
Monday, February 07, 2011

March 1st 1865 :: Lizzie to Myron Collins

Locke March 1st 1865

Dear Brother Myron

I seat myself this evening for the purpose of answering your letter of Feby 1st. How do you do and how do you like soldiering by this time. Have you left Camp Chase? I think it is so strange that you have enlisted and gone to the Army. I always thought you wouldn’t have to go but it seems as though this War won’t close until all the men are gone. I know Lydia is real lonely. wish I could go and see her. I wrote to her yesterday. I dont suppose she will take a bit of comfort in her new house now that you have gone; but a year will soon pass round and if you have luck you can be at home again “We will hope for the best”.

I think Randolph has done its share for the war so far. if all Townships would be as patriotic I think there would soon be an end to this Rebellion. There hasn’t but a few enlisted from right around here. There are a great many Copperheads here and they wont do much for the war. They are trying to make up money to clear the townships from the Draft. Jess has gone to a meeting for that purpose this evening. He was just crazy to enlist when he heard you had gone but Julia wouldn’t consent. He just wished he was in Randolph. he’d bet he would have been one of the number in your Company.

Jess and Sol have plenty of work on the Sawmill and I guess they are doing real well. Everybody is preparing to make sugar here. Father expects to open up 150 or 200 trees as soon as the weather will admit. Lovina and Kate and I are going to help him. wont we have a nice time though. I just like to help make sugar. Then for Sugar Parties. My school closed week ago last friday. I had a very pleasant time this winter. didn’t have any trouble at all with the school. received $75 for teaching and boarding included.

We are living with Kate yet. expect to move about the 1st of April. Father wanted I should tell you that when you write home he would like to have you tell your father to send him all the money he had on hand by the latter part of this month as he would like to make a payment on his land the 1st of Apr. He should send it by Express, as Lewis Winder is coming out here, and if he comes before that time, if he had the money ready he might send it by him. if he sends it by express he should send it to Goshen Elkhart County.

I will close for this time by wishing you good success.
Please write soon, Lizzie Berlin

Myron Collins married Lizzie’s sister Lydia in November 1858.

Jess is probably Lizzie’s brother Josiah, who was married to Julia Slabaugh.

Sol is Lizzie’s brother Solomon, Lovina and Kate are her sisters.

Lizzie was a school teacher for several years prior to her marriage in 1867.

Lewis Winder would marry Lizzie’s sister Mary in 1875.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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