
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

December 6th 1866 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Rootstown Monday Eve Dec 6th

Dear Sister Lizzie

Home at last. am beded in this quiet spot that I call home. The day I left you so sad. after a tedious ride I arived at Elkhart. I was abbout as cold as I could be but knowing that all things can be endured I did not stop long to wonder what I should do but started for the printing office. met Mr Delo there. he seemed very much surprised to see me. invited me to go home with him. did not see Mrs D as She had gone out to spend the afternoon. saw Mary and the children. staid about one hour then went to Mr Posts. they seemed glad to see me. I Staid to supper. had a good supper.

when Mr P started back to his business he said he would be back in time to go to the depot with me. after he had gone Mrs P proposed going down town. went in to their store. they sent some very nise presents to her Sister in Edinberg and made me a nise present of two pictures. one George Washington family, the other the Grant family. I feel greatly in debt to them for their kindness. they both went to the depo with me. waited there nearly one hour before the train came. I beged to have them go home but they would not go and leave me alone. they went in to the car and got me a good seat then bid me good by. may the lord ever prosper them through the journey of life and at last receive them in to his kingdom is my hearts prayer.

I arrived in Cleveland at seven the next morning. it was very cold and I did not feel very well so I came right on home. got of at Rootstown Station but no one there to meet me but I got a way to go over by paying. got to Sarahs at about eleven oclock. the children nearly went wild. Sarah said they would ask ever so many times a day if she dident think I would soon come. George went to the depo twise the day before Thanksgiving after me. Minnies preasant to Susie was a little doll. it is real pretty. Susie says aint it kute. Minnie Austin thinks ever so much of her preasant. says she will send you something.

Lizzie I have thought of you so much to day was afraid you were at the wash tub. I told Sarah that you made some pies the day I came away. she was perfectly astonished. said she never heard of the like. is afraid you will regret it some day. Sarah is doing her own work now. gets along real well. her house seems in perfect order. they have been building on to their house. built a woodhouse and made some other repares. Sarah health is better that it has been for a long time.

Lizzie how I do wish you could see my bountifull plants. they have had the best of care. my rose bush is all in blossom and like a wise vine it nearly covers the window. it makes my room look so cheerful. I found my room in perfect order. every thing well taken care of. the family are just as good and kind as ever. all seemed glad to see me.

last friday I was invited up to the ministers. there were thirteen of us and among the number was Lucy Parsons. her baby is just as handsome as it can be. yesterday I tended church twise. today Mr P called for me to go over to Lucys. I went. tomorrow am going to ravenna. there is considerable snow on the ground but not enough for Sleighing. answer this soon as you can.

your Sister, Lydia.

This letter would likely have been written in December 1866 as the letter was addressed to "Miss Lizzie Berlin", Locke P.O., Elkhart Co. Ind. Lizzie was married in March 1867.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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