
Sunday, February 27, 2011

January 30th 1866 :: S.K. Kraver to Mr. S.D. Coppes

Guilford Ohio 30 Jan 1866

Dear cousin

As I have time this afternoon I will endeaver to write this note & by its contents you may see that I rec’d your note on Saturday last & was pleased to hear from you. I thought you had forgotten all about Ohio. I guess you had for the first few weeks. I was very lonesome after you left. I felt like one forsaken. we are geting along fine in our writing school. we have had twelve lessons now. Singing is in full blast now. this house is crowded every night if the weather is fine. Please turn over to see what comes next.

About our business I cannot say much more than we could when you left. we are down 75 feet & have still about the same kind of slate.

We did not have much sleighing yet but it went pretty well last week. Sam & I went to Norton on sunday last in the cutter. but the snow is about all gone in the road now. other things have not changed much since you left. About that picture I do not know. She said she would sent you one if she would have them taken. I do not know weather she will or not.

Abe Koppes’s little girl (Susannah) is very poor but they think she is a little better today. We are all well. hoping that this note may meet you all the same.

I send my respects to all,
S. K. Kraver

Samuel D. Coppes was married to Elizabeth “Lizzie” Berlin in March 1867.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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