
Thursday, February 03, 2011

November 6th 1864 :: Mack to Cousin Lizzie

Camp near Pulaski Tenn
Nov the 6th /64

Dear Cousin Lizzie

I am seated this pleasant afternoon for the purpose of writing you a few lines in answer to your very welcom letter that I received on the 21st of last month but as we were on the march at that time and have been ever since I could not write.

We were the 4th corps at Galesville Alabama when I received your letters and no are now at Pulaski Tenn about Seventy miles south of Nashville. We came to Chattanooga and took the cars thare and came to Athens Ala and from thare we came here. this is a very nice little town. I should like to stay here this winter if we could but thare is no such good luck for us. We left Atlanta on the third of last month and we have been marching pretty near evry day since. the Johnies thought they would make us a little trouble. so they moved around on are railtracks. they have made us a great deal of trouble but I am thinking that they mite get themselves into trouble before they get out of it.

it is reported that the whole of Heards army is moving on this place and if that is true we may expect to have something to do in a few days. there is nothing here but our camp and about twenty five thousand cavelry but I guess we can hold them in check until Sherman comes up. we are fortifying this place so the Johnies will have to fight a little if they drive us out of here.

I was glad to hear that you liked that part of the country for when I was thare I did not like it very well but I suppose it is different from what it was then. I think if I ever get out of the army alive that I shall visit that part of the world again. I have about nine months to stay yet. the drafted men are begining to come in to the army pretty fast now. we have not got any in the Battery yet for we have only got four guns now and we have men enough.

I saw Ezra Spera when we came through Chattanooga. he was waiting for his discharge. I received a letter from Amelia some time ago but I have not answered it yet for I have not had time. I will answer it tomorrow if I get time. I have not had any mail from Randolph for some time. I think they might write if I did not. I must close for it is getting late. my respects to all enquiring friends. Write soon. I remain your cousin Mack

excuse mistakes
adress to
Batt A 1st O.L.A.
4th A.C.
Nashville Tenn

The envelope was addressed to Miss Lizzie Berlin, Lock, Elkhart Co. Indiana. I have no idea who “cousin Mack” is.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm a part of his unit since all these places are very close to Huntsville. Come see me and we'll take an "historical tour" :). Babs

Becky Wiseman said...

It may be a while, but I'd love to take you up on your offer some day!

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