
Friday, February 11, 2011

April 4th 1865 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie Berlin

Rootstown April 4th 1865 Tuesday Evening

Dear Sister

I received your letter last week and as I am alone this evening thought it would be a good time to reply. I was very much surprised when I received your letter to think that you had replyed so soon. We are having nice spring weather here now. the roads have dried up nicely and every thing begines to look green. Sugar making has not been much here this season. the people have all got through.

I suppose you have heard are this about Strong Parsons death. he was buried last Thursday. there was quite a large turnout to the funeral. Mr Parsons folk feel real bad. I feel sorry for Phebe. she takes it real hard. she did not see the corps after it was brought home. they telegraphed to Lucy. she got home the day before the funeral.

The war news are quite favorable here now. they think the war cant last much longer. the report is here this evening that they have captured Lee and his whole force. I hope it is so. Folks all rejoice here to think that Richmond is taken. they are having a grand jubile in Ravenna this evening over it.

I suppose you have got moved by this time and things all stratened around to there places. I suppose you have got your house all cleaned and fixed up with new furniture. How I would like to come out and see you next saturday. I am coming some time to see you that you may calculate on but not this summer. Lydia and Mary think they will not go and I thought I could stand it if they could. I would like to come this summer but cant very well.

We have not got any cow yet but will get one soon as they come down. cows sell from forty to sixty dollars here. Wash offered George that cow he bought of Father for 45 dollars. perhaps he would have bought it if we would have had the cash. I am glad now he didnt if she jumps the fence. George has bought a pig of Isac Slabaugh. he said I should ask you what to name it. I suppose you have made your garden. we have not done anything towards it yet but expect to in a few weeks. I am going to clean house if it keeps pleasant and by that time the garden will be dry.

You have had quite a time about the robbers out. I should think you would be afraid to stir after night. have they got the right men and have the people got there money back. I must tell you I had six visitors last friday afternoon. they were Mary and Olive Austin, Mrs Converse and Lucy Seymour, Winnie and Martha Rose. I knew that part of them were coming so I had enough fixed for all of them. Mary was down week ago last Saturday. I expect her down next Saturday. I some expect Lydia up this week. Tell Julia that old hen that she gave me has layed and now wants to set. Well Lizzie I dont know as I have anything more to write this time and besides what I have written looks so like sixty that I dont believe you will want to read it. it seems the more I write the worse it looks so I think I had better stop. when you write ask mother when she plants her early beans.

Give my love to Father and Mother and all the rest of you. Write soon and oblige your Sister. Sarah B Greene

I hope B has got to come out. My Respets to all the folks.
GW Greeene

Six months prior to the date of this letter, in September 1864, Lizzie and her sister Lovina and their parents moved from Portage County, Ohio to near Locke in Elkhart County, Indiana. Their brothers and another sister had settled in Elkhart County several years earlier.

Sisters Lydia and Mary, along with Sarah were still living in Portage County. Sarah had married George W. Greene the week prior to the family's move. At the time this letter was written, Sarah would have been about four months pregnant with her first child.

Isac Slabaugh could be a brother of Fianna and Julia Slabaugh . They were married to Solomon and Josiah Berlin, respectively.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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