
Friday, February 04, 2011

November 26th 1864 :: Fred Richmond to Liz & Lovina and Kate

Camp 5th Ind Cav
Louisville Ky Nov 26 /64

Dear Sisters

I Seat myself this eavning to write a few lines to you. I am well and hope these will find you the Same. we are in camp just out Side of the City of Lousville and we have the privalage of going to town every day and it is quite a pleasure to go for we can pass away the time to a good advantage for it is a large city and there is lots to See. there is any amount of Soldiers here and passing through going to the front. they are Sending the drafted men to the South very fast and all under guard. I was at the Theater night before last and heared a lady Sing a Song Called “how you Conscripts”. I think it was the best Song I ever heard. if I can get the balled I will Send it to you.

now if it was not quite So cold we would have a nice time here but the boys have got their tents fixed up So it is quite comfortable but we expect About the time we get riged So we can live we will be ordered to leave if it is not more than to move Camp if we dont it wont be our luck. the weather has been very cold here for a few days but it is Some warmer now. we have all Sorts of Sport here. while I am writing this I can here Singing Swearing hollering and yeling and all Sorts of Music. I have been very busy Since I got back making Muster Rolls but I have got done now and expect to have a little rest.

Lovinia when I got back to camp I found your letter and it was a good one and I hope to get many more like it from you and Lizzie but I dont Suppose that I Shall ever get any more from Lydia. there is one thing Sure I Shall never write to her untill She writes to me. if we Should live to be a thousand years old for I believe She has as much time to write as I do. I dont think it is right in Lydia but if She thinks it is “All right” but if Kate and you girls will write often I can get along firstrate and I know you will.

well there is lots of war news and that that is good Old Billy Sherman is running loose in Ga and as he pleases. he has captured the Capital of Ga and the most of the Ga State and he will give them all the Southern rights they want. how are the Copperheads. what is Makerel worth up there. they must be cheep for we have them ishued to us most every day. how are you Little Mack!! well Old Abe is President and the war will go on untill the last armed traitor is killed if they dont lay down there arms. the word here is onward and forward.

well we had a Thanksgiving dinner and it was good. we had roast turkey and chickling cake an pig Sausage and ham and Apples and lots of other good things thanks to the good people of Lousville & Jeffersonville. girls tell Kate I have not had a letter from her since I have been back and I begin to want one and must have it or a must. well I begin to get Sleepy and will Bring this to a close now. be sure and write often give the Copperhead girls hell every chance you have and I will back you. My respets to all keeping a Share to your Selves.

Your Brother
to Liz & Lovina
and Kate all the rest

I send you two pictures they are of our Ordely Sargent as he appeared when he got to our lines after the Rebs captured him in Ga. keep them for I think lots of them.

address Co M 5th Ind. Cav Lousville Ky

if you get your Photographs taken Send me one

Fred Richmond and Katherine (Kate) Berlin were married about 1854 and three years later settled near Locke in Elkhart county, Indiana. Fred served as a blacksmith with the 5th Cavalry during the Civil War. Four of his brothers, as well as his father, also served during the war ...three of them returned, his father and two brothers did not.

There was obviously something amiss between Fred and Lydia!

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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