
Saturday, March 12, 2011

April 27th 1871 :: Francis Berlin to his aunt Lizzie Coppes

April 27th 1871

Dear Aunt

I take my pen in hand to let you know that we are all well and hope that you are enjoying the same. the folks around here are about all well as common. Grand Pass are all well as far as I know. the farmers around here have their oats sowed and are a making ready to plant their corn. there has not been very nice weather here these few days. it was a raining yesterday afternoon and has been raining about all day.

father and mother were to Goshen day before yesterday. they were in the new court house. I supposed that you know they built one. tell uncle Sam that we have sold those big oxen for five cents a pound. you know I told you that they weighed 3510 pounds but they lossed about 160 from the time we had them weighed and kept them four weeks besides and then drove them to South Bend. we have three fresh milck cows now. tell Minnie that cow we got of you kicked me head over heels to night. we have had in the stable ever since she had a calf and now we milk her out of doors and she dont like the operation very well.

there is a going to be a rail road here inside of eight or nine months. they have run a course throught about a half a mile north of us. and they are a coming through again south of us. I guess after we get our rail road through here you can jump on out there and come right here.

I suppose I told you that we were a building a house this summer. we have the cellar dug now. the mason are a coming next week. we will be ready about the last of next week to raise. cousin Sarah Ann Slabaugh works here this summer. I and her have great times once and a while.

our school is to commence a week from a Monday but I am not a going to school this summer. I suppose Minnie is about big enought to go to school and Mary is out in Ohio now. I guess you have about all your garden made. we have not made very much yet. I would like to come out there and see you all. well I must stop writing. write soon.

Francis Berlin to his aunt Lizzie Coppes

Francis Berlin was the eldest son of Solomon and Fianna (Slabaugh) Berlin. Born on May 15, 1858 he was not quite 13 years old when this letter was written.

In 1869 Sam & Lizzie (Berlin) Coppes moved to Marysville, Nodaway County, Missouri and stayed there four years. My records show that their daughter Minnie died sometime in 1871 when only three years of age. Sam and Lizzie returned to the Nappanee area in 1873 and lived there the remainder of their lives.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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