
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

March 7th 1865 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Randolph Mar 7th 1865

Dear Sister

I received your kind letter this morning. I was truly glad to hear from you and to hear that you are well. I have been looking for a letter from some of you for a long time but I know you dred writing just as I use to. but if you had a husband in the army you would not think it a hard ship to write. I rather antisipate on writing than dred it. it is all the comfort I take receiving letters and answer them.

I received four letters from Myron last week and am loooking for a nother to day. he wrote while on Steamboat going down the Ohio and Cumberland River. when he wrote me last they were at nashville but did not think they would remain there any length of time. they do not know there destination. I tell you Lizzie this is taking dear friends a way in a hurry. Myron writes very cheerful. does not complain. There Rations after leaving Camp were coffe, hard tack, and bacon. he writes it is better than he expected. I much rather he would write as he does than to complain as some of them do. it does not help the mater to complain. they have got to stay there time out wether they bear it patiently or impatiently. I know a soldiers life is hard to make the best of it.

Myron did not get home before he left Camp Chase, how sadly disapointed I was to think I could not see him wonce more. he wrote to me on monday after noon. he did not know they were a going to leave and before night had orders to cook two days rations and be reddy to start the next day. this is what a soldier has to put up with. he wrote me again in the evening. you may imagine his feeling and mine two hearing Such unexpected news. Myron writes me such good letter. I would send you some of them but I cannot part with them. I read them over two or three times a day. I am a fraid I will tire you with this but there nothing else that interests me. perhaps Kate can sympathyse with me if you cannot but it is only for wone year. if god is wiling I shall be happy a gan. I will stop writing for a while and perhaps can think of some thing else to write a bout.

I wrote to Mary yesterday. I told her I should write to you to day. I do not intend to let her go west while Myron is gone if I can keep her here. Sarah has been down and staid a weeak with me. Sarah health is not very good. she has been sick a bead some of the time this winter. the Doctor says it is her liver. she feels so lonely without you girls. she often speaks of Father & Mother & says she would like so much to see them. she thought if I went home this fall she would go to but I shall not go until Myron gets home for I could not enjoy my self.

Lizzie I have staid a lone three nights since Myron went away. it seems very lonely but I cannot depend on having some one staying all the time. there are enough that offers to come but I think it must be some trouble for them to come through this mud. Addie will stay when her Mother gets well. she has been sick for a few days. how I wish you could be here to Stay with me.

Mr Smally comences a school here in three weeaks. perhaps I can get some girl to board and go to school but that will keep me rite at home and that will not be so pleasant but war times a person must not expect to have things as they was to like. I would like very much to come and get some sugar but I think it rather far to go. you can send me some if you have a chance. Lovina wrote about Myrons pictures. I will send her won of Myrons. they are not very good but they are better than none. I will send them by Lewis Winders when they go & I will try and get a collar pattern for her. tell her I will write to her before a great while.

it is quite healthy here but you will be surprisd when I tell you I tended Kate Coopers funeral to day she was only sick a fiew days.

Father Collins wanted I should write to Father about Sending the money he has colected on those notes weather it shal be sent by mail or by express. he thinks it would be best to send it by express. the notes are not all paid but I think they will be in a fiew days. folks did not know where to find them. there has been twenty one dollars and seventy five cents of the money that Jess paid last fall to the draft that has been paid back. Shall we send his with the rest. pleas write and let us know imedietely. don forget it. well I must Stop writing for it is past seven and will go over to Mothers to Stay to night for I do not feel very well. give my love to all. write soon and tell me all the news. this letter makes the fourth I have written since Sunday. I wrote two hole sheats to myron last Sunday and sent him six papers. dont you think I improve in writing. good by from your Lonely Sister Lydia Collins.

Lizzie please give me Freds address afore I have written to him yet. Sarah could not give me his adress. you wrote direct to the 5 I thought he was in the cav. I dont mean to leave any paper wasted.

Lydia's husband Myron had recently enlisted in Company H, 184th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Mary, Sarah, and Lovina are sisters of Lizzie and Lydia. Jess is their brother Josiah.

Fred Richmond is Lydia's brother-in-law, married to her sister Catherine (Kate).

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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