
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

June 14th 1866 :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie

Randolph June 14th 1866
Sabbath afternoon

Sister Lizzie

It has been a long time since I recd your last letter. you must think I have forgotten you but I ashure you I often think of you and think you are all so happy while I am so sad two sad to write and anything that would interests you. this is one reason that I do not write. you cannot realize any thing about this affliction. you may think you would not feel as I do and perhaps you might not. some are so constituted that they can bear grief better than others and our surrounding circumstances change our feelings. it wants health and strength to bear such afflictions as this. my anticipations were so great I could see nothing ahead but perfect joy and happiness but alas how changed. god saw fit to take my hearts treasure, that through this affliction my heart might be made better. god sometimes afflicts us for our own good. he asks us to buy up treasures in heaven not on earth. this is all right but it is hard. Oh lord thy will be done.

I have just got home from church. I will try and finish my letter. I hardly know what to write. I could write pages in sadness but I well know that this would not interest you. I recd a letter from Sarah a fiew days since. her health is not very good. she is not able to do her work. She has got such a sweet little babe. it has blue eyes and curly hair and it seems healthy but it is so little. I am going up to stay with her some. I have been very busy. I take in sewing and I have been very busy. I have been sick some but am better now. I have a family living in part of my house. It is Fred knapp. he married Maggie Engelhart. it is pretty much but they are very kind to me and that is all I care for. Lizzie I wish you could see my palice. it is the nisest finished hous in town but I cannot enjoy it.

what are you a doing this winter and all the rest of the folks. you need not be surprised if I should come out to see you. I wonder about from place to place. I am not contented any plase long at a time. home is the dearest spot. this is where I wonce was happy and there is yet that enjoyment that can no where els be found. it is home tho it be lonely.

I wish I could write more but it is nearly eleven o’clock. give my love to all. tell them I often think of them and Fred. I know he feels hard towards me and I don’t know that I can blame him when he has been so kind and good but I don’t know what to write to him that would interest him in his joy and happiness. I could Myron have come then I could write some thing that would interest him but I will close by asking you all to write your sad and lonely sister.

Lydia Collins

Fred Richmond was the husband of Lydia's sister, Catherine Berlin.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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