Their fifth (and last) child was born two years after Virgil.

James and Abigail come to Whitley County in 1838 and they were among the first settlers in the county. That makes Lysander about 13 at the time rather than 9 years of age.

The sister of Lysander's that grandma mentions in the last paragraph was Emily Eliza Joslin Long and her close friend was her 2nd cousin once removed, Gladys Burnworth Moore, who was only 4 years older than grandma. Gladys was one of the "girls" that grandma played cards with on an almost weekly basis for many years. I don't recall ever having met Gladys, though my mother knew her too, so it is possible. I attended a Burnworth Family Reunion in the summer of 2005 after tracking down Gladys' two sons who live in Columbia City. One of Gladys' nieces, who also happened to live just two blocks away from me at the time, compiled a history of their branch of the Burnworth family. They knew that Emily's parents were James and Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin. She graciously loaned me her book so that I could make a copy. It was chock full of family pictures and obituaries, a real treasure!

Other posts in this series:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Joslin Family :: First Contact

In the files of my grandmother, Hazlette Brubaker Phend Dunn Ferguson, there is a letter dated November 12, 1968 that was written to her by Edith S. Wessler. This was in response to grandma's inquiry regarding "Ohio Joslins" in the Genealogical Helper.

Mrs. Wessler had published "The Jocelyn-Joslin-Joslyn-Josselyn Family" in 1961. Although the book did not include specific source citations, it has been considered by many Joslin researchers to be the "go to" book for information, especially on the early ancestors. But grandma didn't have that book available at the time.

In her letter, Mrs. Wessler indicated that she was not a professional and doesn't charge for her research, which encompasses a multitude of descendants of Thomas and Rebecca Jocelyn, the immigrant ancestors who settled in Massachusetts in 1635. Mrs. Wessler invited my grandmother to send as much information as she could about her Joslin family, which grandma did, responding on November 17th "with self addressed & postage enclosed, also attached information." What information she enclosed is not known since she didn't keep a copy of her letter (or the letter has been lost).

On November 20, 1968 Mrs. Wessler responded to grandma's letter. Some of the information she included doesn't really make sense to me now, but I have the advantage of hindsight and later research. But the exciting thing to me, and I suppose also to my grandmother at the time, was the inclusion of a portion of a letter that Mrs. Wessler had received in 1962 from Irwin L. Joslin. She says "I will now quote the major part of a letter received from a Joslin in your branch of the Family. (The twins you mention caused the identification.)"

Irwin's letter to Mrs. Wessler provided information on his siblings and his father's siblings but the "important" parts (dates have been removed) were "My father was Virgil Newton Joslin… the son of Luther M. Joslin… the son of Lysan Joslin, born in Indiana - date unknown - died about 1904 in Kansas." And "My grandfather was one of 11 children of Lysan Joslin. The oldest was a girl, Elizabeth. Next oldest was my grandfather - Luther; then John, who went from Ind. to Calif. Another son was Andrew, who lived in Kansas at one time. There was a set of twins - Elmus and Elmer, and two girls, Ida and Della. That is all I know about my line. . ."

Mrs. Wessler acknowledges that "The data he gives are not identical to yours - but there is enough to know and identify his Luther M. with your Melissa Miriah (as brother and sister)." Her letter continues for another full page, providing information on some other Joslin families.

Now I can imagine the excitement that my grandmother felt when she read the information from Irwin's letter! But at the time, I was a 20 year old who had no interest in that stuff.

Four months later, grandma received a letter from Irwin, dated March 3, 1969. He states that he had "corresponded some with Mrs. Wessler who wasn't much help to me, at first - then she sent me the enclosed letter of 12-16-68." Irwin goes on to say "I am positive this is my line of Joslins. It appears that your grandmother Melissa & my grandfather Luther were brother & sister." He included information about himself and his immediate family and concluded by saying "I would be very glad to hear from you and perhaps some day we can sit down to visit & compare notes."

The letter that Mrs. Wessler sent to Irwin on 12-16-68 appears to be a compilation of the data from the transcribed bible pages that grandma had in her possession. At that time, grandma already "knew" that Lysander's parents were James and Abagail (Goodrich) Joslin and that his wife Lydia's parents were Henry and Ann Robison. In Mrs. Wessler's letter to Irwin. She says "Nothing known about James, father of Lysander, other than that there were four or five more children, and that he went to Whitley Co. Ind. in 1834. His wife Abagail, was born 1805, Delaware Co. O.; d. Whitley Co. dau. of Bela and Sally (Church) Goodrich. Bela Goodrich was born in Conn. In 1776; was in the War of 1812."

Next up: Grandma replies to Irwin's letter.

Note: Due to possible copyright issues regarding the letters written by Mrs. Wessler, I've chosen not to post images of those letters. I'd probably be "safe" in posting images of the letters from Irwin but they include quite a bit of information on living people, so they won't be posted here either. It is Irwin's brother, sister-in-law, daughter, and nephew with whom I'll be taking the Joslin Heritage Tour in September.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Joslin Family :: Heritage Tour and Research Trip

Several of my Joslin cousins and I have started planning for a research trip and "heritage tour" to New England in September. The cousins are descendants of Luther Joslin, brother of my 2nd Great-Grandmother Malissa Mariah Joslin Brubaker Bower... somewhere along the magnitude of 2nd Cousins twice removed or 3rd Cousins once removed, depending upon the person. Luther and Malissa are the children of Lysander and Lydia (Robison) Joslin.

In preparation for that September trip, I've been assigned the task of developing a research plan and putting together a list of the places to visit and sights to see in New England. Places where our (presumed) Joslin ancestors lived.

Although we don't have any documentation that explicitly states that Lysander is the son of James and Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin or that James is the son of Jonas and Ruth (Dyer) Joslin or that Jonas is the son of Joseph and Sarah (Tarbell) Joslin. Or that Abigail is the daughter of Bela and Sally (Church) Goodrich or that Bela is the son of John and Abigail (Price) Goodrich. But we "know" that it is so, after all, that's what my grandma has written in her notes, and several undocumented databases online show, so it must be right! Yeah, sure.

As I see it, the first task is really to evaluate the evidence that has been found in recent years (since my grandmother's death in 1984) regarding the presumed relationships. If those relationships, if any, can't be determined with the existing evidence, then why even make the trip to New England? Well, because my Joslin cousins are such nice people and it will be a great trip regardless ;-)

I guess, more than anything, I'm trying to convince myself that the presumed relationships are legitimate. I'm not sure they can be "proven" according to The Genealogical Proof Standard. As Craig Manson recently wrote, there is no such thing as proof. (If you haven't yet read his post, I highly recommend that you do so.) How much evidence, whether direct or indirect, is needed to "prove" a presumption? Is it required that the evidence is sufficient to convince others that a presumption is true for it to be so? Or is it enough if only I (the researcher) believe it to be true - based on evidence, of course, and not just wishful thinking?

According to published sources, from Joseph, the Joslin line goes back four more generations to Thomas and Rebecca Joslin, the immigrant ancestors who left England in April 1635 and settled in Lancaster, Massachusetts Bay Colony. And the Goodrich line from John goes back four generations to William and Sarah (Marvin) Goodrich who were married in 1648 in the Connecticut Colony. And that, of course, opens up a whole bunch more ancestral lines to be researched!

Once I recuperate sufficiently from my surgery, possibly in April, I'll be taking a trip to Delaware and Franklin counties in Ohio to see what I can dig up on the Joslin and Goodrich families. In 1986, while on a whirlwind tour of Ohio, my mother and I stopped briefly in Delaware County and were rewarded with several land records mentioning James and Jonas. Surely there are other records where they can be found. I'll be looking for those records.

In the meantime, I'll be presenting the evidence that we currently have in a series of posts. The reason for doing so is twofold: first, to make the information available to other researchers without having to send it out to multiple people, and, second, to (hopefully) get some input from my readers…

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Harlow and Hazlette Burns

DAD / HARLOW / 1880 - 1952
MOM / HAZLETTE / 1885 - 1977
Scott-Keister Cemetery, Etna-Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana
photo taken July 14, 2000

Hazlette Ann Wise was born on October 10, 1885 in Whitley County, Indiana. The youngest of the four children of William P. Wise and Sophia Dunfee, she is a sister of my great grandmother Maude Wise Brubaker Yontz. Hazlette was named after her great-grandmother Sophia Elizabeth (Hazlett) Dunfee.

On October 10, 1911 Hazlette Wise was married to Harlow Asher Burns, an up-and-coming farmer of Troy Township. They lived their entire married life on their farm in Troy Township. Harlow passed away on June 15, 1952. At the time of her death on October 9, 1977 (at the age of 91) Hazlette was living in a nursing home in Fort Wayne.

They were the parents of two children: Maurice Wise Burns, who died in infancy, and who is buried near Harlow and Hazlette, and Thagrus Asher Burns who passed away in October 2008 at the age of 91. This picture of Thag is one of my favorite family photos.

As a teenager, I remember "aunt" Hazlette attending family dinners and gatherings that were given by my grandmother. Aunt Hazlette was a woman of short stature who had, so I've been told, an "iron will" and great determination.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday Night Fun :: Y-DNA

It's Saturday Night, so, as Randy says, it's time for some genealogy fun. Randy's been searching for his Y-DNA matches and thought we might be interested in tracing the Y-DNA line of our paternal grandmother.

The challenge is this: Provide a list of your paternal grandmother's patrilineal line by answering the following questions.

* What was your father's mother's maiden name?

  • My father's mother was Elsie Shuder (1885-1926), born in Kosciusko County, Indiana
* What was your father's mother's father's name?
  • My father's mother's father's name was Isaac Shuder (1846-1905), born in Montgomery County, Ohio
* What is your father's mother's father's patrilineal line? That is, his father's father's father's ... back to the most distant male ancestor in that line?
  • Isaac Shuder's father was Christian Schuder Jr. (1813-1885), born in Montgomery County, Ohio
  • Christian, Jr. was the son of Christian Schuder Sr. (1762-1842), born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
  • This WorldConnect database indicates that Christian Sr. was the son of Johann Nicolas Schuder (born 1727 in Germany-Esslingen) and Ursula Catherina Mayer. No documentation or sources, and I haven't done any research this far back.
* Can you identify male sibling(s) of your father's mother, and any living male descendants from those male sibling(s)? If so, you have a candidate to do a Y-DNA test on that patrilineal line. If not, you may have to find male siblings, and their descendants, of the next generation back, or even further.
Elsie Shuder had five brothers:
William Henry Shuder (1876-1946), never married, no children.
George Marion Shuder (1880-1954), had two daughters.
Charles Jefferson Shuder (1883-1963), had one son (Milton 1914-1999) who had a son.*
Cleveland R. Shuder (1890-1980), had one son who may still be living. He had children but I don't know if he had any sons.*
Ezra Shuder (1895-1957), never married, no children.
So, it looks like there are two potential sources for Y-DNA testing. Of course I'd need to find them then talk them into having the testing done and probably pay for the testing myself. . .

A search at showed one pedigree for the surname Schuder, none for Shuder. And, hey, we have a match! Well, maybe. That is if Christian is a son of Nicholas Schuder (immigrant 1752) and his wife Ursella Catherine Mayer.

Related posts: Shuder Family - Index to Posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday :: Anticipation

Monday morning as I walked out to the mailbox I noticed that the daffodils were starting to pop up through the mulch in my little flower garden. They sure do grow quickly! The first ones that came through are now about 3" high and more are coming up. These pictures were taken this morning, Wednesday March 18th. Winter is nearly over, Spring is only two days away!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: William and Rachel Alexander

The east end of the Morris Chapel Cemetery in Washington township, Kosciusko County, Indiana. The small stone on the right is that of my 2nd great-grandfather William Alexander. To the left of his stone, hidden by vegetation, is the stone for his wife and my 2nd great-grandmother Rachel Van Curen Hover Alexander. The cemetery is on private land and the brush has been removed several times but it is really something that needs to be done every spring. All photographs taken by me on July 11, 2007.

Wm. ALEXANDER / 1805 - 1899
William was the son of William Washington Alexander and (probably) Lucy Sprague. I'm not certain that Lucy is William's mother as that information was given to me by another researcher, with only a newspaper article as evidence. I haven't taken the time to either prove or disprove it. It's on my (never-ending) list of things to do.

His obituary was published in the Northern Indianian on April 20, 1899

William Alexander was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, Nov. 20, 1805 and died April 7, 1899, aged 93 years, 4 months, 11 days.

In his early life he was of a roving turn of mind and made many trips down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers on a flatboat to New Orleans, that being their way of marketing their surplus products in those days. During the year 1838, he was married to Nancy Tway and moved to Kosciusko county settling at Chapman's sawmill at the outlet of Little Eagle Lake, where he engaged in the saw-mill business for a short time sawing lumber for the early pioneers that were settling up the country, and while he lived there the first election was held, the polls were opened at Leesburg for the entire county where he cast his first ballot. He was a tailor by trade and did quite a business in that line with the early settlers, making the wedding suit for the late Daniel Groves, father of George Groves, who resides east of Warsaw.

After a residence of four or five years in this county he removed to Bartholomew county, this state, when he lost his wife and married his second wife, Elizabeth Mackadew. After a few years residence there his second wife died. He then moved to Union county, Ohio, remaining there only a short time, moving back to Kosciusko county, and in the year 1859, was married to Rachael Hover. There were born by his first wife four children, the second five, and by the third four; four of whom have preceded him to the spirit land. Father Alexander united with the M.E. church when a mere boy, and was a devoted member of that organization throughout his long life. The last two years of his life was one of great suffering, and he bore his affliction with great patience, always ready to go when the summons came, which was April 7. After an interesting discourse by Rev. Stoneburner he was laid to rest in Morris Chapel cemetery, followed by a large concourse of neighbors and friends.


Rachel Van Curen, daughter of Henricus and Rebecca (maiden name may be Ostrander) Van Curen, was born September 5, 1824 in New York state. Prior to her marriage to George Hover in 1843, she had moved to Kosciusko County, Indiana with her parents. Four of her siblings would also marry into the Hover family. When George Hover passed away on June 14, 1855, Rachel was the mother of six children, ranging in age from 11 years to a daughter about 1 month old.

On June 28, 1859 Rachel was married to William Alexander in Kosciusko County. She was his third wife. William and Rachel would have four children together. Their first child, Amanda Minerva (1860-1950) would marry Samuel Bray Wiseman and they would become my great-grandparents.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Three Women

The topic for the upcoming 68th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is "A Tribute to Women" which is in honor of March being National Women's History Month. Our instructions were to "Write a tribute to a woman on your family tree, a friend, a neighbor, or a historical female figure who has done something to impact your life. Or instead of writing, consider sharing a photo biography of one woman's life."

Some of you may consider this post a "cop out" and it may well be, but I've already written a bit about the women who have had an influence on my life, so I'm going to link to those articles. I hope you will take the time to check them out, and that you enjoy reading about them.

Of course, the woman that has had the greatest impact on my life is my Mother. For better or for worse, she is what she is. And I am what I am, to some extent, because of what she was. My mother is still living so I haven't really written about her life, but I did post a photo tribute to her on her 80th birthday. Mom raised us kids the best she knew how, but above all, she did it with love.

And the woman that influenced my mother and who also impacted my life tremendously is her mother. We don't always (actually we very seldom) understand some of the actions taken by others, but those actions have a cause and effect that ripples through the generations. I wrote Grandma's Story two years ago as part of the International Women's Day Challenge that year.

The third woman in this chain is grandma's mother, my great-grandmother, Maude Wise Brubaker Yontz. A woman of small stature, whose life and actions influenced her children and their children. I was five years old when she passed away so I don't remember her at all, but she has come to life for me through the stories that my aunts have told me and through the photographs that have been passed down to me. It goes without saying (but I'm going to say it anyway) that I'd love to be able to spend a day with her, to get answers to all the questions I have about her and her family.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Night Fun - Wordles!

Randy's Saturday Night Fun for this week is Wordles, which was inspired by John Newmark! What's a Wordle? It is a graphic representation of text that can be created at but be forewarned - you can spend a lot of time playing with the various font and directional settings.

These surname Wordles were created back in July of last year for my maternal and fraternal lines, Phend and Wiseman, respectively. (As always, click on the images for a larger version.)

This facebook wordle was also created in July '08

And this one for the Genea-Blogger Group Games was created in August '08

Mary Joslin and John Whitted

First things first. There is no "proof" at this time that Mary D Joslin who married J C Whited on July 3, 1862 in Henry County, Illinois is the daughter of James and Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin. Her marriage record was found online in the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index as was the record of Abigal Joslin, who was married to Samuel K Pingree on June 30, 1870 also in Henry County, Illinois. The recent discovery that Abigail's son, Edwin, (listed as Edwn Josslyn, age 30, born in Ohio with wife Sarah, aged 22) was found in the town of Hanna, Henry County in 1860 is a good sign.

Some background information:

The 1850 census of Whitley County, Indiana shows Mary L. Joslin, age 6, born in Indiana in the household of James and Abigail Joslin (page 472). James was 54 years old, a farmer, born L C or S C [note: probably Lower Canada]. Abigail was 46 years old, born Connecticut. Also in the household were:
Edwin Joslin, 20, farmer, Real Estate $200, born Ohio
Joseph Joslin, 17, farmer, Real Estate $160, born Ohio
Emily E. Joslin, 12, born Ohio
Bela Goodrich, 74, born Connecticut [note: Abigail's father]

In 1860, the family of Abigail Joslin is still residing in Whitley County (Troy Township page 762). She is listed as 50 years old and born in Ohio. Listed with her are 25 year old Joseph, born in Ohio, and 17 year old Lucicia, born in Indiana. I could be wrong, but I am assuming that Mary L. in 1850 and Lucicia in 1860 are the same person.

The only other Joslin family listed in the 1850 and 1860 census in Whitley County, Indiana is Lysander P. Joslin (my 3rd great grandfather). In 1850 he is on page 471 and in 1860 he is on the same page as Abigail, three households away, separated by the households of Price Goodrich, Silas Goodrich (in which 83 year old Bela Goodrich resides), and Alfred Jorden. It should be noted that 26 year old Joseph Joslin, born Ohio, is listed in the household of his uncle, Price Goodrich. He is listed twice, on the same census page. And he aged a year in the process ;^)

You will note that Abigail's husband, James Joslin, is missing in the 1860 census. His whereabouts are not known. Did he die? He isn't listed in the cemetery records of Whitley County. There is no gravemarker for him in Adams Cemetery, where four of Lysander's young daughters are buried. Did he leave the area? Perhaps he went to Henry County, Illinois? We now know that Edwin was there in 1860, and that Abigail and Mary Lucicia followed soon after - assuming that the July 3, 1862 marriage of Mary D Joslin to J C Whited is actually Mary Lucicia.


So, on to Mary Joslin and J C Whited (Whitted, Whitehead). Again, I just want to note that I have no proof that this Mary Joslin is the same individual as Mary Lucicia, daughter of James and Abigail Joslin. I think she is. I hope she is. But with the information that is available at this time, I just don't know.

John C. Whitehead and wife Mary L. were found in 1870 in Henry County, Illinois (Hanna, P.O. Cleveland page 495). John Whitted and wife Mary were found in 1880 in the Village of Cleveland, Hanna Township (page 6b). The records show that they had four children, all born in Illinois: Henry Whitted, born about 1862, Dora Whitted born about 1865, Nellie Whitted born in 1870, and Fred Whitted born about 1878. - - Information has been found on Henry, Dora, and Fred. Nothing has been found on Nellie aside from her appearance in the 1870 and 1880 census records. John and Mary Whitted have not been found in the ancestry index for the 1900 census.

Two GenForum posts were found on the family, posted in 1998 and 2000 by Barbara Damewood. I sent her an email but it was returned so I posted a follow-up message to her 2000 post.

The first post (dated July 20, 1998) stated: "Fred C. Whitted b 1878 Ill d. 1945 Omaha Ne. m. Ina Dale Ball. His Father John C. Whitted b 1835 Ind. m. Mary Josclyn. Know siblings were Henry b 1865, Dora b.1863, Nellie b.1869, William b. 1880. John C. was a miner in Cleveland and Hannah Ill. in the 1880's."

The second post (dated April 23, 2000) said she was "Still looking for John C. Whitted. born 1835 He was the son of William Whitted and Aranatha Howard. John married Mary Joslin/Josclyn. Children were Henry, Dora, Fred, William and Nellie."

Hopefully, she is still looking and will see my follow-up post, or perhaps she will find this blog post and contact me. The subject of the second post was "John C. Whitted Indianna and Nebraska" so I looked for them in Nebraska, where I found Fred Whitted in Omaha, Douglas County, in the 1900, 1910 and 1920 census records. I haven't found him in 1930.

=+==+==+==+= Fred C. Whitted =+==+==+==+=

The census records show that Fred C. Whitted, youngest child of John C. and Mary (Joslin) Whitted was born in June 1878 in Illinois. He was a bell boy in a hotel in 1900, a wagon driver in 1910, and a brakeman for the railroad in 1920. His wife was Ina, born about 1885 in Iowa. They had six children: (1) son, Lyman, born about 1893-94 in Iowa. (2) daughter Fran or Fern, born 1905-06 in Nebraska (3) daughter Florence born abt 1907 in Nebraska (4) daughter Ina born about 1911 in Nebraska (5) daughter June born about 1915 in Nebraska and (6) daughter Jeannette born about 1917 in Nebraska.

The following entries for the Omaha City Directories (on were found for the Whitted surname:
  • In 1887, John C. Whitted was a helper at Howell Lumber Co, resided at 1501 S 17th.
  • In 1889, John C. Whitted resided at 1512 Marcy. There was also a Mrs. Mary Whitted listed as chambermaid at Planters Hotel. She may not be the wife of John since she resided at 623 S 17th. Also listed was Bert Whitted, a student residing at 1422 Dodge.
  • In 1892, Mrs. Mary F Whitted is listed as a cook, residing at 1323 Leavenworth.
  • In 1896, John C. Whitted is listed as a laborer rooming at 220 n 9th. Also listed is Wm. Whitted, bellboy Barker.
  • In 1898 we find Fred and Wm. Whitted, both working at The Paxton. Fred rooms at 624 s 16th while Wm rooms at 208 n 17th.
  • In 1899, Fred Whitted is a Bell boy at The Paxton rooming at 624 s 16th. We also have John C. Whitted rooming at 207 n 9th.
  • In 1910, Fred C. Whitted is a teamster residing at 3204 S 24th.
  • In the 1938-1939 directory we have Fred C. Whitted (Cond h4914 N 14th av), Ira O. and Emma A. Whitted (he is dept mgr Swift & Co r2720 Country Club av), Jeannette D. Whitted (r4914 N 14th av) and Warren Whitted (Student r2720 Country Club av)
So it looks like John C. Whitted was living in Omaha by 1887 and through 1896. Was his wife, Mary, with him? Did they die in Omaha? By 1898, son Fred Whitted was 20 years old and living outside the family home.

=+==+==+==+= Henry Whitted =+==+==+==+=

Henry Whitted, son of John C. and Mary (Joslin) Whitted, was found in the 1900 census in Dallas Township, Taylor County, Iowa (page 48a) and in 1910 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa (page 183). Those records show that Henry H. Whitted was born in April 1863 in Illinois, father born Tennessee, mother born Indiana.

Henry was married about 1890 to Harriett who was born in June 1872 in England. They had four children, all born in Iowa: Arthur born August 1893, Frederick born August 1897, Herbert J. born about 1902, and Helen born about 1906.

A family tree on ancestry shows that Henry's wife was Harriett Ann Anderson, daughter of Benjamin Anderson and Harriet Norcliffe, and that she died May 18, 1956 in Los Angeles, California. Henry's parents are listed as John and Mary Whitted. The tree does not give Henry's date or place of death.

According to that tree, John Arthur Whitted died in 1983 in California, Frederick William Whitted died in 1958 in Alameda, California and Helen married Harold Schelhorn and died in 1989 in California. There is no mention in that tree of a son named Herbert although there is a James H. Whitted born 1902 and died 1970 in Claremont, Los Angeles, California. In that family tree, James H. is listed as son of Henry and an unknown second wife.

Henry Whitted apparently died sometime between 1910 and 1920. His widow, Harriet Whitted, was found in the 1920 census in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa (page 13b). Residing with her was her son Herbert J., age 17, daughter Helen, age 13, son Arthur J., age 26. Arthur was married and his wife Mary, age 24, and their two children, Madaline 3 4/12, and Robert H., 2 1/12, were also listed.

In 1930, Harriet Whitted, was living in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska (page 14b) in the household of Samuel N. Hoyt. Samuel owned his home valued at $5000, was 59 years old, single, born in New Hampshire, and was a Medical Physician. Harriet was his housekeeper. She was 55 years old, a widow, and was born in England.

=+==+==+==+= Dora Whitted =+==+==+==+=

There were several ancestry trees that have Dora, daughter of John and Mary Whitted, as the wife of John Swartz. This one seemed to have the most information. A message has been sent to the database owner to see if she has any additional information and/or contact information for descendants, if any.

Dora A. Whitted, daughter of John and Mary Whitted, was born about 1865 in Illinois. She was married on April 10, 1884 to William John Swartz. William, son of Nancy Elizabeth Dee and John Swartz was born September 26, 1863 in Illinois and died November 25, 1925 in Charleston, South Carolina. They had one son, John Swartz born February 8, 1885.

They were found in the 1900 census in Jackson Township, Lee County, Iowa (page 22b). In 1920 they were residing on King Street in Charleston, South Carolina (page 247).

A passport application, filed on December 26, 1919 in Monroe County, Florida for William J. Swartz, states that he is applying for a passport for himself and his wife Dora A. Swartz. She was born in Henry County, Ill. On Feby. 17, 1865. William states that he was born in Hancock County, Ill. On the 26th day of Sept. 1863 and that his father, John Swartz was born in West Virginia and is now deceased. William's permanent residence was Charleston, South Carolina and his occupation was merchant. He was going abroad for 1 month, on business to Cuba, leaving from Key West, Florida on board the P. & O. S.S. Lines.

=+==+==+==+= =+==+==+==+=

If the Mary Joslin who married John C. Whitted is the daughter of James and Abigail Joslin, then I have located a sibling of my ancestor and added several families to my tree. If not, then it has still been fun researching these people and hopefully this information will be of help to someone else. It would really be nice to find a death record or obituary for Mary Joslin Whitted, which it appears, might be found in Henry County, Illinois or in Omaha, Nebraska sometime between 1880 and 1900.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanks Gary! (Joslin family Update)

Up until about two hours ago, when I checked my email, I wasn't having a very good day. For three days in a row, I had actually felt really good. Then, last night I woke up at 2 a.m., which hasn't been all that unusual. Since I returned home from my surgery I've woken up several times during the night, nearly every night. But last night I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and sat down at the computer and played around a bit with some files. About two hours later I went back to bed, tired and cold. I've been tired and cold all day. No energy at all. Bone tired. And chilled. Even snuggled up in my comfy chair with two throws wrapped around me. I was told there would be days like this, but I just didn't think it would wipe me out quite so much.

But, about two hours ago I checked my email and found two very welcome missives from Gary - comments that he had left in response to my post The Search for Edwin Mattoon Joslin. They certainly brightened my day! His first email stated "You didn't mention finding Edwin and family in 1860, so I thought I'd give it a shot. They were in Henry County, Illinois (town of Hanna, page 952). Edwn Josslyn was 30 years old, a farmer with real estate valued at $850 and a personal estate valued at $340, and he had been born in Ohio. Listed in his household were 22 year old Sarah, born in Ohio; F Arulla, age 5, born in Indiana; Alice, age 2, born in Illinois; and Pauline, age 7 months, born Illinois."

Now, I have no idea why I hadn't yet looked for Edwin in Illinois in 1860, but the fact is that I hadn't. And when I read Gary's message, the thought immediately came to mind was that it certainly lends credence to the possibility that the Abigail Joslin who married Samuel Pingree in Henry County in 1870 really is "my" Abigail, as briefly mentioned in this post a year ago.

The second message from Gary: "Hi Becky. Me again. :) I notice from a previous post that you have already discovered the record of marriage between Abigail Joslin and Samuel Pingree in Henry County, Illinois on 30 Jun 1870, although you indicated you weren't sure if this was your Abigail. Seems to me that it probably is since Edwin is now known to have lived there also. Abigail Pingree is listed on the 1870 census of that county as 65 years old, born in Connecticut. And did you notice the Henry County, Illinois marriage on 3 Jul 1862 between Mary Joslin and J C Whited? I looked them up on the 1870 census and it seems likely this is your Mary Lucicia Joslin mentioned above. They were found in Henry County, Illinois (Hanna, page 495). The household consists of John C Whitehead, a 37 year old coal hoister born in Indiana; Mary L, 28 years old, born in Indiana; Henry, 8 years old, born in Illinois; Dora A, 5 years old, born in Illinois; and Nellie, 3 months old, born in Illinois. Perhaps you had all this info already, but it was fun to look it up anyway."

I had indeed seen the marriage record of Mary D Joslin and J C Whited in the online Illinois Statewide Marriage Index but had not followed up on it. More research will need to be done, of course, but as Gary says in his comment she is a very good candidate to be the "missing" daughter of James and Abigail Joslin.

Follow-up research will be needed, and perhaps a trip to Henry County, Illinois this summer! Located in western Illinois, Henry County is part of the Davenport-Moline-Rock Island Metro Area. This 1875 Township Map of Henry County shows that Hanna Township, where Edwin M. Joslin was living in 1860 lies south of the Rock River. And, Phenix Township, bordering Hanna on the east, is where Abigail and Samuel Pingree lived in 1870 and 1880. The 1880 census shows that "Abigal" Pingree was 75 years old. She and her parents were both listed as born in Connecticut.

Oh, I just found a town named Joslin that is located across the Rock River from Henry County! Interesting.

Gary has helped me out in the past with several of his comments, and I certainly appreciate this additional information. Thank you Gary for making my day! People helping people - just one of the reasons I love blogging!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Search for Edwin Mattoon Joslin

Monday afternoon, being somewhat bored with watching mindless television shows, I sat down at the computer, logged onto the internet, and decided to see if I could find out anything more about Edwin Mattoon Joslin. Edwin is most likely a brother to my 3rd great grandfather, Lysander Price Joslin.

Researching the siblings of your ancestors can lead to some wonderful discoveries and is also a way of meeting some very nice people who also happen to be related, albeit somewhat distantly. It is highly likely that Edwin and Lysander are the sons of James and Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin. According to census records, James and Abigail may have had at least six children: Lysander (1825-1899), Fanny Shoemaker (1826-1905), Edwin (abt 1830-?), Joseph (1832-1919), Emily Eliza Long (1837-1929) and Mary Lucicia (abt 1843-?). I've been able to locate and be in contact with descendants of four of their children - all except Edwin and Mary. But that was soon to change.

The first "real" record we have of Edwin is on August 1, 1844 when James and Abigail Joslin sold 20 acres of land in Whitley County, Indiana to Edwin M. Joslin and another 20 acres to Joseph A. Joslin. Edwin was only 14 years old at the time and Joseph was 12. In July 1841, James had sold 40 acres of land to Lysander Price Joslin, who was 16 years old at the time. Those 80 acres of land had been purchased by James Joslin on August 25, 1838 prior to the family's departure from Delaware County, Ohio.

Edwin Joslin, aged 20 years, was listed in the 1850 census for Whitley County, Indiana with James and Abigail Joslin (page 472). Edwin was a farmer with real estate valued at $200. His place of birth was listed as Ohio.

On January 21, 1851 Edwin Joslin sold his 20 acres of land to Lysander P. Joslin for $200. On November 1, 1853 Lysander purchased the other 20 acres of land from Joseph, thus acquiring the original 80 acres of land that had been purchased by James Joslin in 1838.

Whitley County Marriage Records show that Edwin M. Joslin was married to Sarah Fellows on November 9, 1854 by Samuel D. Klugston, M. G (Book 1 page 182). Edwin was about 24 years old at the time, and Sarah was about 16 years of age.

I had previously found Edwin residing in LaPorte County, Indiana in 1870 (New Durham Township., page 271) and also in 1880 (Michigan City, page 38).

In 1870, Edwin M. Joslin was 37 years old, a farmer with a personal estate valued at $100, and he had been born in Ohio. Listed in his household was 32 year old Sarah, born in Ohio; Flora, age 15, born in Indiana; Alice, age 12, born in Illinois; Warren, age 11, born Illinois; and Ellen, age 8, born Illinois.

In 1880, Edwin Joslin was 51 years old, a laborer, born in Ohio with parents born in Vermont. His wife and two children were listed in his household. Wife, Sarah, was 39 years old, keeping house, born in Ohio. Her father was born in New York and her mother in Vermont. The son, Warin, was 20 years old, a laborer, and was born in Illinois. Daughter Nella was 18 years old and born in Illinois.

Missing from the household in 1880 were the two oldest daughters, Flora, who would be about 25 years old and Alice, aged about 22. Neither one has been found in the 1880 census index.

In 1900, Edwin M. Joslin and his wife Sarah were found in Island Grove Township, Sangamon County, Illinois (page 109) residing with the family of their daughter Flora. The head of the household was Wm Clark, age 52, born June 1847 in Indiana. Flora, William's wife, was 42 years old, born August 1857 in Indiana. The record shows that she had one child, with one living. Also in the household was Clifford Clark, son of William and Flora, age 13, born April 1886 in Indiana. Edwin was listed as William's father-in-law, age 70, born Dec 1829 in Ohio, and married 44 years. His father was born in New York and his mother in Connecticut. Sarah, mother-in-law, was 61 years old, born Feb 1838 in Ohio, and she was the mother of one child with one living.

As a point of interest, listed on the same census page as the Clark household was Luther M. Joslin, nephew of Edwin and son of Lysander Price Joslin. In actuality, Flora was the mother of two children. She had been previously married and had a son named Edwin Mattoon Cole, born September 1882. I have no idea why Sarah stated that she had only one child when she was really the mother of four children.

In 1910, the Clark family is found once again in Island Grove Township, Sangamon County. This time in Berlin Village (page 293). The record shows that William Clark, 65 years old, had been married twice, married 24 years. He was born in Indiana and was a carpenter. His wife, Florence A. was 55 years old, she had also been married twice, was the mother of 3 children with 3 living, and had been born in Indiana. Also listed in the household were Edward M. Cole, step-son, 27 years old, single, born in Indiana, occupation carpenter and Clifford W. Clark, son, 22 years old, single, born in Indiana, occupation laborer. I have no record of a third child for Florence/Flora.

Edwin and Sarah Joslin were not found in the census index in Illinois in 1910 or subsequent years. In 1920, Flora Clark, age 63, widow, is listed in the Village of Berlin, Sangamon County (page 243). I haven't located her in the 1930 census index.

In my notes for Edwin, another researcher states that Edwin had a son Edwin that lived in Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. So Monday evening, thinking that perhaps Edwin Sr. had gone to live with his son, I broadened my search criteria for the 1910 census and found an Edwin Joslin enumerated in the household of Edward and Nellie Gunkle in Perry Township, Tippecanoe County (page 59). Edward Gunkle was 42 years old, had been married once for 22 years, and was born in Indiana. His wife Nellie was 46 years old, married twice, had two children both living, was born in Indiana, and her parents were born in Ohio. Edwin Joslin, father in law, was 80 years old, widowed, born in Ohio. His father was born in New York and his mother in Connecticut.

I also found an Ed Joslin in Lafayette (page 6b) who was 49 years old, born in Illinois with parents born in Illinois. In his household were his wife Stella and 5 children.

Then I went back to the 1900 census and found Evella and Edward Gunkle in the same location as 1910 and Edward Joslin, with wife Stella, in Lafayette, Tippecanoe County (page 37a). This record showed that Edward was born in January 1861 in Illinois. His father was born in Ohio and his mother in New York.

On the slim chance that someone might have posted their data, I then clicked on the "family trees" tab in the ancestry search box. Lo and behold, several databases for Edward Joslin with wife Stella came up on the screen. But as I clicked on each one, the following message came up: "We are currently unable to find the person you are trying to access. We may be experiencing technical difficulties, or it is possible that this person has been removed from this tree." This brings up a question - if you delete a tree from is it truly deleted? Apparently not, I think. Anyway, I kept clicking on each database in the list and finally got one that took me to the page for Warren Edward Joslin. (I'm not sure if you have to be signed in to ancestry or not in order to view the tree, if so, the link won't work unless you are logged in.)

Bingo! The parents listed for Warren Edward Joslin were Edwin Matton Joslin and Sarah Arella Fellows! Who-hoo, another possible cousin had been found! (Time out for a little Happy Dance!) I contacted the owner of the database Monday evening and we have exchanged several emails. And, of course, I sent her a link to this blog so she can see what information I have posted on the Joslin family. The real kicker is that she lives in Indiana, southwest of Indianapolis. Pretty cool, huh!

According to her information Edwin Matton Joslin was born December 17, 1829 and died April 3, 1916 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana and his parents were James Joslin & Abigale Goodrich. Edwin's wife, Sarah Fellows, was born February 26, 1839 in Jackson County, Ohio and died July 20, 1903 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana.

I'm really hoping that she already has the death record for Edwin Mattoon Joslin and that it confirms his parentage. Or perhaps, she has some other documentation that James and Abigail are Edwin's parents...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Long Family, Salem Cemetery

The Long family plot at Salem Cemetery, Washington Township, Noble County, Indiana.

Emily Eliza Joslin was the daughter of James and Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin. She was a sister to my 3rd great grandfather, Lysander Price Joslin. Emily was married to John Long on October 12, 1854 in Whitley County, Indiana. Her obituary states she was the mother of eight children but I have found record of only four: Edwin Monroe Long (1856-1928), Jennie Candice Long Myers (1863- 1911), Cora Alice Long Burnworth (1866-1926), and Mott R. Long (1866-1950).

JOHN LONG / 1826 - 1900 / EMILY E. LONG / 1837 - 1929

John Long's obituary was published on February 7, 1900 in the Columbia City Commercial, Whitley County, Indiana.
John Long was born in Ross county, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1826, died Jan. 21, 1900, aged 73 years, 1 month and 25 days. He emigrated with his parents to Indiana at the early age of 10 years and remained with them till Oct. 12, 1854, at which time he united in marriage to Emily J. Joslin and moved to the site of his present home soon after. Seven children was the result of this union, three of whom preceded him.

He united with the Freewill Baptist church, of Ormas, Ind., in February 1890, and has always lived in consistent accord with its tenants. As to his Christian character and fortitude no words of praise can pay better tribute than his humble and patient resignation during the past eighteen months of his affliction. Never once complaining or murmuring as to his lot, but only waiting for the summons to come up higher. As evidence of his faith and hope when interrogated as to his future, he smilingly replied that all was bright to him and earnestly requested all to do right and meet him in a better world.

As a neighbor he was ever kind and true to his convictions of justice and right. As a husband and father his past life's devotion demonstrates better than words can tell. In the sacred grief of the friends thus deeply bereft we can but drop the tear of sympathy, and for consolation point me to Him who doeth all things well. Though confronted by sad mementos of the pale horse and its rider that has severed the silver cord and so ruthlessly broken the dearest of earthly ties, it has but strengthened that invisible tie that binds us to the spirit land beyond. Though sorrow chills our souls and the clouds of gloom cling close above our heads while the weary years roll by, we have the cheerful assurance, "there is light beyond the clouds" and every year but narrows the surging tide and brings us closer to a blissful reunion in that haven of peace and rest.

Funeral services were held at the Salem church, Tuesday, Jan. 23, conducted by his former pastor, S. H. Dull, of Hillsdale, Mich., and the remains were interred in the cemetery near the church.
Emily's obituary was published on December 6, 1929 in the Columbia City Post, Whitley County, Indiana
Mrs. Emily Long, 91, passed away at the county hospital near here at 6:30 o'clock Friday morning following an invalidism of several years duration. Mrs. Long had been ill many months following a stroke of paralysis and in recent weeks had contracted a heavy cold which was thought to have hastened her death.

The deceased was born on December 12, 1837 and at the time of her death lacked but six days of being 92 years old. Mrs. Long was well known in the county. Surviving is one son, Mott Long, of Anderson, Ind. The decedent had been a patient at the institution where she died since February 20, 1928. The body has been removed to the Smith funeral home on South Line street.

Mrs. Long was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Long [sic] and was born at Columbus, Ohio. When a small child she came with her parents to Lorane. She was married to John Long in 1853. She was the mother of eight [sic] children, seven having preceded her in death. Funeral services will be held at the Smith funeral home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the Salem cemetery in Noble county.

MYERS / CANDAS J / 1862 - 1911 / FERDINAND / 1857 - 1911
Candas was the daughter of Emily and John and is buried next to her brother Edwin.

FATHER (on top of stone) / E.M. LONG / NOV. 10. 1856 / JULY. 8. 1928

The obituary of Edwin M. Long was published on July 11, 1928 in the Columbia City Post, Whitley County, Indiana.
Edwin M. Long, past 71 years old, a native of Etna township, Whitley county, died Sunday afternoon at 1:05 o'clock at the county farm and asylum after an illness of almost a year due to infirmities of old age. He was confined to his bed for the past seven months.

He was born in Whitley county and was a son of John and Emily Long. His father preceded him in death but his mother makes her home at the county farm. She is past 91 years of age. Mr. Long resided in Whitley county practically all his life except for twenty years when he was a carpenter in Fort Wayne. He returned to Whitley county from Ft. Wayne two years ago.

The deceased was twice married. His first marriage was to Dora Jane Bowlby. Two children were born to this union. Esta, wife of Samuel Swihart, of Fort Wayne, and Coral Haynes, of Kettle Falls, Wash. He was married a second time to Florence Kimes, of Ft. Wayne, who survives. Mrs. Long has been at the county farm for the past several months aiding in caring for her husband. There are two step children surviving this marriage, Ralph Kimes of Ft. Wayne, and Edna Kimes of New York. A brother, Mott Long, resides at Anderson. There are nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren living. Shortly before his death Mr. Long made arrangements to be baptized in the Mennonite church.

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Hood & Smith funeral home in Columbia City. Rev. Benjamin King, of Fort Wayne, will conduct the services and burial will be in Salem cemetery.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

It is sooooo nice to be home! I am doing good, considering the 7" incision that was cut across my lower abdomen... I was released from the hospital on Saturday and am supposed to take it easy and not do ANYTHING except rest and recuperate for at least the next week or so. Follow up visit to the doctor is scheduled for the 16th. I was extremely relieved to find out that the tumor was benign - no cancer! Whew.

I'll be back to blogging and research soon, I hope. Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts.