
Monday, February 28, 2011

June 3rd 1866 :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie

Randolph June 3th 1866

Dear Sister Lizzie

I have been waiting this long time to here from you but do not get any letters & so have come to the conclusion that I did not answer your last letter. it has been so long I have forgotten. This has been a long lonly day. has been raining all day. I have been a home all day. no person to speak to till just at night. Father came in. I stay here a lone in this great house. I can tell you this is lonely but I do not feel contented any where els. I go and stay with Sarah some. the last time I was there I staid nearly three weeaks. I got so home sick but I felt it my duty to stay with her. she weeand her baby while I was there. she has got such a pretty baby. it did seem so cruel to weean such a little thing as it was only six months old. but it is all well enough now.

Sarahs health is Some better but I can tell you she is not well yet. I went to Ravenna last monday. I cald at her house. found her on the bed. had no girl. it was impossible for me to stay as I had left things in such a way that it was nessary I should go home. I have thought of her so much. shall go up this weeak & stay if I can get a way to go. I do not want to a larm you. she says she is getting better & I do not think she looks as bad as she did but she looks bad enough. I shall come home this summer if she gets so she can go two. I think it would do her good to see you all.

George is real kind & good to Sarah & she has things real good in her house. they have kept a hired girl most of the time for six months. paid her 2 dollars a week besides paying a pretty heavy Doctors bill & to finish with there cow dide; but Georg never complains. he is all ways good natured & makes the best of everything.

Marys Health is not very good. she is ingering her health a working in that office. I think she will not stay there much longer. I will close give my love to all. write soon. you ma think this letter does not amount to much but I do not know what to write to interest you. good bye. write soon and all the news.

Lydia Collins

Sarah gave birth to her first child, Susie Elizabeth Greene, on September 27, 1865.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

January 30th 1866 :: S.K. Kraver to Mr. S.D. Coppes

Guilford Ohio 30 Jan 1866

Dear cousin

As I have time this afternoon I will endeaver to write this note & by its contents you may see that I rec’d your note on Saturday last & was pleased to hear from you. I thought you had forgotten all about Ohio. I guess you had for the first few weeks. I was very lonesome after you left. I felt like one forsaken. we are geting along fine in our writing school. we have had twelve lessons now. Singing is in full blast now. this house is crowded every night if the weather is fine. Please turn over to see what comes next.

About our business I cannot say much more than we could when you left. we are down 75 feet & have still about the same kind of slate.

We did not have much sleighing yet but it went pretty well last week. Sam & I went to Norton on sunday last in the cutter. but the snow is about all gone in the road now. other things have not changed much since you left. About that picture I do not know. She said she would sent you one if she would have them taken. I do not know weather she will or not.

Abe Koppes’s little girl (Susannah) is very poor but they think she is a little better today. We are all well. hoping that this note may meet you all the same.

I send my respects to all,
S. K. Kraver

Samuel D. Coppes was married to Elizabeth “Lizzie” Berlin in March 1867.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

December 10th 1865 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie

Rootstown Dec the 10th 1865

Dear Lizzie

I am bound this evening that you shall have a letter from me before this week is out. it has been so long since I have received your letter that I am actualy ashamed of my self but I hope you will excuse me as it takes me all the time to do the work and take care of the baby. she is not a cross baby but she needs to be taken care of and the days so short that by the time I turn around a few times it is night and when I think I will write some body comes or I do not feel well so you see my time goes. I wish we lived near enough so that we need not write.

I would like to see you all and wish that you could see little Susie. she will be eleven weeks old next wednesday. she begines to laugh and play and notice things. she has dark blue eyes and curly hair and is real fair for a little baby. she is well and grows like every thing. I wish we would have weighed her to day so as to tell you how much she weighed. we weighed her about four weeks ago and she weighed eleven pounds and a half. I wish I could come out there some Saturday and bring her along. I have been away from home twice with her.

I was down to Captain Gardners last Thursday to a Thanksgiving supper. Where was you Thanksgiving day. I have not been down to Lydies yet. I have been going there this long time but have not been yet. Lydia is feeling a little better now than she did. she is taking in sewing and has Mrs. Woodroof staying with her. I have not seen Mary or Lydia for some time but I suppose they are well.

Isaac Slabaugh’s wife was up here a few weeks ago. she said that Rosa Ansfall and Sam Sheick was going to be married before long. the report is all around that Martha Rose is going to have a baby and I guess it is true. she is living with Clary now. Oh what girls. I should think they would think more of themselves. Well I must stop writing for this evening and go to bed and get up early and go to washing and get through before George goes down to the store. he helps do most all the washing for the last two weeks. I have not been well enough to do it myself and cant get any one to do it. I will finish this some other time. Good Night.

Monday Morning
Well we have washed to day and got our work all done up and thought I would finish your letter for the next thing as the baby has gone to sleep and all is quiet. We butchered our beef this afternoon. It is real nice beef and it was our cows calf last spring. we have not butchered our pig yet. George says he is going to keep it four or five weeks longer. I suppose you have got your butchering all done.

I had a letter from Mary to day. she is well and said she had a letter from you last week. she is coming down here christmas if it is pleasant. where are you going Christmas and New Year. John Jones have got a boy. also Wash Frances have got another boy . I suppose Madison told you that Mary Walton had a little girl. I suppose you think this is a great place for babies. I think the disease must be catching.

[Note along edge of first page]
George stands here looking over my shoulder and says I should send his respects to all. have Father and Mother ever got their pictures taken. I would like some of our folks pictures. I have not got any of them. Sarah Greene.

[Note at top of second page in different writing]
We are going to send the baby to Mt Union to School next summer. she does not like the teacher in Rootstown. Ask Lovina if she has swallowed any pins lately. G.M. Greene

The baby is Sarah's first child , Susie Elizabeth Greene, who was born on September 27, 1865.

Lydia, Sarah's sister, had lost her husband to sickness in April 1865 while he was serving in the Civil War.

Mary, also Sarah's sister, was working in a print shop in Ravenna.

Sarah was married to George Greene on 28 Aug 1864.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Please, Do Your Family a Favor...

My Mother passed away last week (Tuesday, February 15th) and due to her foresight and thoughtfulness, the days following her death were somewhat less stressful than they might have been.

You see, back in January of 1999 Mom planned her own funeral, decided where she was going to be buried, selected the grave marker – and paid for it all!

She purchased the cemetery plot and grave marker outright and got an “insurance policy” to pay for the funeral services. Premiums were paid for three years and guaranteed the cost. She also discussed those arrangements with me, so I knew what she wanted.

She had selected only one song for the service so we chose several more that we knew she liked. The only things that were left to decide and pay for were the flowers for the casket, the funeral cards, thank you notes, and the obituary notices.

The other thing that Mom did that made our decision for us when the time came, was that she discussed her wishes in regards to “heroic measures” or life support in the event that she became terminally ill. It was a heart-wrenching decision that was by no means easy, but essentially one that she had made and we were bound to honor that decision.

Last November, Apple wrote about the process she went through in pre-planning her Mother's funeral as well as selecting a burial site and grave marker. Tough decisions were made and it was stressful, but imagine having to make those decisions in a very short period of time and under even more stressful conditions.

It is definitely not an easy task, but one which your family will forever be grateful. So, if you can, get your funeral planned. At the very least, discuss your wishes with your family. And, if at all possible get it paid for. Now.

Thank you, Mom, for this gift that you gave us.

Mom was cremated and the cremains were buried in the plot shared with her sister at Lakeview Cemetery, Larwill, Indiana. Mom selected a bench marker so that we might have a place to sit when visiting her.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update on Mom :: May she Rest in Peace

Virginia Rose Phend Wiseman
May 9, 1928 - February 15, 2011
Rest in Peace, Mom. I Love You!

It was 11 days ago that Mom was admitted to the hospital as a result of radiation and chemo treatment for rectal cancer. She passed away at 8:45 this morning at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The cancer was not the direct cause of her death - an infection of the colon that antibiotics failed to control along with pneumonia and anemia were the major contributors.

With her consent, she was placed in Hospice care on Wednesday afternoon but due to the strength and wellness of her vital organs (her heart, liver, lungs and kidneys were in excellent condition) death did not come easily for her. She was not in a great deal of pain due to the medication she was given. She wanted just enough medication to ease the pain but not enough to dull her mind so the doctors complied with her wishes. She knew every friend and family member who came to visit and communicated with them even though she sometimes was too weak to talk. There were moments of anguish that were extremely difficult to watch as she said goodbye to each one of them. Though fewer, there were also moments of of joy and laughter.

Mom knew exactly what was happening all of the time up until about 8 pm last night when she suddenly became completely unresponsive. It was a relief for us when she finally passed to the other side knowing that she was in a better place and no longer suffering. She will be missed but her memory will live forever in our hearts.

Her death following so soon after the death of her sister Phyllis (just nine weeks ago) makes this an even more trying time for us and extended family members. It is so hard to believe that they are both gone...

Link to her Obituary (added February 16, 2011)

August 28th 1865 :: Sarah Greene to Friends at Home

Rootstown August the 28th 1865

Dear Friends at Home

It has been some time since I have written to you and I must say that it is too bad that I have not written before now but I hope you will excuse me as you are not very prompt about answering my letters. besides I have not been very well this summer so it has kept me buisy to keep around and do my work untill lately. my health is better than it has been in a long time.

We have had work folks last week and are going to have them part of this week. we are having our cellar dug out and walled over. it has been so bad we could not keep anything in it this summer. but after it is finished it will be a good cellar. Were are going to have some plastering and papering done in our kitchen this week. It has been real inconvenient for us to have it so but after we get it done it will look so much better. then you must come over and see us. We have had a cistern dug this summer but it has been so wett ever since that we could not get it dry enough to let the water run into it untill this week. It cost us about 15 dollars and holds over 30 barrels of water.

We were down to Lydies last sunday. she has gone to house keeping and has taken two boarders. I think she appears more cheerful than she did. But I feel sorry for her to keep house alone. She stayes alone nights. that is after the girls go home. they are some of the school girls and do not stay only untill friday afternoon.

Marvin has got home and is now sick with the fever. He has not been to see Lydia but once since he has got home. I do not think that they are very good to Lydia since Myron is dead. I am real glad that she has spunk enough to go away from them although it must be lonesome to live alone. I suppose they think she is out of the family now. she need not look to them for any accommodation at all. well enough of this. perhaps Lydia has told you herself.

When we were down to Randolph we came home by Mr Parsons and called in to see Pheby and the baby. it is four weeks old and she named it Jenny Strong. they are pleased all most to death over the baby and are just as good to her as they can be. Olive Honeywell has got a boy two weeks old. her folks feel awful bad about it. it is Monroe Allens. he has gone out west and wont Marry her.

you asked me if I had seen Juliann since she has got home. I have not seen her to speek to her. she went by here since but I did not know her untill she had got passed so I could not speek to her and we have no way of getting down their. We had a wedding in town today it was Delia Collins and Henry Demming. they are going to Conneticut on their wedding tour.

It is just one year ago to night at 8 o’clock that we were married. how time passes. it does not seem so long to me. it will be one year next tuesday that you started for the west. can you hardly realize it. Georges Father and Mother are coming out here next month.

I had a letter from Mary last week. she has been sick and has not been able to come down here but said she was coming down next Saturday. Winnie is stoping with us awhile. her school has been out two weeks. I am glad you are having fruit out their we have not had any thing but what we have to buy. we had a few huckleberries and had to pay 20 cents a quart and 15 cents per quart for blackberries. so we thought it would not pay to buy very many. we have cabbage to eat and have had a first rate garden this summer. well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time. write soon and I will write again. Good bye. Remember George and I to all. Sarah Greene.

Sarah is writing from Rootstown, Ohio to “friends at home” in Locke Township, Elkhart County, Indiana – a “home” where she has never lived, but it is considered to be “home” because that is where her parents are living.

Sarah's health had not been good in recent months due to her pregnancy. Her first child would be born on September 27th.

Lydies is Sarah's sister Lydia Collins. Marvin is probably a brother of Lydia's deceased husband Myron Collins. I think she was living near Ravenna (in Portage County) at this time.

Based on Sarah's statement that it will be “one year next tuesday that you started for the west” we now have a time frame for when John D. Berlin and his family moved to Elkhart County, Indiana! Sarah and George Greene were married on Sunday, August 28, 1864 and if they left the following Tuesday, it would be August 30, 1864.

Mary is the other sister of Sarah's that stayed in Ohio when their parents moved west. I believe she was living in the town of Ravenna.

Winnie is probably a relative of Sarah's husband. Sarah and George would name their youngest daughter Winifred.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Monday, February 14, 2011

July 16th 1865 :: Lydia Collins to Lizzie Berlin

Randolph July 16 Sunday Evening

Sister Lizzie

It has been some time since I received your letter but miy ar such that it is all most impossible for me to write. yet it is so good to receive letters. I think of you Oh so much and wish you could be here with me. and my dear old Father & Mother, how I want to see them. never did they seem so dear to me as they do since my hearts desire has been taken from me. perhaps my heart was to much sentred on that wone object but it has been removed. all my high raised expectations from that beloved object wich now moulders in distance perished in a day.

I some times think that aflictions are put upon us that we in a see and know that their is a higher ruler that governs. little did I think one year a go when Victor Stanford was brought home a corps that I so soon should have to go through with the same trial that dear Nelse did. little did I realise her feeling but now I can sympathyse deeply with her. we spend a great deal of time together. we do not tire of each others society as those do that never have parted with all that made life sweet in this world.

everything looks dark and dreary to me and yet I must live untill god sees fit to take me to that better world and I some times think the time that I shall have to Stay here will be short for I cannot live very long feeling as I do now. I do not know what to do. I have a good home but I cannot live there a lone and cannot be contented any other plase. I often think if you were only living here some of you could be with me or I could go home and stay part of the time.

you wrote you thought it would be the best thing I could do to come out west and stay a while but I do not think I could be contented to be so far a way from my home and Myrons grave. the to dearest spots on this earth. I have not staid at home but little of the time since Myron was buried. I wander a bout from wone plase to a nother. I am now at Mother Collins. you know how quiet and lonly it seems, my weary heart yearns for home.

Tuesday afternoon

I recd a letter from Mary yesterday she is well and wonders why you do not write to her. I was up to Sarahs last weeak. her health is not verry good. she laid a bed all day the day I was there but was better when I come a way. I should have staid but I wanted to tend Walace Steadmans funeral. It chills me to the heart to tell you that he is dead and to say that his own hand caused his death. To think his dear wife has but little to comfort or console her in dark sad hour of her sorrow and yet how calmly she bears it. what a misterous death. think of his friends, how can they bear this. how much more comforting it is to think the hand of god has taken our dear friends for we then have a hope of meeting them a gain. what a happy thought that we shall meet them a gain. I will not give you the perticulars a bout him.

Julian Slabaugh has just been here and is going west. she will tell you more than I can write a bout him. Julia called to know if I had any word to send. I could not think of any thing but if I could see you I could say a great deal. I told her to bring one of you home with her but I do not know as it would be best for I do not know what I shall do yet. Oh if I could have seen Myron & he could have advisd me then I could do different but here I am a lone. you well know that I am not capable of managing or running buisness for myself but I will trust to providence.

The note I had from Father in regard to the money did not seem very sadisfactory. he Said Father Collins could do as he pleased. he might either send the money or go in to lands. he will not send it untill he hears from Father again you can rest assured.

I recd a letter from Fred but have not answered it yet but will soon. I suppose you had a very nise time the fourth. did you think of those that were sand and lonely. I went over to my home and staid part of the day & then went over to the green yard. all a lone and wept such bitter tears over the grave of that dear departed wone. I staid there untill it was all most dark. for nine years I have spent the fourth with Myron. how happy I was and now how sad.

I must close such a sad letter as this will not interest you but you know not the feelings of this heart. good by. write soon. give my love to all. your broke hearted Sister Lydia Collins

Lydia's husband, Myron Collins, died of illness in a Nashville Hospital on April 26, 1865. They were married on November 12, 1858.

Mary and Sarah are Lydia's sisters. Sarah was seven months pregnant.

Fred is the husband of Lydia's sister, Catherine Richmond.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

June 9th 1865 :: Lydia to Lizzie & friends at home

Randolph June 9th 1865

Lizzie & friends at home

As I feel it my duty to write to you, I will try in this sad dark hour of my life. Dear friends little do you realize how dark this world looks to me in the midst of joy & happiness as it were every thing has been turned to darkness. you all well know that my hole life & affetions were scenterd in that dear departed husband. he was dearer than life to me. you all know how good and kind he was & to think he had such a good home and was taken a way from his home to die. it seems as though I cannot have this so and yet it is so. It must be so.

in his last letter he wrote so much about home & that he looked fareward to the time when he should return home as one of the most happy times in all his life. he says to me live happy as you can and pray for my return. but a las he is gone to his long home where we are all hastning. I would gladly go were it gods will but he is a just god. and to him I look for aid in this hour of affletion. I feel that there is no other comforter, that dear wone that has been taken from the embrase of dear friends in this world has gone to a far better world, where beauty cannot fade nor sorrow dim the eye. he is waiting for me to come to him. he cannot come to me. I have evry reason to think he died happy & if I live such a life as is ask of me I know I shall meet him again where parting will be no more, nor sorrow is never nown.

But a gain whin I think of the long lonly years I perhaps may have to spend in dark and dreary world with out that dear wone that I looked to for so much happiness & of this dear home that we were antisipating an enjoying so much & now it is all left for me, not to enjoy but to mourn my life a way. you know not the feelings of my heart. I cannot describe my feeling. could you see me you could now some thing a bout it yet you could not feel nor see this heart a bleeding with anguish.

for four weeaks I was not able to do anything & now am hardly able to sit up. you are all so far a way you cannot realise any thing about this trouble. write and try and comfort me if you cannot come and see me. tell me what I shall do. I feel that I have the sympathy of every boddy in town yet it does not fill the vacancy. Oh how my heart yearns for that dear departed wone. why was this so when I loved him so. I cannot live without him. think of those eyes & those winning ways those hands that that were always so ready and willing to do for me and now I am all alone. no one to do for me and my health is poor. I must Stop for I am so tired. I am over to mothers. she is very kind to me.

Tell Father that Mr Cline has paid three hundred dollars on those notes. he wants to know how he shall Send it in money or get it in bonety. he does not want to keep the money on hand now. write as soon as you get this and let him know. your sorrowing sister Lydia Collins. write soon. good by.

here are some pieces of my dresses & a piese of my bonnet. I wish I could see you all, write to me.

On April 26, 1865 Myron Collins, Lydia's husband, died of illness in a hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. Lydia and Myron were married on November 10, 1858.

Lydia says that she is “over to mothers” which I surmise is likely Myron's mother.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

June 2nd 1865 :: Warren Jenkins to Frank

Rose Cottage June 2d 1865

Dear Frank,

Your letter of 25th ult is at hand and was gladly welcomed. Yes the dreadful war is over, thanks be to Him who has ruled & over-ruled preserving our Nation and Government intact and fixing it upon a firmer foundation than ever before. Now I pray that this same hand may guide our rulers & the conquered but not subdued rebels in the re-organizing & putting in operation the State Governments. There is great reason to fear on this score heart brimmings & bitter political strife. Your views & mine & indeed almost all men coincide as to the course to be pursued at present & for the future. It is quite probable there will be many differences as to detail.

For my individual self, to avoid bitter strife & feelings I would have preferred, that the whole gang of Confederate leaders had escaped from the country, but when I look at the horrid soul sickening record of the murder by inches of our poor prisoners to the number of perhaps 50,000 I cannot but feel that its doubly damned infamous authors ought to swing high as Haman. Jeff Davis & his chief officers are directly responsible for this infamous - nay infernal wholesale murder - a crime as far more infamous as light is from darkness, that the wholesale butchery by Santa Ana or by Forest at Fort Pillow. Horror & righteous indignation fill the mind at the very thought.

Most sincerely do I congratulate you & yours on the prosperity which our Heavenly Father has vouchsafed to you all. Surely such a family of children are a blessing indeed, & for much of this under God are you & they indebted to the wise christian training of a judicious self denying wife & mother. Surely her children & childrens children will wise up and call her blessed. She has her reward. Give my regards to Adelia & her husband. His name I have forgotten. I congratulate them on his good fortune as a soldier, while he has proved his devotion to that countrys best interests. May God bless him and his.

Nora Howard, that was, the widow Mrs. Duncan, that is, is now visiting us. A young widow of 27. She is just the same good affectionate Nora, that we parted with so many years ago. Her husbands relatives & her home are now at Evansville, Indiana. She may stay with us for the summer.

My own health has varied very much. At one time some six weeks since I was very very sick with Pneumonia. I thought it was the closing struggle but God did not so order it & now I am about the house & ride out a little. But I am a hopeless invalid awaiting my Heavenly fathers summons. May we all be ready is the prayer of Your affectionate uncle Warren Jenkins. We reciprocate your kind regards.

I'm including this letter, even though I don't know who Frank (the recipient) is nor Warren Jenkins (the sender) because I found it interesting. I also don't know where Rose Cottage is located. I wonder if Warren Jenkins could be related in some way to James W. Rose and his sister Mary J. Rose.

Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, Virginia on April 9, 1865 and President Lincoln was assassinated less than a week later.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Friday, February 11, 2011

April 4th 1865 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie Berlin

Rootstown April 4th 1865 Tuesday Evening

Dear Sister

I received your letter last week and as I am alone this evening thought it would be a good time to reply. I was very much surprised when I received your letter to think that you had replyed so soon. We are having nice spring weather here now. the roads have dried up nicely and every thing begines to look green. Sugar making has not been much here this season. the people have all got through.

I suppose you have heard are this about Strong Parsons death. he was buried last Thursday. there was quite a large turnout to the funeral. Mr Parsons folk feel real bad. I feel sorry for Phebe. she takes it real hard. she did not see the corps after it was brought home. they telegraphed to Lucy. she got home the day before the funeral.

The war news are quite favorable here now. they think the war cant last much longer. the report is here this evening that they have captured Lee and his whole force. I hope it is so. Folks all rejoice here to think that Richmond is taken. they are having a grand jubile in Ravenna this evening over it.

I suppose you have got moved by this time and things all stratened around to there places. I suppose you have got your house all cleaned and fixed up with new furniture. How I would like to come out and see you next saturday. I am coming some time to see you that you may calculate on but not this summer. Lydia and Mary think they will not go and I thought I could stand it if they could. I would like to come this summer but cant very well.

We have not got any cow yet but will get one soon as they come down. cows sell from forty to sixty dollars here. Wash offered George that cow he bought of Father for 45 dollars. perhaps he would have bought it if we would have had the cash. I am glad now he didnt if she jumps the fence. George has bought a pig of Isac Slabaugh. he said I should ask you what to name it. I suppose you have made your garden. we have not done anything towards it yet but expect to in a few weeks. I am going to clean house if it keeps pleasant and by that time the garden will be dry.

You have had quite a time about the robbers out. I should think you would be afraid to stir after night. have they got the right men and have the people got there money back. I must tell you I had six visitors last friday afternoon. they were Mary and Olive Austin, Mrs Converse and Lucy Seymour, Winnie and Martha Rose. I knew that part of them were coming so I had enough fixed for all of them. Mary was down week ago last Saturday. I expect her down next Saturday. I some expect Lydia up this week. Tell Julia that old hen that she gave me has layed and now wants to set. Well Lizzie I dont know as I have anything more to write this time and besides what I have written looks so like sixty that I dont believe you will want to read it. it seems the more I write the worse it looks so I think I had better stop. when you write ask mother when she plants her early beans.

Give my love to Father and Mother and all the rest of you. Write soon and oblige your Sister. Sarah B Greene

I hope B has got to come out. My Respets to all the folks.
GW Greeene

Six months prior to the date of this letter, in September 1864, Lizzie and her sister Lovina and their parents moved from Portage County, Ohio to near Locke in Elkhart County, Indiana. Their brothers and another sister had settled in Elkhart County several years earlier.

Sisters Lydia and Mary, along with Sarah were still living in Portage County. Sarah had married George W. Greene the week prior to the family's move. At the time this letter was written, Sarah would have been about four months pregnant with her first child.

Isac Slabaugh could be a brother of Fianna and Julia Slabaugh . They were married to Solomon and Josiah Berlin, respectively.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

April 2nd 1865 :: Lydia Collins to Sister Lizzie

Randolph Sunday Morning April 2nd 1865

Dear Sister Lizzie

I thought as this is such a pleasant morning I would write a few lines to you and send by Mr. Winders as they start for the west on next tuesday. I went down to see them last friday. Lovina wrote to me to send her our Photographs but they are such miserable Pictures that I am actualy a shamed to send them I did not expect to get a good looking picture but I thought Myron would. I will send you wone of each but tell folks we look better than the pictures do if you are a shamed of them. I intend to have mine taken a gain as soon as I get a chance to go to Ravenna and then I will send you wone.

I have written to Myron to get his picture taken in his uniform and send to me. hope he will. I recd a letter from him yesterday. he is yet in the Hospital. he wrote that he had written a great long letter to Josiah so he of corse has told you all about himself. I tell you I feel pretty bad when I think he is sick in the Hospital. sick and I cannot see him nor do any thing for him.

Sunday evening. I commensd this letter this morning but I put it wone side & wrote to Myron. I have just finished his letter. I wish you could see it. I have written two sheats and a half just as full as it can be & some cross wise. when I write to him I write better than I do to you. it is not much trouble for me to write.

I have been to church today. there was a great many out to day. it has been such a beautiful day. the roads ar dry and it seems like summer. I think I shall make garden in a fiew days if it keeps so pleasant. I expect to make my own garden this summer. ther is no boddy to do any work here they have all gone to war. I feel so tired. I guess I will stop for to night. I will write some more in the morning. I go over to Mother Collins to sleep. I had a bout made up my mind to stay a home and when I heard of that great robery out there it scard me out. I know that is a great ways off but they theaves are not all out there.

those collars you can make them with a ruffle or just stick them round. the squar cornerd you can weare for a standing collar or turn down just as you chose. they wear Standing collars here a great deal. you wanted to know if they are wearing circulars here. those that have got them wear them. if I was getting me a cloak I should not have a circular although they are worn and are not so expensive as a kind of cack they wear here. it takes a great deal of triming for those cacks. dont be in any hurry about getting anything to wear as it is so early there may be something different when the summer fashions come. I will write to you again. I cannot write any more. Tommy has come to get the things. Father has just brought me a letter from Mary. She is well. good bye. write soon. give my love to all. I am sorry I cannot write more,

From your Sister
Lydia Collins

To Miss Lizzie Berlin, Locke, Elkhart co. Indiana

Mr. Winders is probably Lewis Winder who, in October 1875, would become the husband of Mary Berlin.

Lovina is the sister of Lydia and Lizzie.

Myron is Lydia’s husband.

Josiah is Lydia’s brother.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

March 14th 1865 :: Mary to Lizzie

Tuesday eve March 14th 1865

Dear Sister

I had about come to the conclusion that you had forgotten me or did not care any thing about me as I did not hear from you for So long, why dont you write often. it does Seem to me you might find time to write to your Sisters. you know you need not the particulars how you write or what just So as it is Something from home. I have not had but four letters this winter one from you and one from Lydia and two from Sarah. dont hear nor see them much oftener than the rest of you.

I have been to Randolph once Since you went away and that was the Saturday before Myron went away. I have no way of going and cant afford to hire a team. I have been down to Sarah’s three or four times but the going is so bad that I cannot go now for some time. I am getting so tired of Staying here. I dont know what to do with myself. I am just almost Sick of living. I am not going to Stay in the office much longer if they dont raise my wages. I know that I earn more than I get. I can get two dollars and a half a week for doing house work but I dont want to do it. The foreman said they would raise my wages to five dollars or he thought they would. if they do I will Stay. if they dont I wont.

March the 19th, 1865, Sunday afternoon

I did not finish my letter as you will See, because I did not have time last week. This is a very pleasant day a good Sun day, I expect you are making Sugar like fun, you can just take a lick for me, while you are about it. George Sent me five cakes last week, and I divided with the hands in the office so that did not leave much for me. Emma went out home yesterday to eat Sugar. She invited me to go withe her but I thought I would not go, I was out to her fathers and Spent New Years, I was to a concert last week. the best entertainment I ever was to in my life, the performers were girls the oldest not over fifteen years old, they Sang and played so well and acted out some pieces it was more of a Show than a concert.

I dont know that I have anything more to write this time. I dont know how our folks are. if the roads dry up fast as they have for a few days I will go down there next Saturday. Kate Cooper is dead, She died two or three weeks ago. You need not look for me a place to work. I promised Myron I would not go west until he got back. I had Some gems taken Some time ago 12 for a dollar. I will Send you one. I want you wen you have yours taken to. Send me then I am going to have Some photographs take when I can afford it. if you have Some taken dont Stand up or only have your head an waist taken as you stood up the other time. Myron gave me that money. I dont know if I wrote that before or not I will send you the questions of the examination. you work out the examples and let me know how many you can answer of the questions, nothing more. my love to all. write Soon. from Mary.

Lizzie and all the rest

I will send the other questions next time
I cannot get them in the envellop

Mary Berlin was living in Portage County, Ohio at the time this letter was written while Lizzie was living in Elkhart County, Indiana. Mary may have been working in a printing office.

Lydia and Sarah, also living in Portage County, are sisters of Mary and Lizzie.

Myron Collins was the husband of Lydia. He had recently enlisted in Company H, 184th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

George is probably Sarah's husband, George Greene. They were married in August of 1864.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

March 7th 1865 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Randolph Mar 7th 1865

Dear Sister

I received your kind letter this morning. I was truly glad to hear from you and to hear that you are well. I have been looking for a letter from some of you for a long time but I know you dred writing just as I use to. but if you had a husband in the army you would not think it a hard ship to write. I rather antisipate on writing than dred it. it is all the comfort I take receiving letters and answer them.

I received four letters from Myron last week and am loooking for a nother to day. he wrote while on Steamboat going down the Ohio and Cumberland River. when he wrote me last they were at nashville but did not think they would remain there any length of time. they do not know there destination. I tell you Lizzie this is taking dear friends a way in a hurry. Myron writes very cheerful. does not complain. There Rations after leaving Camp were coffe, hard tack, and bacon. he writes it is better than he expected. I much rather he would write as he does than to complain as some of them do. it does not help the mater to complain. they have got to stay there time out wether they bear it patiently or impatiently. I know a soldiers life is hard to make the best of it.

Myron did not get home before he left Camp Chase, how sadly disapointed I was to think I could not see him wonce more. he wrote to me on monday after noon. he did not know they were a going to leave and before night had orders to cook two days rations and be reddy to start the next day. this is what a soldier has to put up with. he wrote me again in the evening. you may imagine his feeling and mine two hearing Such unexpected news. Myron writes me such good letter. I would send you some of them but I cannot part with them. I read them over two or three times a day. I am a fraid I will tire you with this but there nothing else that interests me. perhaps Kate can sympathyse with me if you cannot but it is only for wone year. if god is wiling I shall be happy a gan. I will stop writing for a while and perhaps can think of some thing else to write a bout.

I wrote to Mary yesterday. I told her I should write to you to day. I do not intend to let her go west while Myron is gone if I can keep her here. Sarah has been down and staid a weeak with me. Sarah health is not very good. she has been sick a bead some of the time this winter. the Doctor says it is her liver. she feels so lonely without you girls. she often speaks of Father & Mother & says she would like so much to see them. she thought if I went home this fall she would go to but I shall not go until Myron gets home for I could not enjoy my self.

Lizzie I have staid a lone three nights since Myron went away. it seems very lonely but I cannot depend on having some one staying all the time. there are enough that offers to come but I think it must be some trouble for them to come through this mud. Addie will stay when her Mother gets well. she has been sick for a few days. how I wish you could be here to Stay with me.

Mr Smally comences a school here in three weeaks. perhaps I can get some girl to board and go to school but that will keep me rite at home and that will not be so pleasant but war times a person must not expect to have things as they was to like. I would like very much to come and get some sugar but I think it rather far to go. you can send me some if you have a chance. Lovina wrote about Myrons pictures. I will send her won of Myrons. they are not very good but they are better than none. I will send them by Lewis Winders when they go & I will try and get a collar pattern for her. tell her I will write to her before a great while.

it is quite healthy here but you will be surprisd when I tell you I tended Kate Coopers funeral to day she was only sick a fiew days.

Father Collins wanted I should write to Father about Sending the money he has colected on those notes weather it shal be sent by mail or by express. he thinks it would be best to send it by express. the notes are not all paid but I think they will be in a fiew days. folks did not know where to find them. there has been twenty one dollars and seventy five cents of the money that Jess paid last fall to the draft that has been paid back. Shall we send his with the rest. pleas write and let us know imedietely. don forget it. well I must Stop writing for it is past seven and will go over to Mothers to Stay to night for I do not feel very well. give my love to all. write soon and tell me all the news. this letter makes the fourth I have written since Sunday. I wrote two hole sheats to myron last Sunday and sent him six papers. dont you think I improve in writing. good by from your Lonely Sister Lydia Collins.

Lizzie please give me Freds address afore I have written to him yet. Sarah could not give me his adress. you wrote direct to the 5 I thought he was in the cav. I dont mean to leave any paper wasted.

Lydia's husband Myron had recently enlisted in Company H, 184th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

Mary, Sarah, and Lovina are sisters of Lizzie and Lydia. Jess is their brother Josiah.

Fred Richmond is Lydia's brother-in-law, married to her sister Catherine (Kate).

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Monday, February 07, 2011

March 1st 1865 :: Lizzie to Myron Collins

Locke March 1st 1865

Dear Brother Myron

I seat myself this evening for the purpose of answering your letter of Feby 1st. How do you do and how do you like soldiering by this time. Have you left Camp Chase? I think it is so strange that you have enlisted and gone to the Army. I always thought you wouldn’t have to go but it seems as though this War won’t close until all the men are gone. I know Lydia is real lonely. wish I could go and see her. I wrote to her yesterday. I dont suppose she will take a bit of comfort in her new house now that you have gone; but a year will soon pass round and if you have luck you can be at home again “We will hope for the best”.

I think Randolph has done its share for the war so far. if all Townships would be as patriotic I think there would soon be an end to this Rebellion. There hasn’t but a few enlisted from right around here. There are a great many Copperheads here and they wont do much for the war. They are trying to make up money to clear the townships from the Draft. Jess has gone to a meeting for that purpose this evening. He was just crazy to enlist when he heard you had gone but Julia wouldn’t consent. He just wished he was in Randolph. he’d bet he would have been one of the number in your Company.

Jess and Sol have plenty of work on the Sawmill and I guess they are doing real well. Everybody is preparing to make sugar here. Father expects to open up 150 or 200 trees as soon as the weather will admit. Lovina and Kate and I are going to help him. wont we have a nice time though. I just like to help make sugar. Then for Sugar Parties. My school closed week ago last friday. I had a very pleasant time this winter. didn’t have any trouble at all with the school. received $75 for teaching and boarding included.

We are living with Kate yet. expect to move about the 1st of April. Father wanted I should tell you that when you write home he would like to have you tell your father to send him all the money he had on hand by the latter part of this month as he would like to make a payment on his land the 1st of Apr. He should send it by Express, as Lewis Winder is coming out here, and if he comes before that time, if he had the money ready he might send it by him. if he sends it by express he should send it to Goshen Elkhart County.

I will close for this time by wishing you good success.
Please write soon, Lizzie Berlin

Myron Collins married Lizzie’s sister Lydia in November 1858.

Jess is probably Lizzie’s brother Josiah, who was married to Julia Slabaugh.

Sol is Lizzie’s brother Solomon, Lovina and Kate are her sisters.

Lizzie was a school teacher for several years prior to her marriage in 1867.

Lewis Winder would marry Lizzie’s sister Mary in 1875.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

January 11th 1865 :: Mary J. Rose to Lizzie

Jan 11th/65

Dear Lizzie

I received your welcome letter some time ago, And should have answered sooner, but have had no time to do so but you know that I am A person of my word, so here goes. A letter of some kind, good bad or indiferent. I was glad to hear from you, & to hear that you was Doing well, & may your future be ever as bright & colorful as now. I am here at Calvins but are going out home this week some day, and are going down to Claras to do her work for her for she has been quite sick for some Time. she weaned Ella and took cold in her head and has been very sick and I am going down to stay as long as She wants me. Jim and mary are getting along finly. I recieved A letter from them the other day, Jim has joined the methodist church, I am real glad he has. mary is a church member and her father and mother also.

well Lib how are you going to spend your newyear, I am spending mine here at home, writing. I hope you are enjoying yourself finly. Christmes we had A roast turky here at collins and invited Mr Horner and his wife Down. had A fine time. wished you could have been here, Lib. I often think of the many happy hours that we have spent together, and hope we shall spend many an hour together yet. Oh Lib I read and reread you letter over and over again. it brought all the past right before me, and I could not help crying to think that we are parted mabe never To meet again. mother was out here last week, and she said she hadent been over whare you used to live but once, she said it looked so lonesome she never wanted to go over again and see where you used to live, to think she said that you were all gone, it made her feel bad.

oh Lib I wish I was with you to day it would afford me A great deal of pleasure to go and see you to day and have a long chat with you, I have not seen sarah yet but am going to see her before great while and Lily to. Mat is living at mr seymours and is going to stay all winter I have been going to writing school. I pay 60 cts for twelve nights. tomorrow night I am going for the last time. I am sory that I have to go away for Lib by the way our teacher is A fine looking young man and you might know I should hate to leave him. for by the way we have pretty fond times you can see that I have not improved much in writing but I go for it helps and there is quite a number of girls that goes, his name is Leevi Bontael he is A very fine fellow, Lib. pitch in for them good lookin young men do yor best I will send my love to the best looking one of course.

I wish I was out there I would cut you out Lib and yer glad that I aint. valentine day will soon be here I am going to send some to some good looking young man, you know him by and I will sen you one, I am going get pictures taken while I am in Alliance and am going to send one out. old santa clouse did not come here last night and I think he was a partial old fellow not to fill my stocking for me but it was filled this morning about 8 oclock, with my foot in it and wasnt this enough.

Lib have you had any sleigh rides yet. I have but one. Ester and Calvin & I went down to the falls and it was cold enough to freeze a finger but I made sure of one side anyhow if no more the ground is covered with snow to day but it is not sleighing. I dont think we will have much more of this winter. we are looking for Alvira shick some every day to make us a visit they went out to father shicks yesterday to spend newyears, by the way she has got A boy it is three months old and mabe older.

well I must bring my letter to a close. direct you next to Alliance as I shall be there. my love to all, and well wishes are with you. write soon. from your ever friend Mary J Rose to my Dear friend Lib

Mary J. Rose was probably the sister of James W. Rose who also wrote several letters to Lizzie.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Update on Mom

It has been nearly a month since I last wrote about my Mother and her battle with rectal cancer. And I have been chastised by several people for not doing so but I didn't want it to seem like I was soliciting sympathy. So I humbly apologize to the family and friends who were expecting more frequent updates to be posted here.

Mom has been a real trooper through it all, handling it quite well physically and emotionally. The only thing she hasn't cooperated with is eating and drinking fluids. We had been warned that during the third week of treatment (she is getting both radiation and chemotherapy) that the side-effects would start showing up – and they did, with a vengeance.

Imagine if you will, having an extreme case of diarrhea lasting for a week or more. You can imagine how that would feel if you've experienced even one day of that crap (pun intended). On top of that (or rather beneath it) you've gotten a very severe sunburn where the skin has peeled off several layers and exposed raw flesh. The combination of the two is indescribable.

Then her blood count dropped. She had been holding at a level that was low but it hadn't dropped significantly until a few days ago. Low blood counts cause weakness. On Wednesday, she was at the point where she could help us very little with getting her in and out of bed and she couldn't stand on her own. The treatment center was closed Wednesday due to the nasty weather so she missed that session.

Thursday morning she fell trying to get out of bed on her own. She has two black eyes and probably has a broken nose. She looks awful. Even worse now than yesterday morning. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

We weren't due for blood tests or to see the doctor until Friday but I called and we went in Thursday afternoon. Her blood count had dropped significantly since the previous Friday so she was scheduled for a transfusion Friday after her radiation treatment.

I had a terrible time getting her up and dressed yesterday (Friday). She was no help whatsoever, it was like all of her strength had simply melted away. She was literally dead weight. Somehow we managed and I got her to the treatment center. Once the doctor saw her it was decided to admit her to the hospital.

When my niece and I left the hospital last night at 11:30 pm they still had not started the blood transfusion. It was expected to be started within a few hours. They did get a saline solution started to get fluids into her. She is extremely weak from the diarrhea and low blood count. Getting some new blood into her as well as fluids should make a big difference.

She hasn't lost her sense of humor: When the nurse asked her what they could do to make her feel better she simply said, “let me get some sleep!” It seemed like as soon she would drift off to sleep someone came in to prod or poke her to get blood or something... that's the nature of hospitals though.

And now, I'm off to spend the day at the hospital.

Prayers gratefully accepted.

November 27th 1864 :: Mamie Taylor to Lizzie & Vina

Rootstown Sun eve Nov 27th /64

Dear Friends, Lizzie & “Vina”

Thinking perhaps I would like to hear from you & knowing that you would like to hear from me I embrace this oportunity & will volunteer to write you without “leave or license”. Imagine me if you please seated in the sitting room at Sister Lou’s by the east window gazing occasionally out in the barn yard watching four little playful Kittys & the old cat of course, When they dodge behind the corner of the house I pen a few words.

Oh girls! I wish you were here to day it is so lonesome. I have been here more than a week expect to stay here another week, am staying with Lou as she is having “workfolks” also one boarder, a pretty little fellow too. I don’t like to say I’ve fell in love with him this soon but but well I think considerably of him. he is constantly on my mind why should he not be? when he has kept me awake so many nights. They expect him to stay all winter & perhaps longer. think quite likely he will.

About the next time you hear from Randolph & Rootstown you may lookout for a ___ well ‘yes’ you are right, Take me as I mean not as I say.

Lizzie you have not forgotten the times when you & I went to school together have you? when we used to play “old Moss” “Crack the Whip” & what good times we had tho. I must tell you what a time we had last Saturday night. well Brother Will was at home on furlough. There were quite a number of young folks collected at the Taylor House after part of the No. had got the rest took or rather they wanted a “big time”. So about 11 o’clock P.M. we, us girls, persuaded the boys to hitch up the horses to the wagon & we were soon gliding over the road So Gaily. O! twas pleasant night & the joke is the boys put they sleigh bells on the Horses, you’d better believe we had a “big time” till we arrived at the “Stanford House”, Rosella’s father’s Had a “big time” after we got there. another one coming home & one after we had got home.

Lovina How are you like it out there any how & all the rest.

One week later finds me at home. Since perusing the above I discover that I had better explain some. I never thought but what you were well posted on the news, don’t know but you are. But the boarder that Lou has is only four weeks old & is as yet without a name.

There has been several marriages in Rootstown of late Fracef. Barlow is married to Sarah Bingham. John Jones & Lizzie Shoeman are married but not to each other. Oh yes! Martha Merriman was married Thanksgiving. My space is occupied here. I’ll close by rembering myself as your friend. Mamie Taylor.

Lizzie and Lovina had left Rootstown, Ohio about two months before this letter was written.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Friday, February 04, 2011

November 26th 1864 :: Fred Richmond to Liz & Lovina and Kate

Camp 5th Ind Cav
Louisville Ky Nov 26 /64

Dear Sisters

I Seat myself this eavning to write a few lines to you. I am well and hope these will find you the Same. we are in camp just out Side of the City of Lousville and we have the privalage of going to town every day and it is quite a pleasure to go for we can pass away the time to a good advantage for it is a large city and there is lots to See. there is any amount of Soldiers here and passing through going to the front. they are Sending the drafted men to the South very fast and all under guard. I was at the Theater night before last and heared a lady Sing a Song Called “how you Conscripts”. I think it was the best Song I ever heard. if I can get the balled I will Send it to you.

now if it was not quite So cold we would have a nice time here but the boys have got their tents fixed up So it is quite comfortable but we expect About the time we get riged So we can live we will be ordered to leave if it is not more than to move Camp if we dont it wont be our luck. the weather has been very cold here for a few days but it is Some warmer now. we have all Sorts of Sport here. while I am writing this I can here Singing Swearing hollering and yeling and all Sorts of Music. I have been very busy Since I got back making Muster Rolls but I have got done now and expect to have a little rest.

Lovinia when I got back to camp I found your letter and it was a good one and I hope to get many more like it from you and Lizzie but I dont Suppose that I Shall ever get any more from Lydia. there is one thing Sure I Shall never write to her untill She writes to me. if we Should live to be a thousand years old for I believe She has as much time to write as I do. I dont think it is right in Lydia but if She thinks it is “All right” but if Kate and you girls will write often I can get along firstrate and I know you will.

well there is lots of war news and that that is good Old Billy Sherman is running loose in Ga and as he pleases. he has captured the Capital of Ga and the most of the Ga State and he will give them all the Southern rights they want. how are the Copperheads. what is Makerel worth up there. they must be cheep for we have them ishued to us most every day. how are you Little Mack!! well Old Abe is President and the war will go on untill the last armed traitor is killed if they dont lay down there arms. the word here is onward and forward.

well we had a Thanksgiving dinner and it was good. we had roast turkey and chickling cake an pig Sausage and ham and Apples and lots of other good things thanks to the good people of Lousville & Jeffersonville. girls tell Kate I have not had a letter from her since I have been back and I begin to want one and must have it or a must. well I begin to get Sleepy and will Bring this to a close now. be sure and write often give the Copperhead girls hell every chance you have and I will back you. My respets to all keeping a Share to your Selves.

Your Brother
to Liz & Lovina
and Kate all the rest

I send you two pictures they are of our Ordely Sargent as he appeared when he got to our lines after the Rebs captured him in Ga. keep them for I think lots of them.

address Co M 5th Ind. Cav Lousville Ky

if you get your Photographs taken Send me one

Fred Richmond and Katherine (Kate) Berlin were married about 1854 and three years later settled near Locke in Elkhart county, Indiana. Fred served as a blacksmith with the 5th Cavalry during the Civil War. Four of his brothers, as well as his father, also served during the war ...three of them returned, his father and two brothers did not.

There was obviously something amiss between Fred and Lydia!

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

November 6th 1864 :: Mack to Cousin Lizzie

Camp near Pulaski Tenn
Nov the 6th /64

Dear Cousin Lizzie

I am seated this pleasant afternoon for the purpose of writing you a few lines in answer to your very welcom letter that I received on the 21st of last month but as we were on the march at that time and have been ever since I could not write.

We were the 4th corps at Galesville Alabama when I received your letters and no are now at Pulaski Tenn about Seventy miles south of Nashville. We came to Chattanooga and took the cars thare and came to Athens Ala and from thare we came here. this is a very nice little town. I should like to stay here this winter if we could but thare is no such good luck for us. We left Atlanta on the third of last month and we have been marching pretty near evry day since. the Johnies thought they would make us a little trouble. so they moved around on are railtracks. they have made us a great deal of trouble but I am thinking that they mite get themselves into trouble before they get out of it.

it is reported that the whole of Heards army is moving on this place and if that is true we may expect to have something to do in a few days. there is nothing here but our camp and about twenty five thousand cavelry but I guess we can hold them in check until Sherman comes up. we are fortifying this place so the Johnies will have to fight a little if they drive us out of here.

I was glad to hear that you liked that part of the country for when I was thare I did not like it very well but I suppose it is different from what it was then. I think if I ever get out of the army alive that I shall visit that part of the world again. I have about nine months to stay yet. the drafted men are begining to come in to the army pretty fast now. we have not got any in the Battery yet for we have only got four guns now and we have men enough.

I saw Ezra Spera when we came through Chattanooga. he was waiting for his discharge. I received a letter from Amelia some time ago but I have not answered it yet for I have not had time. I will answer it tomorrow if I get time. I have not had any mail from Randolph for some time. I think they might write if I did not. I must close for it is getting late. my respects to all enquiring friends. Write soon. I remain your cousin Mack

excuse mistakes
adress to
Batt A 1st O.L.A.
4th A.C.
Nashville Tenn

The envelope was addressed to Miss Lizzie Berlin, Lock, Elkhart Co. Indiana. I have no idea who “cousin Mack” is.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

October 5th 1864 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Randolph Oct 5th 1864

Sister Lizzie

Wednesday Afternoon

having just finished my work I thought you would like to have company and So I would write you a letter. I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you for it seems so lonely here to think you are so far away and to think of the time you started. how it did rain and has rained nearly all the time since. you Seem to like your new home. do well but hope you will not become so attached to the west that you will forget your friends in Ohio for I believe you have got friends here that would like to see you.

Now I must tell you about the draft. Myron was not drafted but had to pay 80 dollars to help clear the town. but I dont care for that for I had rather give twice that than go. there was some of the best men in town drafted but they didnt have to go. it took 15000 dollars to clear the town. you better believe there was some squirming. some of the old copper heads that had said they would not do any thing to clear the town were glad to fork over there hundred dollars. Old Stallsmith for wone. Well enough of this

Now I will tell you how we are getting a long with our house. it is a getting a long sloly. we have got it nearly all plastered. one of our plasters was taken sick and so it leaves Honeywell to finish the job and you know he never hurries business. but if it ever stops raining I guess we will all come out right yet.

Sarah is with us yet I shall be lonely when she is gone. it will seem as though you were all gone. I have not seen Mary since you left. Myron says she was in good spirits but to bid him that she all most gone up the weak before, she said she had to work harder than she felt able to. he said she looked reall pale and he tried to have her come home with him but she did not think it best. I should not be surprised if she should go west in the Spring. I expect in a fiew years you will all be cuddled up together out there and I shall have to Stay here all a lone. Sarah wished every little while she was out there.

How do you get a long with out Apples. that must be rather hard after having all you could use. Myron says if you would like to have him barl up some apples and send you he will do it.

How does Julia and Josiah get a long and the babies. how sorry I am that you had such bad luck with your goods. I thought the old chimney falling ment some thing but I feel glad to think it isnt anything wors. I must stop writing. we are well and ragged and dirty. give my love to all.

write soon and tell me all the news. tell me what you are a doing and all the rest are doing. I suppose Kate is so over joyed to think you are out there that she does not have time to sleep. good bye. Lydia Collins.

About a month before this letter was written, Sarah's parents and two sisters joined other family members in Elkhart County, Indiana.

Lydia Berlin was married on November 12, 1858 to Myron Collins.

Josiah Berlin was married to Julia Slabaugh on September 13, 1857. Their second childe, Charles, was born April 7, 1864.

Kate is Lydia's sister, Katherine, who had married Fred Richmond about 1854 and moved to Elkhart County, Indiana in 1858 after spending several years in Iowa.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

August 21st 1864 :: E A Coppes to Sam & Miles to Sandy

Two letters on same Sheet of paper
EA Coppes to Sam
Goshen Aug 21 May you the see

Sincere Brother

With much pleasure I address you A bout our well fare on the brick yard. we are well and so are all the rest of the folks but Peter and I guess all that ales him is the water melon. he ate so maney that he got sick. he says it haint that wahat ales him but I know better.

Sam I was to A sabbath school celebration yesterday over north of the Davise grove. their was quite A number of people there. good many that I knew. Jef Burns was there and good Many of the brick school schoolers ware there. we had quite a time there. well how did you and sandy make it go 2 weeks A go to day.

Sunday evening. now I will finish my leter. I was out bugey riding this after noon. I wish you had been here to go A long Sam. I guess I will be free here after the draft. Ask Mother weather I shal come hom then or not. I can get places enough to work. Mannahan wants me to work for him but if she wants me to come home I will do so. Some of the boyes are A going to leave here and I guess it is on account of the draft.

I guess I shall haf to close for this time. wright me an ancer as soon as you get this leter. tell sandy that the boyes said he should try and come over here between now an A week from next sunday if he wanted to see them for they never expected to see him Again. I want you and him and solonia to come over here next saturday. and so Good night. yours in return. E A Coppes


Miles to Sandy

Land of Brickbats Aug 21st 1864

Friend Weaver I improve the present by filling out Elija’s Sheet and Send you a fiew words of consolation. If your heart is not already Smashed in looking at that picture I Sent you. O! Sandy you dont believe what a Sweet pain runs up my jacket pocket when I see it and thinking that you would like to See the face of the great Rinasty cutetyass of Benton I at once Sent it to you. but please keep it on the move for you know it is one of the fast kind and to Stop would not do. Well Sandy we have over one hundred thousand brick up and intend to burn week after this. And if you want to see T. F. Ashleman [four words that are illegible] once perhaps myself you had better be getting over this way Soon. Come over next Saturday night.

Have you heard from old Columbia Co. lately? There people there have raised to arms well are determined to resist the draft. Last Sunday 100 Cavalry, 150 infantry with two cannon arrived at Bloomsbury and the news Spread like lightning and by 3 oclock Sunday afternoon there were several hundred men between Stillwater and Benton, armed and equiped, ready at any minutes warning to meet these soldiers who have come for the purpose of taking the men that were drafted and did not report, and no doubt by this time many of our neighbors as well as many of these Soldiers are Stretched out lifeless on the ground between Benton and Stillwater. My Space is full and must close, Come over soon, Miles.

Sam Coppes would marry Elizabeth Berlin on March 12, 1867. He had a sister named Eliza Ann who would marry Benjamin Yarian on December 25, 1866. Benjamin was the brother of Eli Yarian who would marry Lovina Berlin, Elizabeth's sister, on September 22, 1866. However, I don't know for sure if the E A Coppes who wrote the letter is Eliza Ann.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.