
Saturday, February 05, 2011

November 27th 1864 :: Mamie Taylor to Lizzie & Vina

Rootstown Sun eve Nov 27th /64

Dear Friends, Lizzie & “Vina”

Thinking perhaps I would like to hear from you & knowing that you would like to hear from me I embrace this oportunity & will volunteer to write you without “leave or license”. Imagine me if you please seated in the sitting room at Sister Lou’s by the east window gazing occasionally out in the barn yard watching four little playful Kittys & the old cat of course, When they dodge behind the corner of the house I pen a few words.

Oh girls! I wish you were here to day it is so lonesome. I have been here more than a week expect to stay here another week, am staying with Lou as she is having “workfolks” also one boarder, a pretty little fellow too. I don’t like to say I’ve fell in love with him this soon but but well I think considerably of him. he is constantly on my mind why should he not be? when he has kept me awake so many nights. They expect him to stay all winter & perhaps longer. think quite likely he will.

About the next time you hear from Randolph & Rootstown you may lookout for a ___ well ‘yes’ you are right, Take me as I mean not as I say.

Lizzie you have not forgotten the times when you & I went to school together have you? when we used to play “old Moss” “Crack the Whip” & what good times we had tho. I must tell you what a time we had last Saturday night. well Brother Will was at home on furlough. There were quite a number of young folks collected at the Taylor House after part of the No. had got the rest took or rather they wanted a “big time”. So about 11 o’clock P.M. we, us girls, persuaded the boys to hitch up the horses to the wagon & we were soon gliding over the road So Gaily. O! twas pleasant night & the joke is the boys put they sleigh bells on the Horses, you’d better believe we had a “big time” till we arrived at the “Stanford House”, Rosella’s father’s Had a “big time” after we got there. another one coming home & one after we had got home.

Lovina How are you like it out there any how & all the rest.

One week later finds me at home. Since perusing the above I discover that I had better explain some. I never thought but what you were well posted on the news, don’t know but you are. But the boarder that Lou has is only four weeks old & is as yet without a name.

There has been several marriages in Rootstown of late Fracef. Barlow is married to Sarah Bingham. John Jones & Lizzie Shoeman are married but not to each other. Oh yes! Martha Merriman was married Thanksgiving. My space is occupied here. I’ll close by rembering myself as your friend. Mamie Taylor.

Lizzie and Lovina had left Rootstown, Ohio about two months before this letter was written.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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