
Friday, January 11, 2013

Alexander Family :: Index to Posts

An Index Post is how I keep track of all of the blog posts that have been written on a family line.  It helps keep me organized and allows visitors to easily find information on that family. This post will be updated as new blog posts are written on the family.

William Alexander and  Elizabeth Carruthers ~ 4th great-grandparents
William is the earliest known Alexander ancestor in my line and very little is known about him.  He may have been born about 1745, possibly in Maryland. He married Elizabeth Carruthers and they had several children - the name of one is known for certain, my 3rd Great Grandfather, William Washington Alexander.
William Washington Alexander and Lucy Sprague ~ 3rd great-grandparents
Born on February 28, 1777, William W. Alexander is one of the few ancestors of mine who was not a farmer! At an early age he was apprenticed as a tailor and followed that trade for most of his working life. He was born in Cecil County, Maryland. Moved to Erie County, Pennsylvania where he reportedly married Lucy Sprague. By 1805 they were living in Knox County, Ohio where Lucy died about 1814. She was the mother of four children, the oldest was named William and is my ancestor.
  • The Next Best Thing? ~ November 24, 2011 ~ discusses the connection to the Sprague family through the Alexander line.
  • Live Long And Prosper ~ July 14, 2008 ~ Highlights several of my long-lived ancestors, including two named William Alexander
William and Rachel (Van Curen) Alexander ~  2nd great-grandparents
Theirs was a "mixed" family. William was married twice before he married the widow Rachel Van Curen Hover on June 28, 1859 in Kosciusko County, Indiana. Between them they had 15 children when they married and had another four children together. The children were born betwen the years 1841 and 1868 - a span of 27 years. I know they didn't all live together at the same time, but I wonder if there was ever a family gathering when they all came together... William was 2 days shy of his 63rd birthday when his last child, Caroline Jane, was born on November 18, 1868 - Rachel was  44 years old.

Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "Alexander Family :: Index to Posts," Kinexxions, posted January 11, 2013 ( : accessed [access date])

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