
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

March 14th 1865 :: Mary to Lizzie

Tuesday eve March 14th 1865

Dear Sister

I had about come to the conclusion that you had forgotten me or did not care any thing about me as I did not hear from you for So long, why dont you write often. it does Seem to me you might find time to write to your Sisters. you know you need not the particulars how you write or what just So as it is Something from home. I have not had but four letters this winter one from you and one from Lydia and two from Sarah. dont hear nor see them much oftener than the rest of you.

I have been to Randolph once Since you went away and that was the Saturday before Myron went away. I have no way of going and cant afford to hire a team. I have been down to Sarah’s three or four times but the going is so bad that I cannot go now for some time. I am getting so tired of Staying here. I dont know what to do with myself. I am just almost Sick of living. I am not going to Stay in the office much longer if they dont raise my wages. I know that I earn more than I get. I can get two dollars and a half a week for doing house work but I dont want to do it. The foreman said they would raise my wages to five dollars or he thought they would. if they do I will Stay. if they dont I wont.

March the 19th, 1865, Sunday afternoon

I did not finish my letter as you will See, because I did not have time last week. This is a very pleasant day a good Sun day, I expect you are making Sugar like fun, you can just take a lick for me, while you are about it. George Sent me five cakes last week, and I divided with the hands in the office so that did not leave much for me. Emma went out home yesterday to eat Sugar. She invited me to go withe her but I thought I would not go, I was out to her fathers and Spent New Years, I was to a concert last week. the best entertainment I ever was to in my life, the performers were girls the oldest not over fifteen years old, they Sang and played so well and acted out some pieces it was more of a Show than a concert.

I dont know that I have anything more to write this time. I dont know how our folks are. if the roads dry up fast as they have for a few days I will go down there next Saturday. Kate Cooper is dead, She died two or three weeks ago. You need not look for me a place to work. I promised Myron I would not go west until he got back. I had Some gems taken Some time ago 12 for a dollar. I will Send you one. I want you wen you have yours taken to. Send me then I am going to have Some photographs take when I can afford it. if you have Some taken dont Stand up or only have your head an waist taken as you stood up the other time. Myron gave me that money. I dont know if I wrote that before or not I will send you the questions of the examination. you work out the examples and let me know how many you can answer of the questions, nothing more. my love to all. write Soon. from Mary.

Lizzie and all the rest

I will send the other questions next time
I cannot get them in the envellop

Mary Berlin was living in Portage County, Ohio at the time this letter was written while Lizzie was living in Elkhart County, Indiana. Mary may have been working in a printing office.

Lydia and Sarah, also living in Portage County, are sisters of Mary and Lizzie.

Myron Collins was the husband of Lydia. He had recently enlisted in Company H, 184th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

George is probably Sarah's husband, George Greene. They were married in August of 1864.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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