
Sunday, January 30, 2011

March 27th 1864 :: James M. Walker to Elizabeth

Camp near Nashville Tenn March the 27th /64

Dear Cousin

I promised you that I would write you a letter and I seat myself this afternoon for that purpos. I am well and hope this may find you enjoying the same good health. we are now at Nashville. in camp. it wil be two weeks to morow morning that we have been here and I dont know how much longer we are going to stay

Monday Afternoon. I comensed my letter yesterday but as I did not feel very much like writing I quit. I will now try to write a little more! I have just come off of guard and eat my dinner. I will tell you what I had for dinner. we had coffee rice and meat & I think a great many times if I had the pie and cake that I could not eat while I was to home that I could eat it now. but wishing dont do any good so I guess we will be satesfied with hard bread.

I havent heard any thing from home since I left. I thought I would get a letter this morning but I didnt & I think I will get one tomorrow. some of the Randolph boys got letters to day. I am getting tired of staying here. for we have to drille twice a day and that is some that I dont like to do and it is pretty sickly around here to. thare is a great many of our boys gone to the hospital since we have been here. one has died with the small pocks. his name was George Cline from Ravenna. there is a small pock camp a bout one hundred rods from ours.

this is a very cold and windy day it has been raining some. we havent had but a few warm days since we have been here. this sunny south that is so much talked of is not so sunny as it might be. I cant think of anythin more to write now. I will close by asking you to excuse mistakes in these writings.

I remane your cousin James M. Walker. write soon.
direct to
Goodspeeds Battery
1st O 2nd BA
Nashville Tenn

James Madison Walker was the son of Mary Hoffman and Thomas Walker. Mary was the sister of Susannah Hoffman Berlin (Elizabeth's mother).

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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