
Thursday, February 10, 2011

April 2nd 1865 :: Lydia Collins to Sister Lizzie

Randolph Sunday Morning April 2nd 1865

Dear Sister Lizzie

I thought as this is such a pleasant morning I would write a few lines to you and send by Mr. Winders as they start for the west on next tuesday. I went down to see them last friday. Lovina wrote to me to send her our Photographs but they are such miserable Pictures that I am actualy a shamed to send them I did not expect to get a good looking picture but I thought Myron would. I will send you wone of each but tell folks we look better than the pictures do if you are a shamed of them. I intend to have mine taken a gain as soon as I get a chance to go to Ravenna and then I will send you wone.

I have written to Myron to get his picture taken in his uniform and send to me. hope he will. I recd a letter from him yesterday. he is yet in the Hospital. he wrote that he had written a great long letter to Josiah so he of corse has told you all about himself. I tell you I feel pretty bad when I think he is sick in the Hospital. sick and I cannot see him nor do any thing for him.

Sunday evening. I commensd this letter this morning but I put it wone side & wrote to Myron. I have just finished his letter. I wish you could see it. I have written two sheats and a half just as full as it can be & some cross wise. when I write to him I write better than I do to you. it is not much trouble for me to write.

I have been to church today. there was a great many out to day. it has been such a beautiful day. the roads ar dry and it seems like summer. I think I shall make garden in a fiew days if it keeps so pleasant. I expect to make my own garden this summer. ther is no boddy to do any work here they have all gone to war. I feel so tired. I guess I will stop for to night. I will write some more in the morning. I go over to Mother Collins to sleep. I had a bout made up my mind to stay a home and when I heard of that great robery out there it scard me out. I know that is a great ways off but they theaves are not all out there.

those collars you can make them with a ruffle or just stick them round. the squar cornerd you can weare for a standing collar or turn down just as you chose. they wear Standing collars here a great deal. you wanted to know if they are wearing circulars here. those that have got them wear them. if I was getting me a cloak I should not have a circular although they are worn and are not so expensive as a kind of cack they wear here. it takes a great deal of triming for those cacks. dont be in any hurry about getting anything to wear as it is so early there may be something different when the summer fashions come. I will write to you again. I cannot write any more. Tommy has come to get the things. Father has just brought me a letter from Mary. She is well. good bye. write soon. give my love to all. I am sorry I cannot write more,

From your Sister
Lydia Collins

To Miss Lizzie Berlin, Locke, Elkhart co. Indiana

Mr. Winders is probably Lewis Winder who, in October 1875, would become the husband of Mary Berlin.

Lovina is the sister of Lydia and Lizzie.

Myron is Lydia’s husband.

Josiah is Lydia’s brother.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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