
Sunday, March 13, 2011

May 4th 1871 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Rootstown May 4th – no year but probably 1871

Dear Sister

This is Such a cold dreary day. we had quite a hard frost last night. I am afraid it has ingured the fruit as it was So far ward. we have had such pleasant warm weather for the last two months. hase had but very little raign yet every thing looks beautiful. Georges have got peas that are up four or five inches high. lettes large enough to use and potatoes that are looking very nise. covered them up last night. I presume your [?????] are full as early as ours are. this year has been an exception. we had a very mild winter.

The first thing I will tell you is that Sister mary is here or rather in Ravenna. two weeaks a go last friday She came in uppon us quite unexpected. dident know that she even thought of coming. She was looking very bad. I Saw her last weeak. I think She is loking Some better. She has got back to Mrs hortons. Mrs H has been very sick. had got better, has gone to Detroit to Stay with her Sister. Mary is taking care of her children. She has foure, the youngest one year old. I think She will hase her hands full but She seemed very happy when I Saw her. Mary went to visit Mr Deloes people in michigan. came from there. Down here the friends were all usualy well when she had left there.

I had Such a good letter from Francis. he wrot a bout his dear little Sister. how lonely they feel without her. I know this is hard but it is for Some good and wise purpose. it is drawing there hearts heaven wards. these ties cannot be Severed. we long to meet the lone dearest that have gone. I feel that I have more friends in heaven than I have here, yes, true friends. Jesus is a friend that Sticketh closer than a brother. he is unchangable, in him do I trust.

I recd a letter from Lovina. She wrote a great deal about the revival and Said the good work was still going on. She has been convinced that she has more to live for than mearly the things of this wourld. She is trying to live to gaine a home in heaven. Mary says it Seems very Strange to go to Elys and hear Ely ask a blessing at the table and many others. I am So glad they are building a church there this Summer.

[????] writes that all is harmony and peace and Says it Seems good to live that way. I do like to heare him express himself. I rejoise and hope they may longe live in peace and enjoy each other Sosiety for that is the way that friends and neighbors should live. There was ten united with our church the first of may. amongst the number was Steve Parsons. none other that you was aquainted with. Stevie Parsons health is quite poor. he is not able to do much work. the doctors think he is very badly off. has worked too hard probaly. Mr Parsons is about as usuel.

last weeak there was a young man by the name Adelpo died here. he was only fifteen years old. had consumption but only Sick a very Short time. it is quite healthy here. dont think of any one that is Sick. old Mr Rike had died lately. Mr Polem is dead. died very Suden only the desease was EreSipll [??]

the catholecks had a fair down in the church where we used to live. I went once. every thing different. think it was much but they enjoyed it I guess.

I went over where we used to live. it is very pleasant. they have built a new cithen and repared the place so much that it is a very nice plase. it is so cleared up through there that the country looks very nise. I will stop for to night. good night. Lydia.

Francis is the 13 year old son of Solomon and Fianna Berlin. His little sister, Ellen Irene die on January 23, 1871. She was seven years old.

Ely and Lovina are my 2nd Great Grandparents: Lovina Berlin married Eli Yarian on September 22, 1866 in Elkhart County.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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