
Monday, March 14, 2011

May 1895 :: Lydia Woodruff to Lizzie

La Cygne May 1895

Dear Sister

I have been thinking of you all this lovely morning. I cannot describe to you how beautifull every thing looks and Seems. We have had nice rains that has freshened things up and the birds are Cherping and Singing as if all the wourld was happy and Prosperous, but alass not Sow. Sad hearts are throbbing every where.

Well I suppose these are buisy times with you as with every one. Spring always is welcome but with it comes lots of work. I am all through house cleaning and I feel quite relieved as it is getting quite warm. I just came in from the garden with drops of Perspiration dropping from my brow. it wont be very long now untill we will have new Potoatoes and Peas. I have brought from the garden asparagus, Lettuce, radishes, Onions. goab Bheries are large enough but havent picked any yet. picked a few Strawberries. the prospect is favourable for an abudant crop of every thing this year.

I guess I shall have to Stay here to eat Peaches for that is my favourite fruit. wonder if I am to see aney of you out this way this year. we recd a Nappanee paper yesterday with the account of the big fire. could not quite decide but Suppose it must be Henry Stouffers old place and the house where uncle Jakes once lived. the inshurance is good but cant cover everything that goes in a fire like that.

Now how is Lovinna getting along. I think of her So often. I am doing her a lette and will write Soon. Now it is time to get dinner. a lady called and prevented my writing a longer letter but will Send you Jims letter to read. I dont See how he can keep up in Such good Spirit but I hope he will find the right place Sometime yet.

After dinner and will hasten to finish my letter. I do So wish you could see my lovely flowers. Roses and Pinks and many other things in bloom. Now I Suppose you are all beginning to worrie thinking you will have soon to be anoyed with sis again but we have not Got aney time to go. I intend to Stay here just as long as I can endure the heat and Chigers. Lots of People coming in this Spring from Iowa and we are going to try and Sell out. We are both quite well. trust this may find you all the Same. H. joins in Sending kind wishes and love to all. write Soon. your Sister Lydia

Lydia Berlin Collins married Henry Woodruff in 1875 and they settled in Lacygne, Linn County, Kansas where they remained until Henry’s death on the last day of 1898. Lydia then moved to the Nappanee area where she lived until her death in 1913.

Jacob Stauffer ( 1804-1884) was married to Elizabeth Coy (1805-1883), a sister of Lydia's mother, and they had moved with their family to Elkhart County in 1852. Henry Stauffer (1826-1908) was their son.

Lovina’s husband, Eli Yarian had been killed in an accident while cutting down a tree on January 28, 1895. Eli and Lovina (Berlin) Yarian are my Great, Great Grandparents.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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