
Thursday, March 31, 2011

For My Northern Friends :: Spring is on the Way!

Wednesday, March 30th - - Even though the calendar says it is Spring, it seems as though Winter still has a tight grip on parts of our nation. Just this past Monday I awoke to find several inches of snow on the ground – and I was in Springfield, Missouri.

Yesterday I was driving west through Alabama. It was a little cold (in the 50s) and dreary, with cloudy skies and drizzling rain. Eventually, the rain stopped. As I traveled along the Natchez Trace in northeast Mississippi I was greeted by an ever-increasing array of green. Yes, it is true. I do believe that Spring has arrived – at least in parts of the south!

Note to Babs: I made a right turn before reaching Birmingham. Changed my mind about going to Pensacola! Are you surprised?

Note to anyone else: US Route 278 in Alabama (from Cullman to Hamilton) is not a road you want to take if you are in a hurry! Lots of hills and curves on that two-lane highway! I wasn't in a hurry so it was an enjoyable drive.

And, yes, I'm Back on the Road Again!!

Westward Ho!

Journey 2011 Index to Posts :: March

A chronological listing of posts for where I went in March 2011...

Indiana to Alabama and Georgia (March 7-12)
Florida (March 13-15)
Georgia (March 16-19)
Alabama to Missouri (March 19-28)
Alabama (March 28-29)
Mississippi (March 30)
Texas (March 31)

See The Journey 2011 for a complete listing of places visited in 2011.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday :: The Three Musketeers

Becky – Babs – May
Thank You, ladies, for making last week bearable – and even fun, at times.

Obituary for my friend - Lorene Joslin. She will be missed, big time!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It Sounded Too Good to Pass By

Last week, driving along Alabama Highway 72, on the way to Springfield, Missouri we noticed the signs announcing “Coon Dog Cemetery” but didn't have time to stop just then. However, on the way back to Huntsville we made time for a little excursion. Of course, we took the long way around and thought we'd never find it, but eventually it appeared alongside the back-country road.

To be honest, we were laughing and joking about going to a dog cemetery. Now, don't get me wrong, I love dogs and several years ago had to put old Bootsie to rest. It was one of the most emotional things I'd had to do up to that time. So I know how deep the affection can be.

The truth is, we were totally blown away by what we saw when we finally arrived at the cemetery. Nearly 200 coon dogs have been laid to rest in that small plot of ground. Most have markers of some kind – from rustic wooden crosses to fancy stones. And nearly all have flowers, albeit artificial, decorating their resting place. I think my friend Lorene would have enjoyed a stop here...

Only Cemetery of Its Kind In The World.
Only Coon Hounds are allowed to be buried.
Troop First Dog Laid to Rest here Sept. 4, 1937
Please Be Careful With Fire!

Nearly all of the graves are lovingly decorated.

Coon Dog Cemetery came into existence on Labor Day of 1937, when Key Underwood sadly buried his faithful companion “Troop, who was half redbone coonhound and half birdsong, and who was known through out the region as the best. He was "cold nosed," meaning he could follow cold coon tracks until they grew fresh, and he never left the trail until he had treed the coon.”

Track “wasn't the best but he was the best I ever had.”

Ruff Redbone.

Black Ranger “was good as the best and better than the rest.

The variety of styles of markers was fascinating.

Train's grave was originally marked with a brick wrapped in butcher paper.

A traditional marker now marks the spot where Train was laid to rest.

Easy Going Sam was the “Last One on the Wood.”
That's his collar wrapped around the cross.

Looks like the Coon won out over Loud.

There were several markers like this – with the information punched out of metal.

For more information about Coon Dog Cemetery see the “official” website. Also, Travels With Ace has a nice writeup about their visit.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Joy and Sorrow

My friend Lorene passed away yesterday afternoon. It has been a rough week. But amongst the sorrow there were times of joy and pleasure in getting to know her son and daughter-in-law and their two children.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In Case You Were Wondering...

Thursday March 24, 2011 - - I'm not where I was!

Shortly after my arrival at Seminole State Park in the southwest corner of Georgia, I was informed that a dear friend, Lorene Joslin, had suffered a major stroke, was in a coma, and was not expected to recover. Complying with her wishes, Lorene was put on Hospice Care the next day and was moved to a nursing home a short distance from her home in Springfield, Missouri.

Plans were made and on Saturday morning I left Georgia and went to Huntsville, Alabama. My friend Babs is a niece of Lorene's and we had decided to travel to Springfield together to help out the family in whatever way we could. We arrived in Springfield on Monday evening (March 21st).

Yesterday morning the doctor said the end would likely come within the next 48 hours. So now, it is simply a matter of waiting... which isn't really simple at all and definitely not easy, especially after the recent death of my mother and her sister.

A friend of Lorene's set up a site at Caring Bridge and her husband, George, has been able to keep distant family members updated. It is very moving to read the many comments of support for George and the tributes to Lorene. She is loved by many people whose lives she has touched in some way or another.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Seminole State Park :: Georgia!

Wednesday March 16, 2011 - - Because of “Spring Break” I decided to leave Florida. I had looked online and tried to reserve sites at several different State Parks but it seems that just about everything was nearly fully booked. There were sites available for one night at a time in several places but I just didn't think it was worth the hassle to have to move every night!

So, I found this lovely State Park in the southwest corner of Georgia, not far from the Florida and Alabama state lines. Since I was trying to find a place for the night and the next few days through the weekend I gave them a call to make sure they had sites available. Luckily for me, they did.

The campground is on the southside of a lovely lake, which I can see from my campsite, which is quite spacious. You can see your neighbors but they aren't right on top of you as in some places. It is really a very nice place. The temperature today was “unseasonably warm” in the 80s with lots of sunshine. Wonderful after a long, cold winter up north!

A trail winds through the pine forest, follows the boardwalk over the swamp and marsh area then on through the woods for about two and a half miles. The perfect ending to a long day of driving!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Anastasia Island :: Birds on the Beach

Tuesday March 15, 2011 - - After spending the day with Denise and Apple, I spent an hour or two that evening on the beach. Surprisingly, even though the campground was full, there were not a lot of people roaming the shore. Seemed like there were more birds than people. And yeah, that was rather nice too...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Anastasia Island :: Fresh Catch!

Tuesday March 14, 2011 - - On my way back to the campsite from the beach I saw this bird perched on the highest limb of a nearby tree devouring its catch of the day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Anastasia Island :: Hanging Out

Monday March 14, 2011 – - Today was a “leisure day” for me. After breakfast and straightening up the van a little I spent a few hours on the beach at Anastasia Island State Park in St. Augustine. Soaking up the beautiful sunshine...

Yeah, it was nice!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ah... Anastasia and St. Augustine

Tuesday March 15, 2011 - It probably comes as no surprise to many of you, Dear Readers, that after leaving Southern Georgia I ventured a little further south to St. Augustine and Anastasia Island State Park. Denise invited me over for supper Sunday evening (03/13) and then on Tuesday (03/15) Apple joined us for a tour of St. Augustine – with Denise as our own Personal Guide! It was wonderful. I've had the pleasure of touring the town with Denise several times before and each time the tour covers different territory and I learn something new. (Apple has already posted her version of the tour.) It was indeed a pleasure to spend time with these two friends!

The Lions were put up early Tuesday morning and are now dutifully guarding the entrance to the bridge to Anastasia Island. (Denise has a good shot of the bridge.)

Looking good after waiting a long time for the renovation.

Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Lovely flowers brightened the views.

Genea-friends: Apple, Denise and Becky.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

June 5th 1892 :: Sarah Greene to Lydia & Henry Woodruff

Ravenna June 5th 1892

Dear Sister and Brother

We received your letter few days ago and thought that I would answer it to night. I have been thinking this long time that I must write to you but I have had so much to do. In the first place we made rag carpet. Enough for the boys room and Winnies room and of course after they were woven they had to be made. besides I had to make one over for the hall upstairs and rip and fix the siting room carpet. besides cleaning the house myself with Jim to take up the carpets and put them down. but we have got it done and it looks clean and good. if it isent as grand as some others.

Harry has got a bedroom set for his room which makes it look real pleasant. we have put the bed that was in their room in Winnie’s room and her bedstead we put in the hall for Eddie to sleep in and it maks a comfortable place for him. we have taken down Jims big table and the old trunk and so on. of course I have not told you that Jim cut and sewed all the rags for the carpets because he dont want any one to know it, but I dont feel ashamed of it.

Well Jim has at last got a place, for a while anyway. he went to Salem three weeks ago last thursday and I think he likes it better than he did before. he boards and sleeps at one place and has a pleasant room and that suit him better. Cameron gives him 5 dollars a week and he has to pay four dollars a week for board and of course has to get his washing done but that leaves a little besides. The other Architect there in salem got Jim four days and left him get a piece of work done and he gave him four dollars and a half for his work. When Cameron sent for Jim to come he said that he did not know how long he might want him but it might be a month or two.

Susie was at home week before last and stayed a few days. Winnie went home with her and is their yet. she likes to stay with Susie. I think Winnie is feeling better than she did but yet she soon gives out.

You wanted to know if it rained here. well it rains all the time. we have not got any thing planted in the garden. only think of it, June, and the farmers have not got their corn and oats in the ground, a few have, and it is so wet it cant grow. We had our garden plowed yesterday and are going to plant it tomorrow. it rained as hard as it could in last night and has been showering all day to day but we are going to plant the garden. George says that we will plant it if we have to carry an umbrella.

Clarence Whitting was here friday. he has sold his mothers place for nine hundred dollars to Deb Lumly. Harry says tell you he thinks of you often and will write soon. he says he is a poor hand to write letters because he dont know what to write about. he is still at Chapmans. gets one dollar per day with a promise of a raise. Eddie says tell you he had two dollars and ten cents in his bank but took it and got him some shoes. well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time. if I could see you I could talk a great deal more.

All send kind regards to you and Henry. write soon.

Sarah Greene

We were glad to hear of Lovina’s happy surprise. Jim does not get much time to write. they are very busy. would send you his letter but sent it to susie.

Lydia was married to Henry Woodruff on September 18, 1874 in Portage County, Ohio. Following their marriage they moved to Lacygne, Linn County, Kansas where they resided until Henry's death in 1898. Lydia then moved to Nappanee where she lived until her death in 1913.

At the time this letter was written Sarah had five children living: Susie was 27, Jim was 22, Harry was 18, Winnie was 16, and Eddie (Clarence Edgar) was 10 years old. Susie was married with four young children of her own, the oldest being 7 years of age, and Jim was beginning his career as an architect. Sarah had two children who died young: Arthur (1867-1873) and George Frederick “Freddie (1868-1878).

Lovina’s happy surprise may have been the engagement of her daughter Susie Yarian to Henry Phend. They were married September 4, 1892 and their first child Rolland Victor Phend (my grandfather) was born on June 19th, 1893.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Monday, March 14, 2011

On The Road Again...

Saturday March 12, 2011 – Five days ago, on the morning of March 7th, I left Columbia City, Indiana heading south for, hopefully, sunshine and warmer temperatures. As I passed into central Kentucky I noticed the grass was a little green and then through Tennessee things warmed up a bit; some of the trees were sprouting little leaves and bushes (don't know what kind) were blooming too.

I stopped in Huntsville, Alabama and spent two nights with a friend (and distant Joslin cousin - 3rd cousin once removed). Tuesday night they had high winds and got over three inches of rain, which altered my traveling plans somewhat. Instead of meandering through on state highways I stuck to the Interstates. Just didn't want to deal with any flooding issues. And from the Interstate you could see that the streams and rivers had risen over their banks and the waters were flooding nearby land.

It rained much of the day Wednesday but at Montgomery I decided to strike out to the southeast taking US 82, which goes all the way to Brunswick, Georgia. It was a pleasant drive and much less stressful than the Interstates though it rained all afternoon. That night I stopped at a nice campground at Lakepoint Resort State Park north of Eufaula, Alabama and just a few miles from the Georgia state line.

The next morning (Thursday, March 10th) I was most pleased to see the sun coming up through the trees. There was some fog but it burned off quickly. The above photo was taken through the rear window. The dark lines across the picture are from the window defroster.

By 2:30 pm I had checked into the campground at Laura S. Walker State Park just east of Waycross, Georgia. That evening and the next day I visited my niece and her daughters and delivered some things that my Mom wanted them to have. Today (March 12) was spent in just relaxing and taking it easy. I went for several walks, easing back into activity as it has been more than three months since I've done any walking let alone hiking!

I did get my wish - temperatures were in the 70s and there was lots of sunshine! The scenes below are of the lake at Laura S. Walker State Park. Photos were taken on March 12, 2011.

Morning fog rising off the lake.

Lilly pads.

And, of course, a Sunset...

May 1895 :: Lydia Woodruff to Lizzie

La Cygne May 1895

Dear Sister

I have been thinking of you all this lovely morning. I cannot describe to you how beautifull every thing looks and Seems. We have had nice rains that has freshened things up and the birds are Cherping and Singing as if all the wourld was happy and Prosperous, but alass not Sow. Sad hearts are throbbing every where.

Well I suppose these are buisy times with you as with every one. Spring always is welcome but with it comes lots of work. I am all through house cleaning and I feel quite relieved as it is getting quite warm. I just came in from the garden with drops of Perspiration dropping from my brow. it wont be very long now untill we will have new Potoatoes and Peas. I have brought from the garden asparagus, Lettuce, radishes, Onions. goab Bheries are large enough but havent picked any yet. picked a few Strawberries. the prospect is favourable for an abudant crop of every thing this year.

I guess I shall have to Stay here to eat Peaches for that is my favourite fruit. wonder if I am to see aney of you out this way this year. we recd a Nappanee paper yesterday with the account of the big fire. could not quite decide but Suppose it must be Henry Stouffers old place and the house where uncle Jakes once lived. the inshurance is good but cant cover everything that goes in a fire like that.

Now how is Lovinna getting along. I think of her So often. I am doing her a lette and will write Soon. Now it is time to get dinner. a lady called and prevented my writing a longer letter but will Send you Jims letter to read. I dont See how he can keep up in Such good Spirit but I hope he will find the right place Sometime yet.

After dinner and will hasten to finish my letter. I do So wish you could see my lovely flowers. Roses and Pinks and many other things in bloom. Now I Suppose you are all beginning to worrie thinking you will have soon to be anoyed with sis again but we have not Got aney time to go. I intend to Stay here just as long as I can endure the heat and Chigers. Lots of People coming in this Spring from Iowa and we are going to try and Sell out. We are both quite well. trust this may find you all the Same. H. joins in Sending kind wishes and love to all. write Soon. your Sister Lydia

Lydia Berlin Collins married Henry Woodruff in 1875 and they settled in Lacygne, Linn County, Kansas where they remained until Henry’s death on the last day of 1898. Lydia then moved to the Nappanee area where she lived until her death in 1913.

Jacob Stauffer ( 1804-1884) was married to Elizabeth Coy (1805-1883), a sister of Lydia's mother, and they had moved with their family to Elkhart County in 1852. Henry Stauffer (1826-1908) was their son.

Lovina’s husband, Eli Yarian had been killed in an accident while cutting down a tree on January 28, 1895. Eli and Lovina (Berlin) Yarian are my Great, Great Grandparents.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

May 4th 1871 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Rootstown May 4th – no year but probably 1871

Dear Sister

This is Such a cold dreary day. we had quite a hard frost last night. I am afraid it has ingured the fruit as it was So far ward. we have had such pleasant warm weather for the last two months. hase had but very little raign yet every thing looks beautiful. Georges have got peas that are up four or five inches high. lettes large enough to use and potatoes that are looking very nise. covered them up last night. I presume your [?????] are full as early as ours are. this year has been an exception. we had a very mild winter.

The first thing I will tell you is that Sister mary is here or rather in Ravenna. two weeaks a go last friday She came in uppon us quite unexpected. dident know that she even thought of coming. She was looking very bad. I Saw her last weeak. I think She is loking Some better. She has got back to Mrs hortons. Mrs H has been very sick. had got better, has gone to Detroit to Stay with her Sister. Mary is taking care of her children. She has foure, the youngest one year old. I think She will hase her hands full but She seemed very happy when I Saw her. Mary went to visit Mr Deloes people in michigan. came from there. Down here the friends were all usualy well when she had left there.

I had Such a good letter from Francis. he wrot a bout his dear little Sister. how lonely they feel without her. I know this is hard but it is for Some good and wise purpose. it is drawing there hearts heaven wards. these ties cannot be Severed. we long to meet the lone dearest that have gone. I feel that I have more friends in heaven than I have here, yes, true friends. Jesus is a friend that Sticketh closer than a brother. he is unchangable, in him do I trust.

I recd a letter from Lovina. She wrote a great deal about the revival and Said the good work was still going on. She has been convinced that she has more to live for than mearly the things of this wourld. She is trying to live to gaine a home in heaven. Mary says it Seems very Strange to go to Elys and hear Ely ask a blessing at the table and many others. I am So glad they are building a church there this Summer.

[????] writes that all is harmony and peace and Says it Seems good to live that way. I do like to heare him express himself. I rejoise and hope they may longe live in peace and enjoy each other Sosiety for that is the way that friends and neighbors should live. There was ten united with our church the first of may. amongst the number was Steve Parsons. none other that you was aquainted with. Stevie Parsons health is quite poor. he is not able to do much work. the doctors think he is very badly off. has worked too hard probaly. Mr Parsons is about as usuel.

last weeak there was a young man by the name Adelpo died here. he was only fifteen years old. had consumption but only Sick a very Short time. it is quite healthy here. dont think of any one that is Sick. old Mr Rike had died lately. Mr Polem is dead. died very Suden only the desease was EreSipll [??]

the catholecks had a fair down in the church where we used to live. I went once. every thing different. think it was much but they enjoyed it I guess.

I went over where we used to live. it is very pleasant. they have built a new cithen and repared the place so much that it is a very nice plase. it is so cleared up through there that the country looks very nise. I will stop for to night. good night. Lydia.

Francis is the 13 year old son of Solomon and Fianna Berlin. His little sister, Ellen Irene die on January 23, 1871. She was seven years old.

Ely and Lovina are my 2nd Great Grandparents: Lovina Berlin married Eli Yarian on September 22, 1866 in Elkhart County.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

April 27th 1871 :: Francis Berlin to his aunt Lizzie Coppes

April 27th 1871

Dear Aunt

I take my pen in hand to let you know that we are all well and hope that you are enjoying the same. the folks around here are about all well as common. Grand Pass are all well as far as I know. the farmers around here have their oats sowed and are a making ready to plant their corn. there has not been very nice weather here these few days. it was a raining yesterday afternoon and has been raining about all day.

father and mother were to Goshen day before yesterday. they were in the new court house. I supposed that you know they built one. tell uncle Sam that we have sold those big oxen for five cents a pound. you know I told you that they weighed 3510 pounds but they lossed about 160 from the time we had them weighed and kept them four weeks besides and then drove them to South Bend. we have three fresh milck cows now. tell Minnie that cow we got of you kicked me head over heels to night. we have had in the stable ever since she had a calf and now we milk her out of doors and she dont like the operation very well.

there is a going to be a rail road here inside of eight or nine months. they have run a course throught about a half a mile north of us. and they are a coming through again south of us. I guess after we get our rail road through here you can jump on out there and come right here.

I suppose I told you that we were a building a house this summer. we have the cellar dug now. the mason are a coming next week. we will be ready about the last of next week to raise. cousin Sarah Ann Slabaugh works here this summer. I and her have great times once and a while.

our school is to commence a week from a Monday but I am not a going to school this summer. I suppose Minnie is about big enought to go to school and Mary is out in Ohio now. I guess you have about all your garden made. we have not made very much yet. I would like to come out there and see you all. well I must stop writing. write soon.

Francis Berlin to his aunt Lizzie Coppes

Francis Berlin was the eldest son of Solomon and Fianna (Slabaugh) Berlin. Born on May 15, 1858 he was not quite 13 years old when this letter was written.

In 1869 Sam & Lizzie (Berlin) Coppes moved to Marysville, Nodaway County, Missouri and stayed there four years. My records show that their daughter Minnie died sometime in 1871 when only three years of age. Sam and Lizzie returned to the Nappanee area in 1873 and lived there the remainder of their lives.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 8th 1871 :: Virgil Young to Sam Coppes

Elkhart. March 8th /71
Mr. S.D. Coppes
Dear Sir,

I recd your letter some days since, but was very unwell and have delayed answering until now. Am feeling some better. Now, in regards to that land. I will sell it for twelve dollars per acre, one fourth down, and the remainder to be paid in from 2 to 4 or 5 yrs, at ten per cent interest. Please let me know how they would like to make their payments, how much money down etc. etc.

There was a gentleman here this morning. In a Griffin of Cass County, Mich. to see about that land, he is going to visit his family, to Missouri next month, and expects to find him a home there somewhere. Will be there to look at that land.

If the men of whom you spoke do not conclude to buy, you can work the forty acres, on the terms you propose, that is I am to receive one third in the crib or granary and to pay for taking care of & marketing the same.

I would like to have twenty five acres to corn, Do not give yourself any uneasiness about being thrown out of the use of the land. I have agreed to pay Alcorn 148 dollars for fencing, this I should expect to receive if I sold, in addition to the 12 dollars per acre.

Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours Resp
Virgil Young

In 1869 Sam & Lizzie (Berlin) Coppes moved to Marysville, Nodaway County, Missouri and stayed there four years. Virgil Young apparently owned land there and it sounds like Sam may have found a buyer for it.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

January 1871 :: Lydia to Lizzie

No date, probably written in January 1871

Monday afternoon. the weather is horible. it is Snowing and blowing. it is almost impossible to be out yet people are Stirring Some. I have not had my dinner yet and dont know how to go out after it. I board to Sarahs now. I have been verry buisy all fall and winter So far. I have got me a Sewing mashien and I have more work than I want to do. I can hardly get time to do any thing for my Self. I Sometimes take the work home and Some times go to peoples houses.

I went down to Mr Parsons to make Phebes weding dress. her dress was irish Poplin, drab collar, very hansome. She made as great perade as though She had been Some young girl. her dress and trimming and hat and collar and gloves cost over fifty dollars. I was at her weding. it was a very Sad weding. there were about thirty persons there. mostly relatives. they were married at Mr Parsons Stand in the Same plase they Stand when they were married before. after they wer married they went down to his home to Stay over night. was married at Seven in the evening. they Seem very happy. hope they may allways be so.

Layey Hallock was married last weeak to William Ealmyer. his wife died about one year ago. he had five children and She had two. a pretty good family to start with. Frankie Sanford is married to a Gentle Man from Washington. has gone there to live. he was a widower with two children but She does not have them to take care of. Belle Hinkly is married to a Mr Bogue. done real well. Silvie Jones is married to one of the Sevly boys. well it has Slacked Snowing so I think I had better have Some dinner and will finish this Evening if nothing prevents.

Eight oclock. I am Seated to finish my letter if I can think of anything to write about. I just came from Sarahs. they are all well. how I do wish you could See Sarah children. they are real pretty and I guess as good as children in general though they make a good deal of noise Sometimes. Susie and Freddie look alike. both have light hair and curly as it can be. Arthur & Jimmie have black eyes and dark hair. Susie learnt very early. has never been to School but can Spell all the comon little words. She goes to Sunday School every Sunday. has one or two verses comited to memory every time. She has learned one chapter and nearly another, all bye heart and remembers it all.

we had a christmas Tree here in the church for the Sabbath School. it was a pleasant time to all. each teacher provided preasants for their Schollars and Schollars for their teachers. Susie got a nise little mug and a bag of candy and nuts from her teacher. I got her a doll. she thinks it is the nisest thing she ever had. She has got the little doll Minnie Sent her. it is dressed so that it looks ever so pretty. She calls it Minne.

I got for my preasant a very nise Fruit dish and a collar, the collar from Mime Austin the fruit dish from Sarah Greene. the dish stands here by me with apples in it. wish I could just do them up in that and Send them to you. I often think of you when I am cuting apples and wish I could divide with you. my paper is begining to grow short. there is many things that I could write about yet but I believe this will be as much as you can read at one time. now Lizzie I would like to have you write to me some time. I have waited so long I Seem as though you are So far away. tell me all the news you can think of. a kiss for the children. good night. your Sister, Lydia C.

One thing more I recd from Sam Leatherman Some time ago he was then in Madina he Said he would come out this way and See me but I have not seen him yet.

Lydia was working as a seamstress and boarding (taking meals) with her sister Sarah and brother-in-law George Greene.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

December 4th 1870 :: Sarah Greene to Sam & Lizzie

Rootstown December 4th 1870

Dear Brother and Sister

I thought that I would commence a letter to you this evening but do not think that I will get it finished as it is now allmost ten o’clock but will send it as soon as I get it done. I suppose that you have some idea what it is to take care of little children and whear there is four little children to take care of as I have got. it keeps me busy all the time and then never get through.

The baby seems to be real good but he has got to be taken care of some times. he is a nice looking baby and we think as much of him as though he was the only one we have had. he begins to laugh and notices and is quite interesting. the children all are very much pleased with him. he was nine weeks old this morning. was born the 2nd day of October, we call him James William.

I have got along real well. am not very strong. have to keep on my feet so much that I use up my strength as fast as I get it. You spoke of Mary Ray in your letter. Well it was a sad thing when she died. she had spasms all the time she was being sick. her baby was born dead and she lived about two hours after the baby was born, but did not seem to be concious of any thing. she was sick just two weeks before I was. the family felt dreadful. they could hardly give her up. the baby was a little girl. it was laid in the coffin with her on her arm. they had two doctors when she was sick but they could do nothing to save her life. Caroline Staffer was buried a short time before that. died with consumtion. she has been married two or three years.

Well I commenced this letter one week ago to night and have not finished it since but hope that I will get it done this time. It has been raining all afternoon as hard as it could rain and I presume that it will Snow before it will get through. we have had very pleasant weather all fall. I often think of you and think that it must be pretty cold out there by this time but then I think that you will get along very well and in a short time it will seem like home to you and you will feel attacht to the place. I often wish that I could see you and have a talk with you. I dont get home sick but then it would seem nice to have a visit with some of our folks.

Aunt Betsy Stauffer came and made me a short visit while she was in Ohio. she came very unexpected but I was glad to see her. she was here just two days before I was sick. Lydia is bording with us now. Mrs spellman did not care about having boarders this winter. she has her room down there first the same as she did only gets her meals here. She talks some of paking up her things and leave them set in our shop and go west. she hardly knows what she will do. she has not said any thing for some days.

Pheby Parsons is going to be married to Jim Ray in a short time. I suppose you will think that he is in a hurry but it is all right with Mr. Parsons folks and the Ray family. Sylvia Jones is married to Poe Luly. John Luly is marrie to Mary Basel. Laurie Barlow is married to a fellow by the name of Joe Bradshaw. Wesley Wirt is married to Ellen Beans, one of Noah Beans granddaughters.

Well Lizzie I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time. it seems like a short letter to go so far. I wish you would write right away and I will answer it soon. I would like to hear from you often. it would be easier for us to write often and not so much at a time. the children are all well and full of mischief. I have got a girl to help me this winter. it is Martin Miller’s Katie. she does very well. often speeks of you. Lena Himes has got a little girl. Lydia got a letter from Mary last week. she had just got back to Mrs. Bissells the week before that. she wrot that our folks were all well as usual. There is going to be a Christmas tree over here in the church for the sabbath school. I suppose it will be a nice thing. Well I must stop writing. keep the children for me. Our love to you all. write soon.

Sarah Greene

At this time, Sarah and George Greene were the parents of four children: Susie, 5 years old; Arthur, 3 years; George Frederick "Freddie", aged 2 years; and the baby James William who was born October 2, 1870.

Elizabeth and Sam Coppes had moved to Nodaway county, Missouri in 1869. They had 2 children at this time: Minnie was about 2 years old and Harvey was a little more than a year old.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Oct 19th 1870 :: Solomon Berlin to Sam & Elizabeth

Locke Ind Oct 19th 1870

Dear Brother and Sister

I received your letter last Saturday and was glad to hear from you that you are all well and in good spirits. that is more then we can say, we have been Sick all of us but Warren he has not been sick yet. we have had the Billious fever and chill fever, Francis has it now. there is more sickness here this fall than has been since I have been in the State but not many deaths. Father and Mother keeps up middling well. better than can be expected. the rest of the friends & neighbours are some of them sick but not dangerous.

we have had a very good summer here. good crops. of all grain kind the best that we have had Since I have been here. fruit is not very plenty Except peaches, there was a good many and we had also plenty of potatoe bugs. they wore here by the thousands but still we got a good many potatoes.

the wether has been nice all fall untill about a week ago. it sett in raining and now it puts in good time. it is raining now and has been all day. Mary was here last week at our house sewing, this week to Lavinas, she talks some of going to Michigan, Three Rivers to Delows, to set up Dress Making.

I should like to come out there and see you but that cannot be this fall and I feir that there will be a poor chance next summer. if I build a house, I cannot get away but you must not think that I will not come for I shall if I live and keep well. I want you to Excuse me for not writing to you an answer to that letter last spring. I neglect to write and I thought there was so many writing that they wrote all the news and I would wait untill they got through.

now Sam, I have got them Cattle yet. I had a good lot of trouble with that Big Ox. he would go just where he pleased and I had to tie his head down then he would stay where I would put him. I have them almost fat. I have been feeding them for some time. I want to sell them if I can this fall. I paid that sale note last Saturday. I did not know where the note was and I found it to Prats in Elkhart.

now I must tell you some about the times. money is hard to get. it seems very scarce yet wheat is $1.00 per bu, corn 30 cts, Oats 25, potatoes $1.00, Butter 28, Egg 15. we have had a meeting hat time about our Election. Billy Williams was nominated and Haskell went Independant and then the Democreats did not nominate an man and went for Haskell and then some of the Democrats got mad and then Elson he came out Independant and Billy Williams was Elected with a good majority over both. there was a good many Republicans went for Haskell. I will here send you an assortment of the tickets. I will have to come to a close for this time.

yours respt S Berlin
write again

Elizabeth and Sam Coppes were living in Nodaway County, Missouri.

Warren, age 8, and Francis, age 12, are the sons of Solomon and Fianna Berlin.

Mary and Lavina are two of Solomon's sisters.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Monday, March 07, 2011

August 14th 1870 :: Sarah Greene to Sam and Elizabeth

Rootstown August 14, 1870

Dear Brother and Sister

I received your letter some time ago and am sory to think that I have not answered it yet but I hope that you will forgive me when I tell you that I have been very busy. have had some thing or other to do that would keep me to work all day and when night came it was impossible for me to keep awake. I have not hired any thing done this summer excepting the sewing and that Lydia done for me, and I feel as though I have done quite a summers work.

in the first place last spring I made a carpet and then cleaned the house and boiled all most two barrels of soap and thought that I had got about through with my big work when the children took the whooping cough and that keept me busy six or eight weeks longer. but they have all got over it now. Arthur had it real hard. Susie and Freddie did not seem to mind it so much. Freddie has growed so that he does not seen like a baby any more. he has the most go ahead in him of the three. he talks to every body that comes along. he takes care of himself and dont care for nobody. Susie has got to be quite a girl. she goes to Sunday school every Sunday and repeats a verse. she went to meeting alone last Sunday. Arthur and Susie wanted to go alone to day. they thought that they could go alone as well as to have papa go with them.

I have not been to a meeting this summer but a few times and do not expect to go untill after September. I thought I would tell you but hope that you would not cry and feell low spirited about it. I try to make the best of it as it makes me tougher every time. perhaps there will be an end to it some time. George is going to get me a girl tomorrow.

Seymour Reed’s wife had a baby in July. she had one just a day before I had Freddie. she is so much a head of me. Mary Roy is going to be sick in September. Lucy Parsons Seymour had one in June. there was only sixteen months difference in her children’s ages and there is a lot more but I cant stop to tell them all.

We have been having very hot weather here this summer and a great deal of rain but every thing seems to have done well. the crops have all been very good. have fruit of all kinds. peaches are not going to be quite as plenty as they were last year. we have had a few on our trees of the early kind and will have some that are later. we have a very good garden. we have our living allmost out of our garden as we are all fond of every thing that grows in it.

It has been very healthy here this summer. have not heard of much sickness any where. How do you like your new home by this time. I suppose you have got you new house done and got settled down and are to work fixing things on your own farm which must seem nice to you. I hope you are contented and and will get along well. your letter has all most given Georg the fever to go on a farm. he thinks that he would like it so much better than the store. I do not incourge him as I dont think that he understands farming well enough to be a farmer but I dont know what we may do.

how does your children do. do they feel contented or are they home sick. how I wish I could see them. when you write tell us all about them and your home and about the improvements of the place. I have not seen any of our old neighbors latly excepting Mary Jones was in here a few weeks ago. she is the same old thing that she used to be. she inquired about you. they are having trouble about there property. John is in a hurry to get his share. John Heisler was in Akron jail some time ago for forging a note and steeling a horse and carriage. his folks are building a new frame house this summer. Well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time. besides I am very tired. excuse my poor writing as my pen would not make a mark half of the time or I suppose I am out of practice. write soon if it is but a few lines. perhaps I can write sooner next time.

Good bye, Sarah Greene

Our love to you and Sam and children

Sam and Elizabeth were living in Nodaway county, Missouri at this time. They had two children, Minnie was about 2 years old and Harvey was not yet a year old.

Sarah was still living in Rootstown, Ohio. She was expecting her fourth child in October. Susie was 4 1/2, Arthur was about 3, and Freddie was not quite 2 years old.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

January 11th 1869 :: Sarah Greene to Sam & Elizabeth

Rootstown Jan. 11th, 1869

Dear Brother and Sister,

After a few weeks delay I take the opertunity of writing to you. I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you for it had been a long time since I had had a letter from you. but I know that you as well as myself have a great deal to do and cannot write when we would like to and it is as much as ever that I have got at it to night and now it is after nine o’clock.

could not get the children to Sleep untill a short time ago. they wer so full of the old sixty that they could not shut their eyes. I general put them to bed about six o’clock and some times it takes a long time to get them to sleep. Oh dear how tired I get some times but after they are here we do not like to part with them. Susie and Arthur as mischieveous as they can be. they are almost of a size and Arthur is a great deal fater than Susie. the baby grows real fast and is good natured.

we have been having real pleasant wether for the last week or two but it commenced to snow this morning and has been snowing ever since so the snow is quite deep. well the holidays are past. how did you enjoy yourself and what did you get for a preasant. these people here had a Christmas tree in the Congregational church which looked very nice and yeilded bountifuly. for my chase I got six napkins from Lydia. and a spice box with a lot of little boxes inside of it for all kinds of spices from George, and a vace from Gideon Seymour. I was one of his cholars in the sunday school, we (his class) gave him a gold pen and holder. the tree was for the sunday school.

when I got home George gave me a black alapaca dress and a pare of gaiters and lydia gave me yarn enough for a pair of stockings. there was a bag of lace filled with pop corn and candy and nuts and a buff neck tie for Susie from Lydia. I gave George a pair of slippers.

Jim does not live with us. this winter he is staying up to Captain Whippies. he has not been able to go out but a few times. he is failing real fast and if he does not get help soon he can not stand it very long. I suppose you have heard that Rastus Taylor’s wife is dead. she had typhoid fever. Barbra Goodyear and John Kissel were married last thursday. Mary Jones was here few weeks ago. inquired of you. she lived with me when I was sick. she was a real good girl and the same thing she use to be.

Well this is tuesday evening could not quite finish my letter last night. sleighing is quite good to day. Mary Ray and Phebe Parsons were here this evening. well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time so I will bring my letter to a close by biding you all good night. write soon.

Keep little Mary for me

Sarah Greene

Mrs Heisler has got little twin boys they are two weeks old. Katie has got a little boy about six months old.

At the time the letter was written, Sarah had three children: Susie was about 3 1/2 years old, Arthur about 2 years, and the baby, Freddie, was about 3 months old. George is Sarah’s husband.

Elizabeth had married Sam Coppes on March 12, 1867. Their first child “Little Mary” was born on February 3, 1868.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

April 19th 1868 :: Sarah to Lizzie

Rootstown April 19th 1868

Dear Sister

This is sunday evening and I thought that I would answer your letter that I received last night. We have been having real cold and winterish weather and had conciderable snow this month but it has cleared off and is warmer now. snowed and blowed all last sunday. we have not moved yet. expect to move this week, thursday. Converse are going to move tomorrow and then I am going to have Mary clean the house and put down the carpet and have it all ready to put the things in.

I want to buy that hit or miss Carpet of you to put down in the kitchen as I dont know as I ever will get time to make one. will pay you what you asked for it a year ago. will pay you when you come back. I thought that I would put it down without waiting for an answer as I thought that you would want to sel so it but if you dont want to tel me have it let me know and I will take it up. we have sold our calf for 28 dollars and George said that I might have it to put in the house. have got sixteen yards of sale carpeting for the sitting room. I think that it is real good. it as a remnance and he got it cheeper.

we have not sold our place yet but I think that Charlie Holden will buy it. he is after it. Troy Honeyrock has bought his place. I am glad that Mary has got a place. hope that she will like it. was going to write to her this evening but did not know how to direct. thought I would wait until after we get moved and then would direct to Locke and our folks could send it to her. I have not found her shoes yet.

Susies cough is better. we kept doctoring her for the croupe and nothing seemed to help her and we finly sent for the doctor and he said she had worms and gave her some medicine and she is getting better. dont cough hardly any. well I must stop writing as it is late and must get up early. George is going to Cleveland tomorrow. I wish when you come you would bring me some early beans to plant and some parsnips seed and some cucumber seed. I must close. Give my love to all the folks. Good Night.


Susie is Sarah's 2 1 /2 year old daughter and George is Sarah's husband.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Friday, March 04, 2011

March 10th 1867 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie

Rootstown March 10th 1867

Dear Sister

I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you and to hear that you was not any worse. I think when warm weather comes they will all feel better. I think that our cold weather is about over. people here have commenced to make sugar and have had one good run. I suppose people out their are all busy in their camps making sugar.

Well I dont know what to say to interest you I dont know of anything that is going on around here but I thought I must write and let you know that we are all in the land of the living and able to take care of ourselves.

Lydia is in Randolph now. she had to go to Cleveland last week to see about her money. she has finly got her papers in shape so she can draw her money. she was up here week before last. our girl had to go home so she came up and stayed one week and I got along one week alone. the girl has come back now. her father was sick with the spotted fever and she had to go home. I dont know how long she will stay. Lydia says when she comes she dont want any girl around. she wants to do the work herself but she wont take any pay so I dont know as we will let the girl go. I dont want to have it said she done my work for nothing. she was real good the last time that she was here. if she is always like that I can get along with her very well. well I shall have to stop for to night and finish this in the morning.

George is lying on the floor and Susie is playing with him. she is throwing her clothes over him and having a good time so I must stop and put her to bed.

Monday Morning
I dont know as I have anything to say this morning and what I have said isent worth sending. I think your dress is real pretty and think your clothes must all be pretty. You have my best wishes and I hope you wont be so unfortunate as I have been. I think you might have told me what day you was going to be married.

I suppose you know that Vira Beans is married. she has moved to Ft Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Rose have united with the Methodist church. Walter Chiltendon was married last week to a Carris girl. he is not in the store any more. they have got Agor now. he dont seem to have any offer for his place. I hope he will have. I shall have to stop for this time. I hope to hear from you soon and tell us all the news.

Jim is off to Whippies now. He is not as well now as he was. I will send that money to Sol for that picture. I think that man had ought to pay us for spoiling those pictures so I will send it in this letter and you will please give in to him. Give our love to all the folks.

Good bye
Sarah Greene

I will send you some pieces of susies aprons. it is 18 cents a yard.

On March 12, 1867 (two days after this letter is dated) Lizzie Berlin was married to Samuel Coppes in Elkhart County, Indiana.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

January 14th 1867 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie

Rootstown, Jan 14th 1867

Dear Lizzie

I received a letter from you and one from Mary last Saturday and we were glad to hear from you. we had not recived but just one letter from home since we left their. Lydia and I wrote you a long letter about four weeks ago and had not heard from you since. but I suppose you did not get it. I was sorry to hear that you have all been sick but hope you have got well by this time. how long has father and mother been sick and is it any thing more than a hard cold. people around here have all been having hard colds but are getting better now. we have been having very coald weather and real good sleighing for the last two or three weeks. we do not have much snow at a time but what we do have stays.

You wanted to know if my health was any better than it was. it has been a great deal better. it has been far more than a year since I have got home from the west untill within a week or so. I do not feeal as well as I think I have over done but if I keep more quiet I will get over it soon. Lydia has been gone three weeks and was not able to do much. last week she went to Mr. Gorleys to sew a few weeks and was taken sick with a cold but has got better now. she washed to day. George has been doing the washing and ironing for the last three weeks. Mrs. Barlow does not take in washing any more and there isnt any girl around here that we could get to stay a few weeks. tell Mother that she need not worry about me for I am getting along well enough. I have done more work since I have got home than I have done in a long while by doing a little at a time.

Susie is well and is as full of mischief as she can be. she can walk any where she wants to go and can say a number of words. she can say grandmama and Aunt Lydie and Ant Mazma. the other words seem to be two hard to say. she tryes real hard to talk. some times she will come to me and say ma, ma, and look around and tell a great long mess of stuff no body knows what it is. I suppose she thinks she is telling us something. she can say ho, horse, and boy and chair and a good many other words. the first time she got up alone in the midle of the flore she tried to walk and did not give up untill she had walked three or four steps and in a fever she went all over the floor. We went to the concert Christmass eve and took Susie with us and she behaved real well and when Fletcher got up to speak she knew who it was and yealed at him. when we talk to her about you folks out there she looks around and seems to wonder where you are.

I have not been any where since we got home but up to Cap’ Whippies place. Georges Mother has not been able to go out any cince I have got home. she has had an awful sore leg. it has been so sore that she had to sew two stockings together so as to make it big enough for her foot. I think that she is a real good woman. Jim is here. he thinks that he is getting better. he is real good an is full of fun.

You told where you was New Years and Christmas. I was at home all day alone. How are those pictures coming on. have they been finished or if they have not been did Sol have to pay any thing and if he did let me know much and I will send him the money. Mrs Converse had been down to see me. she has got well. they have named there baby Edward Henry after Mr Lamby and one of Nells brothers. we have got our pig kill and have got our work all done. we butchered the day after Christmas.

tell Mary that her pillow caces are twenty-nine inches long and twenty one inches wide. I wrote it in my other letter but you did not tell her. I will write to her soon. Lydia is writing to her now. tell her that some of us will get that money for her. George said that Bankcraft spoke to him about it last friday and told him that if any one was atherized they could draw it. George said that he would get it for her but Lydia has got the note now and says she can collect it. so I suppose she must have her own way. you know she is so terrible abused any way and has not got any home. I shall have to stop as it is late and I will write soon again and tell what I do not think of now.

I suppose you know Lydia Beans and Mike Leach is married. my regards to Ben and Leyde and wish them much joy. tell Ely and Lovin to write and all the rest of the folks. I can not write all the names. George and I send our best wishes to all the family and some of you write sooner and let us know how you are. give my best wishes to Sam and remember me to all the friends.

Good Night Sarah Greene

Sarah's daughter, Susie Greene was born in October 1865 so she would be about fifteen months old at the time this letter was written. Evidently, Sarah and her family made a recent trip to Indiana to visit the family.

It sounds like Mary, Sarah's sister, may have gone to live in Indiana.

Ben and Leyde might be Benjamin Yarian and Eliza Coppes who were married December 25, 1866. Eliza was a sister of Samuel Coppes.

Ely and Lovin is a reference to Eli and Lovina (Berlin) Yarian who were married September 22, 1866. Eli was a brother of Benjamin Yarian.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

December 6th 1866 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Rootstown Monday Eve Dec 6th

Dear Sister Lizzie

Home at last. am beded in this quiet spot that I call home. The day I left you so sad. after a tedious ride I arived at Elkhart. I was abbout as cold as I could be but knowing that all things can be endured I did not stop long to wonder what I should do but started for the printing office. met Mr Delo there. he seemed very much surprised to see me. invited me to go home with him. did not see Mrs D as She had gone out to spend the afternoon. saw Mary and the children. staid about one hour then went to Mr Posts. they seemed glad to see me. I Staid to supper. had a good supper.

when Mr P started back to his business he said he would be back in time to go to the depot with me. after he had gone Mrs P proposed going down town. went in to their store. they sent some very nise presents to her Sister in Edinberg and made me a nise present of two pictures. one George Washington family, the other the Grant family. I feel greatly in debt to them for their kindness. they both went to the depo with me. waited there nearly one hour before the train came. I beged to have them go home but they would not go and leave me alone. they went in to the car and got me a good seat then bid me good by. may the lord ever prosper them through the journey of life and at last receive them in to his kingdom is my hearts prayer.

I arrived in Cleveland at seven the next morning. it was very cold and I did not feel very well so I came right on home. got of at Rootstown Station but no one there to meet me but I got a way to go over by paying. got to Sarahs at about eleven oclock. the children nearly went wild. Sarah said they would ask ever so many times a day if she dident think I would soon come. George went to the depo twise the day before Thanksgiving after me. Minnies preasant to Susie was a little doll. it is real pretty. Susie says aint it kute. Minnie Austin thinks ever so much of her preasant. says she will send you something.

Lizzie I have thought of you so much to day was afraid you were at the wash tub. I told Sarah that you made some pies the day I came away. she was perfectly astonished. said she never heard of the like. is afraid you will regret it some day. Sarah is doing her own work now. gets along real well. her house seems in perfect order. they have been building on to their house. built a woodhouse and made some other repares. Sarah health is better that it has been for a long time.

Lizzie how I do wish you could see my bountifull plants. they have had the best of care. my rose bush is all in blossom and like a wise vine it nearly covers the window. it makes my room look so cheerful. I found my room in perfect order. every thing well taken care of. the family are just as good and kind as ever. all seemed glad to see me.

last friday I was invited up to the ministers. there were thirteen of us and among the number was Lucy Parsons. her baby is just as handsome as it can be. yesterday I tended church twise. today Mr P called for me to go over to Lucys. I went. tomorrow am going to ravenna. there is considerable snow on the ground but not enough for Sleighing. answer this soon as you can.

your Sister, Lydia.

This letter would likely have been written in December 1866 as the letter was addressed to "Miss Lizzie Berlin", Locke P.O., Elkhart Co. Ind. Lizzie was married in March 1867.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

June 14th 1866 :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie

Randolph June 14th 1866
Sabbath afternoon

Sister Lizzie

It has been a long time since I recd your last letter. you must think I have forgotten you but I ashure you I often think of you and think you are all so happy while I am so sad two sad to write and anything that would interests you. this is one reason that I do not write. you cannot realize any thing about this affliction. you may think you would not feel as I do and perhaps you might not. some are so constituted that they can bear grief better than others and our surrounding circumstances change our feelings. it wants health and strength to bear such afflictions as this. my anticipations were so great I could see nothing ahead but perfect joy and happiness but alas how changed. god saw fit to take my hearts treasure, that through this affliction my heart might be made better. god sometimes afflicts us for our own good. he asks us to buy up treasures in heaven not on earth. this is all right but it is hard. Oh lord thy will be done.

I have just got home from church. I will try and finish my letter. I hardly know what to write. I could write pages in sadness but I well know that this would not interest you. I recd a letter from Sarah a fiew days since. her health is not very good. she is not able to do her work. She has got such a sweet little babe. it has blue eyes and curly hair and it seems healthy but it is so little. I am going up to stay with her some. I have been very busy. I take in sewing and I have been very busy. I have been sick some but am better now. I have a family living in part of my house. It is Fred knapp. he married Maggie Engelhart. it is pretty much but they are very kind to me and that is all I care for. Lizzie I wish you could see my palice. it is the nisest finished hous in town but I cannot enjoy it.

what are you a doing this winter and all the rest of the folks. you need not be surprised if I should come out to see you. I wonder about from place to place. I am not contented any plase long at a time. home is the dearest spot. this is where I wonce was happy and there is yet that enjoyment that can no where els be found. it is home tho it be lonely.

I wish I could write more but it is nearly eleven o’clock. give my love to all. tell them I often think of them and Fred. I know he feels hard towards me and I don’t know that I can blame him when he has been so kind and good but I don’t know what to write to him that would interest him in his joy and happiness. I could Myron have come then I could write some thing that would interest him but I will close by asking you all to write your sad and lonely sister.

Lydia Collins

Fred Richmond was the husband of Lydia's sister, Catherine Berlin.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.