
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters

See the Introduction to The Letters for information regarding where these letters came from and Cast of Characters for information regarding the people who wrote the letters, those who received them, and other people mentioned in them. (Links to each of the letters will be added as they are published.)

Date of Letter :: Where it was written :: Who wrote it and to whom :: A memorable or special line in the letter.

October 6th 1861 :: Huttonsville, Virginia :: Jacob Berlin to his sister Sarah :: This was the most horrible sight that I ever saw in my life before.

January 29, 1862 :: Camp Wood, Kentucky :: James W. Rose to Lizzie :: I have seen more mud in Kentuckey than I ever did up in America.

November 5, 1862 :: Locke, Indiana :: Solomon Berlin to his parents in Ohio :: I wish that this war was over.

March 27, 1864 :: Camp near Nashville, Tennessee :: James M. Walker to Lizzie :: I have just come off of guard and eat my dinner.

May 31, 1864 :: Line of Battle, Dallas, Georgia :: James M. Walker to Lib :: The bullets whiseled around us close as I like to have them to.

August 21, 1864 :: Goshen, Indiana :: E. A. Coppes and Miles to Sam and Sandy :: I was out bugey riding this after noon.

October 5, 1864 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie :: Hope you will not become so attached to the west that you will forget your friends in Ohio.

November 6, 1864 :: Camp near Pulaski, Tennessee :: Mack to Cousin Lizzie :: The Johnies thought they would make us a little trouble.

November 26, 1864 :: Camp at Louisville, Kentucky :: Fred Richmond to Liz and Lovina and Kate :: If it was not quite So cold we would have a nice time here.

November 27, 1864 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Mamie Taylor to Lizzie and Vina :: Imagine me if you please seated in the sitting room.

January 11, 1865 :: Portage County, Ohio :: Mary J. Rose to Lizzie :: How are you going to spend your new year?

March 1, 1865 :: Locke, Indiana :: Lizzie Berlin to Myron Collins :: I think it is so strange that you have enlisted and gone to the Army.

March 7, 1865 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: If god is wiling I shall be happy a gan.

March 14, 1865 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Mary Berlin to Lizzie Berlin :: I am getting so tired of Staying here. I dont know what to do with myself.

April 2, 1865 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: Ther is no boddy to do any work here they have all gone to war.

April 4, 1865 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah B. Greene to Lizzie Berlin :: The report is here this evening that they have captured Lee and his whole force. I hope it is so.

June 2, 1865 :: Rose Cottage :: Uncle Warren Jenkins to Frank :: Yes the dreadful war is over, thanks be to Him who has ruled & over-ruled preserving our Nation and Government intact and fixing it upon a firmer foundation than ever before.

June 9, 1865 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: How my heart yearns for that dear departed wone.

July 16, 1865 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: You know how quiet and lonly it seems, my weary heart yearns for home.

August 28, 1865 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to friends at home :: It will be one year next tuesday that you started for the west.

December 10, 1865 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie Berlin :: The baby has gone to sleep and all is quiet.

January 30, 1866 :: Guilford, Ohio :: S. K. Kraver to S. D. Coppes :: Other things have not changed much since you left.

June 3, 1866 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: Sarah's health is Some better but I can tell you she is not well yet.

June 14, 1866 :: Randolph, Ohio :: from Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: I could write pages in sadness but I well know that this would not interest you.

December 6 [probably 1866] :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: I arrived in Cleveland at seven the next morning.

January 14, 1867 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin :: Susie is well and is as full of mischief as she can be. She can walk any where she wants to go and can say a number of words.

March 10, 1867 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie Berlin :: You have my best wishes and I hope you wont be so unfortunate as I have been. I think you might have told me what day you was going to be married.

April 19, 1868 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie :: We have not sold our place yet but I think that Charlie Holden will buy it.

January 11, 1869 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Sam and Elizabeth :: Could not get the children to Sleep untill a short time ago. They wer so full of the old sixty that they could not shut their eyes.

August 14, 1870 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Sam and Elizabeth Coppes :: I suppose you have got you new house done and got settled down and are to work fixing things on your own farm which must seem nice to you.

October 19, 1870 :: Locke, Indiana :: Solomon Berlin to Sam and Elizabeth Coppes :: There is more sickness here this fall than has been since I have been in the State but not many deaths. Father and Mother keeps up middling well.

December 04, 1870 :: Rootstown, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Sam and Lizzie Coppes :: The baby seems to be real good but he has got to be taken care of some times.

No Date - probably January 1871 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie :: I have been verry buisy all fall and winter So far. I have got me a Sewing mashien and I have more work than I want to do.

March 8, 1871 :: Elkhart, Indiana :: Virgil Young to S. D. Coppes :: If the men of whom you spoke do not conclude to buy, you can work the forty acres, on the terms you propose.

April 27, 1871 :: Locke, Indiana :: Francis Berlin to his aunt Lizzie Coppes :: Tell Minnie that cow we got of you kicked me head over heels to night.

May 4, 1871 :: Randolph, Ohio :: Lydia to Lizzie :: I recd a letter from Lovina. She wrote a great deal about the revival and Said the good work was still going on.

June 5, 1892 :: Ravenna, Ohio :: Sarah Greene to Henry and Lydia Woodruff :: I have not told you that Jim cut and sewed all the rags for the carpets because he dont want any one to know it, but I dont feel ashamed of it.

May 1895 :: La Cygne, Kansas :: Lydia Woodruff to Elizabeth Coppes :: I guess I shall have to Stay here to eat Peaches for that is my favourite fruit. Wonder if I am to see aney of you out this way this year.

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