
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Robison Family - Index to Posts

An Index Post is how I keep track of all of the blog posts that have been written on a family line. It helps keep me organized and allows visitors to easily find information on that family. This post will be updated as new blog posts are written on the family. Please contact me at if you are researching this family or have additional information on them.

Henry and Ann Robison who lived in Whitley County, Indiana and Champaign County, Ohio are very good candidates (thus far, the only candidates!) for being my 4th Great Grandparents.

Robison/Robinson Families of Whitley County, Indiana reviews the information that is known about Henry and Anna.

Henry and Ann Robison :: Probable Children evaluates the census records to determine the children of Henry and Anna. Census records indicate they may have had eight children, with three of them named in his 1851 will.

1. James Robison born in 1816 (possible son, not proven: 1830 & 1840 census) married Tobitha Scott and had five children. Three of the children are buried in South Whitley Cemetery as are James and Tobitah. One daughter, Irene Ann, married Jacob Cripe.

2. Unknown female born 1816-1820 (1830 & 1840 census)

3. Lydia Robison 1825-1899 (probable daughter, not proven: 1830 & 1840 census) married Lysander Joslin and had 15 children. Lydia and Lysander are my 3rd great grandparents. See Joslin Family - Index to Posts for information on them and their children.

4. Unknown female born 1826-1830 (1830 & 1840 census)

5. Eliza Jane Robison 1828-1856 (known daughter: 1830, 1840 & 1850 census) married William McMannen. She is buried in the South Whitley cemetery next to her infant son.

6. Henry Robison Jr. 1833-1904 (known son: 1840 & 1850 census) married Lucy Strait. Henry and Lucy had four children, two of whom married and had families.
6a. Ella/Ellen Robison and C. M. Kimball
6b. Frank and Cora Robison of Marion, Indiana
7. Emily Robison born about 1835 (known daughter: 1840 & 1850 census) is probably the Emily that married Franklin Bair in 1861. Of their seven children, three were living when Frank died in 1917. Two of those children have been found. [Update December 12, 2008: The third living child was Flora/Florence Cathy/Katherine Bair.]
The Heirs of Emily Bair documents the information found in the guardianship file.

7a. Franklin Henry Bair married Nettie S. Ellis. They lived in Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin and had two children. Funeral notices for Franklin and Nettie.
7b. Charles Bair lived in Illinois, was married three times and had four children.
7c. The search for a "Detroit Cousin, Mercedes" is explored in Unraveling a little mystery. If my conclusions are correct, Flora Bair first married Massilon Leaman and then Robert "Jack" Hampton and had a daughter named Mercedes. Regarding Mercedes provides a clue to where she lived, but when?
8. Unknown female born 1836-1840 (1840 census)

Originally Posted on September 22, 2008 :: Last Updated on January 27, 2009

Post date adjusted December 29, 2012 so that when a search for the surname is done on the blog this post will appear first the search list.

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