
Monday, February 28, 2011

June 3rd 1866 :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie

Randolph June 3th 1866

Dear Sister Lizzie

I have been waiting this long time to here from you but do not get any letters & so have come to the conclusion that I did not answer your last letter. it has been so long I have forgotten. This has been a long lonly day. has been raining all day. I have been a home all day. no person to speak to till just at night. Father came in. I stay here a lone in this great house. I can tell you this is lonely but I do not feel contented any where els. I go and stay with Sarah some. the last time I was there I staid nearly three weeaks. I got so home sick but I felt it my duty to stay with her. she weeand her baby while I was there. she has got such a pretty baby. it did seem so cruel to weean such a little thing as it was only six months old. but it is all well enough now.

Sarahs health is Some better but I can tell you she is not well yet. I went to Ravenna last monday. I cald at her house. found her on the bed. had no girl. it was impossible for me to stay as I had left things in such a way that it was nessary I should go home. I have thought of her so much. shall go up this weeak & stay if I can get a way to go. I do not want to a larm you. she says she is getting better & I do not think she looks as bad as she did but she looks bad enough. I shall come home this summer if she gets so she can go two. I think it would do her good to see you all.

George is real kind & good to Sarah & she has things real good in her house. they have kept a hired girl most of the time for six months. paid her 2 dollars a week besides paying a pretty heavy Doctors bill & to finish with there cow dide; but Georg never complains. he is all ways good natured & makes the best of everything.

Marys Health is not very good. she is ingering her health a working in that office. I think she will not stay there much longer. I will close give my love to all. write soon. you ma think this letter does not amount to much but I do not know what to write to interest you. good bye. write soon and all the news.

Lydia Collins

Sarah gave birth to her first child, Susie Elizabeth Greene, on September 27, 1865.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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