
Sunday, February 06, 2011

January 11th 1865 :: Mary J. Rose to Lizzie

Jan 11th/65

Dear Lizzie

I received your welcome letter some time ago, And should have answered sooner, but have had no time to do so but you know that I am A person of my word, so here goes. A letter of some kind, good bad or indiferent. I was glad to hear from you, & to hear that you was Doing well, & may your future be ever as bright & colorful as now. I am here at Calvins but are going out home this week some day, and are going down to Claras to do her work for her for she has been quite sick for some Time. she weaned Ella and took cold in her head and has been very sick and I am going down to stay as long as She wants me. Jim and mary are getting along finly. I recieved A letter from them the other day, Jim has joined the methodist church, I am real glad he has. mary is a church member and her father and mother also.

well Lib how are you going to spend your newyear, I am spending mine here at home, writing. I hope you are enjoying yourself finly. Christmes we had A roast turky here at collins and invited Mr Horner and his wife Down. had A fine time. wished you could have been here, Lib. I often think of the many happy hours that we have spent together, and hope we shall spend many an hour together yet. Oh Lib I read and reread you letter over and over again. it brought all the past right before me, and I could not help crying to think that we are parted mabe never To meet again. mother was out here last week, and she said she hadent been over whare you used to live but once, she said it looked so lonesome she never wanted to go over again and see where you used to live, to think she said that you were all gone, it made her feel bad.

oh Lib I wish I was with you to day it would afford me A great deal of pleasure to go and see you to day and have a long chat with you, I have not seen sarah yet but am going to see her before great while and Lily to. Mat is living at mr seymours and is going to stay all winter I have been going to writing school. I pay 60 cts for twelve nights. tomorrow night I am going for the last time. I am sory that I have to go away for Lib by the way our teacher is A fine looking young man and you might know I should hate to leave him. for by the way we have pretty fond times you can see that I have not improved much in writing but I go for it helps and there is quite a number of girls that goes, his name is Leevi Bontael he is A very fine fellow, Lib. pitch in for them good lookin young men do yor best I will send my love to the best looking one of course.

I wish I was out there I would cut you out Lib and yer glad that I aint. valentine day will soon be here I am going to send some to some good looking young man, you know him by and I will sen you one, I am going get pictures taken while I am in Alliance and am going to send one out. old santa clouse did not come here last night and I think he was a partial old fellow not to fill my stocking for me but it was filled this morning about 8 oclock, with my foot in it and wasnt this enough.

Lib have you had any sleigh rides yet. I have but one. Ester and Calvin & I went down to the falls and it was cold enough to freeze a finger but I made sure of one side anyhow if no more the ground is covered with snow to day but it is not sleighing. I dont think we will have much more of this winter. we are looking for Alvira shick some every day to make us a visit they went out to father shicks yesterday to spend newyears, by the way she has got A boy it is three months old and mabe older.

well I must bring my letter to a close. direct you next to Alliance as I shall be there. my love to all, and well wishes are with you. write soon. from your ever friend Mary J Rose to my Dear friend Lib

Mary J. Rose was probably the sister of James W. Rose who also wrote several letters to Lizzie.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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