Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Christian and Eve Schuder

Christian Schuder and his wife, Anna Eva Christina (aka Eve) Stoever, are my 3rd great grandparents and also my 4th great grandparents! Their grandson Isaac Shuder married their great-granddaughter Nancy Jane Lavering.

Christian and Eve were the parents of nine children: John (1795-1850) married Mary Elizabeth Gephart, Barbara (1797-1865) married Christopher Leighty, Peter (1799-1867) married Rebecca Barbara Huntsicker, Samuel (1803-1878) married Christena Shade, Catherine (1805-1876) married Christopher Leighty after her sister Barbara passed away, Elizabeth (1808-1863) married William Lavering, Daniel (1810-1897) married Justina Shade, Christian Jr. (1813-1885) married Sarah Nancy Huntsicker, and William (1815-unknown).

I suspect that Rebecca and Sarah Huntsicker were sisters or related in some way as were Christena and Justina Shade. The photos below were given to me by my cousin, Caroline Conrad Fawley and were taken in the early 1980s. She has done the research on the Schuder/Shuder family and graciously provided me with copies of her research. (Thanks, Caroline!)

Christian and Eve are buried in Ellerton Cemetery, Montgomery County, Ohio. As always, click on the images for a larger, more legible, version.

1842. AGED 80 YEARS 6

JAN. 6, 1855,
80 yrs. 11 mo. & 16d.
(the verse at the bottom of the stone is illegible)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What's it all about? An Introduction to Kinexxions...

There is certainly a lot going on out west right about now. Tops on the genealogist's list though is the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree. It sure would be nice to be there with so many other geneabloggers but it just couldn't happen for me this year. If you've made your way here via the Jamboree - and even if you haven't - Welcome to Kinexxions!

Two and a half years ago (January 12, 2007), after "lurking" around other genealogy blogs for a while, I finally gathered my nerve and started this blog. My original intent was to also include posts on the people and places of Whitley County (Indiana), but then I decided that kinexxions would focus primarily on my own family and personal history and a little over a month later Whitley County Kinexxions was born. Posting there has been light to non-existent this year due to my ongoing scanning project, but I intend to return to it again. Sometime. Really. Both blogs are companions to my website. I've written before about the joys and pitfalls of blogging, so I won't repeat those thoughts here. Suffice to say, if I didn't think it was worth doing, I wouldn't still be doing it!

What does the word kinexxions mean? It's not in any dictionary that I know of. Basically, it is a melding of "kin" and "connections", i.e. making connections with kinfolk. To me, that is what genealogy and family research are about. Why the double "x" you ask? I just liked the way it looked. Plus when I tried to register the url spelt as "kinexions" or "kinnexions" I found those names were already in use ;-)

Genealogy posts here on kinexxions range from biographies of ancestors and other relatives to personal history, family letters, reunion ledgers, mystery photos, and more. But kinexxions isn't just about genealogy and family history. You'll find some photography, memes, wordles and other fun stuff too along with the occasional research tip.

The design of the blog (color and layout) is pretty much the same as it was in the beginning. I generally stick with something I like (and am sometimes reluctant or slow to change). But I have added a few things in the right sidebar. I don't twitter or tweet (or whatever) but I am on facebook. I'll take this opportunity to invite you to join my blog network there and if you're not already a member, join the Genea-Bloggers group! And if you're from Indiana or have Hoosier ancestors, how about joining the Indiana Genealogy group, also on facebook. If you'd like to be updated when new posts are published you can subscribe via RSS feed or email or "Follow" me with Google Friend Connect (links in the right sidebar).

Scroll down the page a bit and you'll see two sections in the sidebar for the families that I'm researching. That first section lists a couple databases and several websites out on the 'net. The second section includes links for the surnames that I've posted about here at kinexxions. These are what I call "index" posts that provide a list of all the posts for that family name. For example, the Phend Family and the Wiseman Family.

You'll find the listing for the blog archive at the bottom of the sidebar. In Looking Back - Kinexxions in 2007 I listed some of "top" posts for that first year. And in February 2008, the iGene Awards for kinexxions highlighted "the best" posts in several categories. The iGene Awards were the brainchild of Jasia, as was the Carnival of Genealogy. I'm proud to say that I've contributed to almost every COG since I started blogging. I even hosted the 27th edition back in July '07 and earlier this year hosted the 65th edition, which was one of the largest editions with 50 contributors - the topic was "The Genealogy Happy Dance".

In addition to the COG, I've also participated in the Smile for the Camera carnival hosted by footnoteMaven. In April 2008, I was honored to be the first guest blogger at Shades of the Departed (also hosted by fM) in her "Friday From the Collectors" series with my post A Moment In Time. And check out my post A Salute to the Old Timers! to see who else has been blogging their genealogy and family history - the early geneablogging pioneers!

Well, I think that will do it for now. If you've read this far, congratulations! (Yes, I know, I do get a bit long-winded at times.) And, please take a look around the blog, hopefully you'll find something of interest. Feel free to visit anytime, the door is always open ;-)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Family Lines :: The Paternal Branches

Several weeks ago, I posted my Mother's branches of the family lines that I'm researching, and today I'm following up with my Father's branches.

Much of the research on these families has been done by my cousin, Caroline Conrad Fawley, and other researchers who have published books, websites and online data. I'm very appreciative and grateful for their research. For the most part, I've worked very little in original records on these lines. However, I have done extensive research in Indiana and Kentucky on the Bray and Wiseman lines and that data has been posted in my database at WorldConnect.

In the listing below, the Immigrant Ancestors are denoted with an asterisk (*) after their name. The surnames that I've written posts about are hyperlinked. The links for the three Wiseman ancestors and their spouses will take you to their entry on WorldConnect, as will the links for the Bray and Ball ancestors.


Charles Wilson Wiseman (1885-1943) and Elsie SHUDER (1885-1926) ~ Indiana
Samuel Bray Wiseman (1855-1944) and Amanda Minerva ALEXANDER (1860-1950) ~ Indiana
Charles Wiseman * (1815-1895) and Naomi BRAY (1824-1908) ~ Switzerland, Indiana

According to his Naturalization Record (Civil Order Book L, Switzerland County, Indiana page 392) Charles Wiseman was born in Canton Berne, Switzerland. He was a minor (about 18 years old) when he arrived in New York City during the summer of 1833. He removed from New York to Ohio and then to the Switzerland County, Indiana about eight years ago (the record was dated April 25, 1845) where he has resided ever since.

Possible siblings include Christian and John Wiseman, the latter with whom he purchased land in 1854, which they sold four years later. At that time John was "of" Tipton County, Indiana. A naturalization record was found for John (Civil Order Book L page 391, April 25, 1845) and for Christian (Civil Order Book L page 296, October 22, 1844). Both came from Canton Berne, Switzerland in the summer of 1833. John was listed as living with Charles and Naomi Wiseman in the 1850 census.

It is also possible that Charles, Christian, and John are related in some way to Jacob and Elizabeth Wiseman who were found in the 1830 Switzerland County, Indiana census. They may be the Jacob and Elizabeth Weisman who arrived in New York on June 21, 1824 onboard the Vessel Aurora along with 5 minors; John (18), Jacob (15), Elizabeth (7), Samuel (5), and John G (3y 6m). However, I don't think that Jacob and Elizabeth are the parents of Charles, Christian and John because in 1824 Charles would have been about 9 years old, Christian was about 12, and John about 4 years of age. Besides, there were two other John's on that 1824 passenger list!
Amanda Minerva Alexander (1860-1950) and Samuel Bray WISEMAN (1855-1944) ~ Indiana
William Alexander (1805-1899) and Rachel VAN CUREN (1824-1891) ~ Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana
William Washington Alexander (1777-1871) and Lucy SPRAGUE (about 1784-about 1814) ~ Maryland, Ohio
William Alexander (about 1745-1777) and Elizabeth CARRUTHERS (about 1750-after 1813) ~ Maryland

The William Alexander who died in 1777 was killed at the battle of Head of Elk in Maryland during the Revolutionary War. In a little "twist of fate" I was stationed at Bainbridge, Maryland while I was in the Navy. At the time I had no interest whatsoever in the family history but I like to think that I would have at least visited the site of the battle had I known.
Naomi BRAY (1824-1908) and Charles WISEMAN * (1815-1895) ~ Switzerland, Indiana
Samuel Bray (1797-1885) and Susanna BALL (1797-1877) ~ Kentucky, Indiana (they were 1st cousins)
John Bray (1761-1832) and Nancy Unknown [possibly Morgan] (about 1768-before 1820) ~ Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana
Henry Bray (1727-about 1799) and Cathryn Unknown (about 1730-after 1800) ~ Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky

Both Henry and John Bray served during the Revolutionary War; Henry in Washington County, Maryland and John, along with a brother and two brothers-in-law, in the 12th Virginia Regiment. John was wounded in the Battle of Brandywine (Delaware), at Monmouth (New Jersey) and Stony Point (New York). Henry and Cathryn were also the parents of Margaret Bray who married James Ball.
Rachel Van Curen (1824-1891) and William ALEXANDER (1805-1899) ~ New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana
Henry/Henricus Van Curen (1783-1856) and Rebecca UNKNOWN (1793-about 1865) ~ New York, Indiana
Jacob Van Keuren (1761-unknown) and Elisabet TERWILLIGER (1761-unknown) ~ New York
Hendricus Van Keuren (1709-about 1785) and Catrina Swart (1713-about 1791) ~ New York
Matthys Matthyssen (Jr) (1681-1740) and Tryntje Sleght (1683-1712) ~ New York (New Netherland)
Matthys Matthyssen (1648-1730) and Tjaatje Dewitt (1659-before 1724) ~ New Netherland
Mathij Jansen Van Keulen * (about 1600-1648) and Margrietje Hendrikse (dates unknown) * ~ Holland, New Netherland
Lucy Sprague (about 1784-about 1814) and William Washington ALEXANDER (1777-1871) ~ Maryland, Ohio
Thomas Sprague (1741-before 1793) and Hannah Cobb (about 1746-1833) ~ Connecticut, Ohio
Perez Sprague (1705-1758) and Tabitha Burt (1700-after 1784) ~ Connecticut
Ephraim Sprague (1684-1754) and Deborah Woodworth (1682-1726) ~ Massachusetts, Connecticut
John Sprague (about 1656-1727) and Wife Unknown ~ Massachusetts, Connecticut
John Sprague * (about 1630-1676) and Ruth Bassett (about 1633-after 1693) ~ Massachusetts
Francis Sprague * (about 1590-1676) and Wife Unknown ~ England, Massachusetts

The Sprague lineage is an "iffy" one. Another cousin has researched this line but I've not seen any documentation, other than an old newspaper article, that connects Lucy to Thomas. It was interesting to learn about Francis Sprague, who seems to have been a colorful character, and to know that he came to Plymouth Colony on board the "Anne" in July, 1623. If the connections can be made, he would be my earliest arrival to these shores.
Susanna BALL (1797-1877) and Samuel Bray (1797-1885) ~ Kentucky, Indiana (they were 1st cousins)
James Ball (about 1749-1830) and Margaret "Peggy" BRAY (1753-1842) ~ Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky (Margaret was the daughter of Henry and Cathryn Bray)
Elisabet Terwilliger (1761-unknown) and Jacob VAN KEUREN (1761-unknown) ~ New York
Jan Terwilliger (1731-1797) and Maria Van Wagenen (about 1760-unknown) ~ New York
Evert Terwilliger * (1686-1767) and Sara FREER (1698-1758) ~ New York
Tjaatje Dewitt (1659-before 1724) and Matthys MATTHYSSEN (see Van Curen) (1648-1730) ~ New Netherland (New York)
Tjerck Claessen Dewitt (about 1629-1699) and Barbara Andriessen (about 1636-1714) ~ Westphalia, New Netherland (New York)
Sara Freer (1698-1758) and Evert TERWILLIGER (1686-1767) ~ New York
Hugo Freer * (1668-1732) and Maria Anna Leroy (1673-unknown) ~ France, New York
Hugo Freer * (about 1640-1698) and Marie de la Haye (about 1640-1676) ~ France, New York

Elsie Shuder (1885-1926) and Charles Wilson WISEMAN (1885-1943) ~ Indiana
Isaac Shuder (1846-1905) and Nancy Jane LAVERING (1854-1954) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Christian Schuder Jr. (1813-1885) and Sarah Nancy Huntsicker (1817-1883)
Christian Schuder Sr. (1762-1842) and Anna Eva Christina STOEVER (1774-1855) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
Nancy Jane Lavering (1854-1954) and Isaac SHUDER (1846-1905) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Daniel Lavering (1830-1895) and Elizabeth Ann LONG (1829-1895) ~ Ohio, Indiana
William Lavering (1797-1870) and Elizabeth Ann SCHUDER (1808-1863) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana

Elizabeth Schuder was the daughter of Christian Schuder Sr. and Anna Eva Christina Stoever. Nancy Lavering and Isaac Shuder were 1st cousins once removed. Isaac's father was a brother of Nancy's grandmother.
Anna Eva Christina Stoever (1774-1855) and Christian SCHUDER Sr. (1762-1842) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
John Casper Stoever III (1735-1821) and Anna Maria Barbar Nagel * (1710-1821) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
John Caspar Stoever II * (1707-1779) and Maria Catarina MERCKEL * (1715-1795) ~ the Pfaltz, Pennsylvania
Johann Kaspar Stöver * (bap 1684-1738) and Gertraudt UNKNOWN (about 1687-before 1730) ~ Hessen (Germany), Virginia
Maria Catarina MERCKEL * (1715-1795) and John Caspar Stoever II * (1707-1779) ~ the Pfaltz, Pennsylvania
Johann Christian Merckel * (1678-1766) and Anna Catharina Bender * (dates unknown) ~ Germany, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Ann LONG (1829-1895) and Daniel Lavering (1830-1895) ~ Ohio, Indiana
George Long (1798-about 1872) and Wife Unknown (unknown-before 1850) ~ Virginia, Ohio, Indiana

Sunday, June 21, 2009

She had a tight grip...

According to the caption written by my grandmother, this photo of my grandfather and his first born child was taken in August 1923. That would make the little girl, my Aunt Phyllis, about 10 months old. She sure had a tight grip! I doubt that the bucket had any water in it, but still, I'm impressed.

Even though you can't see their faces, they are recognizable to me. This being Father's Day, I thought it was an appropriate picture. Grandpa's birthday was always celebrated on Father's Day, he was born on June 19th a hundred and sixteen years ago.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Changes are Coming :: The First Step

This, a 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier with 148,200 miles on it, has been replaced.

With this.

A 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan with 31,000 miles on it. I wasn't overly thrilled with the color (or lack thereof), but I can live with it ;-)

Now, why would ol' penny pincher me exchange a little fuel efficient Cavalier, which got 30 miles to the gallon, with a vehicle that will get 8-10 miles per gallon less? Oh! There's a reason. But I'm not telling just yet. For now I'll just say that an extended road trip is in the works. . . it's something that I have been wanting to do for a very long time, and that time has finally come! And the first step has been taken...

The little Cavalier has served me well for nearly 10 years. It was a good little car, and I think that my brother and his wife (who are now its owner) will get lots more use out of it. I'm sure it has a few more miles left. I can only hope that the Caravan will be as reliable and dependable as the Cavalier was.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: George and Minnie Linvill

Minnie Belle Shuder was born August 10, 1878 near Oswego, Kosciusko County, Indiana. She was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy Jane (Lavering) Shuder, my Dad's grandparents and therefore was a sister of my fraternal grandmother, Elsie Shuder Wiseman.

According to their Kosciusko County Marriage Application, Minnie was married in Indianapolis to Richard Harry Larrabee, son of Cornelius and Meliss (Conn) Larabee., on August 10, 1906. She was 28 years old and he was 36. When their only child, Richard J. Larrabee, was born on March 5, 1915 she was 36 years old. However, I'm not positive that they were the birth parents as her obituary states that Richard was her foster son.

Apparently, her husband went missing for a while. In an article in the Northern Indianian dated January 17, 1918 we find that "Mrs. R. H. Laribee [sic], the daughter of N. L. [sic] Schuder of Barbee Lakes, has asked Marshal C. W. Douglass to assist in locating her husband who was missing for more than a month. Inquiry was being made at Indianapolis where he was last heard from December 11th. He was a carpenter and for a number of months was employed by the government and worked at Camp Taylor and other army cantonments. Early in December he accompanied his wife here and returned to Indianapolis, where their goods were stored, intending to move them overland to this county. Mrs. Laribee received a letter from him after he went to Indianapolis which stated that because of the bad weather the draymen wished to postpone the trip for a few days. That was the last heard of him. Mrs. Laribee says her husband was suffering from a severe cold when he went to Indianapolis, and says it is possible that he may have become ill and taken to a hospital. He has a brother in Indianapolis."

A note in my cousin Caroline's files stated that Richard was never heard from again. However, Minnie and Harry R. Larrabee were found in the 1920 census living in Warsaw, Wayne Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana (page 230). Harry was listed as a 50 year old carpenter and Minnie was 41 years old. Listed with them was a son, Richard, age 4 years.

It seems that all did not go well for Minnie and her husband. An index of Whitley County Marriage Records show that Minnie was married to George W. Linville on May 18, 1928. I haven't gotten a copy of the marriage application yet but the index gives her last name as Schuder instead of Larabee. It should also tell us whether her first marriage ended by divorce or death of Richard Harry.

Minnie passed away at age 68 on November 27, 1946 at her home in Millersburg, Indiana. George was 70 years old and still living in Millersburg when he passed away on April 10, 1949 while visiting his stepson, Richard Larabee in Goshen, Indiana. His obituary stated that George was a wood worker and had formerly resided at Churubusco, Warsaw, and New Paris. Survivors were listed as a step son, Richard Larabee, and a step grandson, James Larabee.

George and Minnie are interred at the North Webster Cemetery in North Webster, Kosciusko County, Indiana. They are in the same cemetery as her parents and several siblings, although in a different section.

Thanks to wonderful directions from my cousin Charlene, I found Minnie's gravesite. It is in the southernmost section of the cemetery and the marker is the first one in the row just beyond the big bush. You can see the blue waters of beautiful Lake Webster in the background.

GEORGE W. / 1878-1919
MINNIE B. / 1878-1946

Photograps taken May 21, 2009 - Copyright © 2009 by Rebeckah R. Wiseman

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sorry, no bathing beauties here!

Northern Indiana is known for it's two largest lakes, Wawasee and Tippecanoe. Then there's Big Barbee and Little Barbee too. But there are numerous small lakes in Kosciusko County. So it was that, while growing up, we spent quite a bit of time at the lakes. Aunt Jane had a cottage and later, a small trailer, at Goose Lake. We lived not far from Barbee Lakes. And the town of North Webster, where I went to school and worked, was on the west side of Lake Webster.

Apparently though, during all those lakeside visits there was no camera around (thank goodness). Even as a youngster, me in a bathing suit was not a pretty site! In all of the family picture albums I found only one of a family member in bathing suit, of my grandmother and her sister, and it was contributed to last year's edition of the COG.

When I was about 10 years old we moved to a "modern" home in a subdivision we called Whitville (because it was developed by Gene Whitacre). It was on what was then called the Armstrong road, which was the "main drag" between North Webster and the south side of Lake Tippecanoe a few miles to the west. In the summertime we'd have some fun with the "lakers" looking for the Tippey Dance Hall, which was "the" place to go on a Saturday night for young adults. We'd sit out in the front yard and invariably someone would stop and ask how to get to the Dance Hall and we'd tell them "you can't get there from here." Ah, the joys of youth. It took so little for us to be happy back then.

But I digress. One of the things that my brothers and I used to do after we moved to Whitville, was walk. Everywhere. We had to look after our little sister so we'd put her in the wagon and walk to the lake, which was about two miles away. But along the way, we would pick up pop bottles from alongside the road and put them in the wagon with my sister. The Jot-Em-Down grocery store was "sort of" on the way to the public access area of the lake and we would stop there to cash in the pop bottles. Of course, we immediately spent it on candy and pop! Then it would be off to the lake for a cool swim.

The picture below is of my brother and his son in June 1983 on the occasion of my nephew's second birthday. My brothers in-laws had a lakeside house on Chapman Lake, which is near Warsaw.

Photograph Copyright © 1983 by Rebeckah R. Wiseman

This post was written for the 74th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy :: Annual Swimsuit Edition.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun :: Three Things

So here it is, Saturday Night again. Randy's challenge for this evening is to write about three things that you learned about Genealogy or Family History today.

First and foremost, don't do a Google search for an ancestor unless you have time to spare. Of course, I already knew that but it got driven home this afternoon. I had other things that I should have been doing but really just didn't feel like doing them.

Instead, in a few hours of "surfing" I learned a great deal about my 8th great grandfather, Tjerck Claessen Dewitt, who lived from about 1629 to 1699 in what is now Kingston, New York. Much more than I know about some of my more recent ancestors! His will was dated March 4, 1687. Though I wonder about its authenticity since the book it came from was compiled, abstracted and translated by Gustave Anjou!

Among other things, from the Website of Richard Thomas Rose I learned that the name Tjerck is pronounced as if it was written Cherrick. And Taatje is Charity.

Tjerck was involved in several court cases 1656-1663. In a biography from Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, I learned that his eldest daughter, Taatje, was carried away by the Indians on June 7, 1663 during the destruction of Kingston and Hurley, but was rescued. [She would marry Matthys Matthyssen in 1677 and they would become my 7th great grandparents.] In that same biography, I learned that in 1667, when the British took possession of Kingston, he was one of those who opposed British occupation. Among the complaints made afterward by the burghers was this: "Capt. Braodhead has beaten Tjerck Claezen DeWitt without reason and brought him to prison. Ye reason why Capy. Broadhead abused Tjerick DeWitt was because he would keep Christmas day on ye day according to the Dutch and not on ye day according to ye English observation."

In addition, he refused to take the Oath of Allegiance required of heads of families by the English in 1668. Then, in 1684 he, along with others, petitioned the Governor for the right of Ulster County citizens to be able "to choose our towne officers to every towne court by the major vote of the freeholders." The petition offended the authorities and the signers were arrested and fined because of their desire for local self-government.

Tjerck was an interesting fellow, indeed. All in all, it was an informative afternoon. But all of those other things I didn't feel like doing still await me!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wedding Belles :: Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob

The topic of the upcoming edition of Smile for the Camera is 'Wedding Belles' and since I have no family pictures (none, zilch, nada) of any ancestors in their full wedding regalia, these will have to do.

The photo on the left is one of my all time favorite family photos. They look like movie stars! It was taken in the spring of 1945 and is the engagement picture for my Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob.

The other photo was taken on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary in June 1995. Time took it's toll, they aren't as "glamorous" as they had been 50 years earlier, but they were still a nice looking couple. And they were both very nice people. Their two older children were about the same age as my brothers and I and we spent a lot of time at their place while growing up. They only lived a couple of miles from us until 1960 when we moved closer to North Webster.

Patricia Eileen Phend, the daughter of Victor and Hazlette (Brubaker) Phend, and Robert Glen Reiff, the son of Ralph and Lillie (Wissler) Reiff, were united in marriage on June 17, 1945 at the Larwill Methodist Church in Larwill, Indiana. Pat was born in Columbia City and Bob in Pierceton. In 1943, Bob enlisted in the U. S. Army. He served 6 months then the government thought he could better serve the country helping his parents on their farm.

Aunt Pat was a busy "stay at home" Mom while her four children were growing up. She, and they, were very active in school, church, and 4-H activities. After all of the kids were out of high school she worked for nearly 20 years as an attendant at the Mid-Lake Laundry in North Webster. Uncle Bob was a farmer, and for 36 years was also a bus driver for North Webster Schools, which in the late 1960s became a part of the Wawasee School Corporation. In addition to being a bus driver, Bob was also the head custodian at the school in North Webster. At that time, one building housed the elementary, middle school, and high school. (It was the same school that I and my siblings attended, as had my father. In fact, we had some of the same teachers!)

Uncle Bob passed away on February 17, 2000 and Aunt Pat still resides in the old farmhouse where they lived so many years together.

Wordless Wednesday :: Schooldaze ~ Fourth Grade

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: Eva Leah and Ervin Shock

My aunt, Eva Leah Wiseman and her husband Ervin Shock are interred at North Webster Cemetery in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana next to her parents Charles and Elsie (Shuder) Wiseman.

EVA LEAH / 1908 - 1967
ERVIN E. / 1908 - 1991

Photo taken July 12, 2007 - Copyright © 2007 by Rebeckah R. Wiseman

Monday, June 08, 2009

The Puckerbrush Blog Award for Excellence

It is indeed an honor to have received this award from Denise Olsen at Family Matters, Gini at Ginisology, and Harriet at Genealogy Fun. Thank you, ladies, one and all.

Terry Thornton at Hill Country of Monroe County Mississippi created the Puckerbrush Blog Award for Excellence last month, saying:
In honor of our absent friend, Janice Brown, whose delightful blog Cow Hampshire continues to inspire through all her archived articles, is my attempt to recognize a few writers and their blogs ---those I consider the best in the blogging world and whose work has influenced me the most.
In a comment, Terry explained:
On any land allowed to go fallow and left untended, a wild assortment of wild plants grow --- in some areas, this wild growth results in such a thicket of plants that it is almost impossible to push your way through the growth.

So it is with the growth of blogs --- so many that it is impossible to read them all. But in the puckerbrush eventually a few plants/trees become dominant and influence all who view them through the thick surrounding puckerbrush.

And it is those outstanding blogs whose influence spreads beyond just the surrounding rabble of puckerbrush that I'm honoring.
Sadly, it has been over a year since Janice's last post and, as Bill West wrote recently, her blog has apparently been removed from the Internet. It's gone. All of those wonderful articles. Gone. We can only hope that Janice is alive and well and simply gave up on blogging. Godspeed, Janice, wherever you are now.

Most, if not all, of the blogs listed below have already received the award, some several times over, but I selected them in the true spirit of this award: because they have inspired me and influenced me, or in some way have helped me to become a better blogger. To me, they are the heart, the core, of the bloggers who write about their family history and they were all blogging before it became "the thing" to do. I value their online "friendship" and appreciate all of the moral support they have given to me and to so many others.

Without further ado, my ten selections are:

I don't know if it is "legal" or not to give the award to the one who inspired it, but Cow Hampshire was one of the blogs that I read regularly when I first discovered blogging a little over 3 years ago. Janice's writing was outstanding and she has (had?) a marvelous sense of humor. Her Jib-Jab videos using the heads of genea-bloggers were a hoot and were instrumental in providing us fledgling bloggers with a sense of community. I'm very saddened to know that they no longer exist. So it is with a heavy heart that I "posthumously" give the Puckerbrush Award to Janice Brown at the now defunct Cow Hampshire!

At Creative Gene, Jasia has written some very poignant and touching stories of her family that tug at the old heart-strings. In addition, as everyone should know by now, she was also the creator of the Carnival of Genealogy which gives us all an opportunity to write about a topic that we might not ordinarily tackle. The COG was really the beginning of the genea-blogger community and is a great way for new bloggers to be discovered.

Miriam Robbins Midkiff at AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors has not only provided us with some wonderful, well-written, stories of her ancestors, but has also given us a boatload of great research tips - especially for file organization. I've never attended one of the monthly Scanfest sessions but they've been a hit with many genea-bloggers.

We all felt the disappointment and horror with Cheryl at Two Sides of the Ocean when her original blog somehow disappeared and she lost 18 months worth of posts. Cheryl plans to reconstruct as many of those posts as possible, but it will take a while. She is a master at integrating photographs and documents with her posts to make them visually appealing.

In addition to presenting some interesting family tales, Craig Manson at Geneablogie, is also our resident go-to legal guy. His interpretations of copyright and other issues pertinent to genealogy are highly regarded and greatly appreciated.

Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings writes about his family history but also provides detailed evaluations of software, opinions on news releases from the "corporate" world of genealogy, and is the instigator of the weekly "Saturday Night Genealogy Fun" challenge. I'm sure it's a challenge for Randy to come up with his challenges each week! I also look forward to his weekly "Best of the Genea-Blogs" posts. He almost always has several posts listed that I've missed.

I don't have any Polish ancestors, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the posts written by Steven Danko at Steve’s Genealogy Blog. He does write about things other than his Polish roots, like his visits to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. And he's shown that he is more than a little talented behind the camera.

Tim Agazio at Genealogy Reviews Online often has a different take on genealogy issues. Different is good. And refreshing. But he hasn't been posting as often as he used to. Hope everything's okay with Tim.

Apple, over at Apple's Tree, has diligently been transcribing family letters that she discovered last year. Those letters, as well as the posts that Apple has written about her family, are a delight to read. They provide us with a glimpse into what life was like in the past.

When I first discovered Walking the Berkshires, written by Tim Abbott, I think I turned just a little green from envy. The treasure-trove of family documents and photographs that he has custody of is quite amazing. I especially loved reading his stories about Windrock, the family home.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's time for some Saturday Night Genealogy Fun!

Here it is, Saturday Night already! My, how the time does fly. Randy's challenge tonight:
  1. Which of your ancestors were alive in 1909?
  2. Tell us where your ancestral families were living in 1909. What country, state, county, city/town, etc. Who was in the family at the time? Use the 1910 census as "close enough."
  3. Have you found each of these families in the 1910 census?
My grandfather, Rolland Victor "Vic" Phend, turned 16 years old on June 19, 1909. In 1910 he was living on Ellsworth Street in Columbia City, Indiana with his parents (my great-grandparents) Henry and Susie (Yarian) Phend and eight younger siblings. Henry was 44 years old and Susie was 37. Their other children residing with them were Cecil (15), Gladys (14), Bernice (10), Russell (9), Donald (6), Virgil (5), Paul (3), and Gerald (1).

My 2nd great-grandfather (Henry's father), Jacob Phend (82), was living in Concord Township, Elkhart County, Indiana with his daughter and son-in-law, Sophia (46) and John (55) Ernest along with one of their sons, Frederick aged 16, and John's mother Maria (81). Jacob's wife, Louisa, had passed away in 1898.

Lovina Viola Berlin (my 2nd great-grandmother and the mother of Susie Lula Yarian Phend) was 65 years old, widowed, and living by herself in Locke Township, Elkhart County, Indiana.

Hazlette Aileen Brubaker (my grandmother and future wife of Vic Phend) was 7 years old in 1909 and living on State Street in Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan. In 1910 the family consisted of her father, Charles R. Brubaker (38), mother Maud C. (33), sister Choella J. (7), and brother William H. (5).

My 2nd great-grandparents, William and Malissa (Joslin) Brubaker were still residing on the Goose Lake Farm in Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana when the census was taken in 1910. William was 66 years old and Malissa was 60. They had purchased the farm about the time they were married in 1871 and lived there until 1911 when they moved into Columbia City.

William Pythagrus and Sophia Elizabeth (Dunfee) Wise (Maud's parents, my 2nd great-grandparents) were living on their farm in Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana in 1910. William was 58 years old and Sophia was 59. Living with them was their 23 year old daughter, Hazlette (she would be married the next year to Harlo Asher Burns).

My Dad's father, Charles, was 25 years old and living in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana with his parents Samuel (56) and Amanda (49) (Alexander) Wiseman. In the household were their daughter Lellah (19), Amanda's half-sister Jennie R. Hover (55), and their grandson Harry C. (3). I suspect that the grandson Harry was really Charles' son Perry Martin Comfort Wiseman who was born in August 1906. I have not yet located Charles' wife Elsie (Shuder) Wiseman, age 25, and their daughter Eva Leah, who was born in February 1908, in the 1910 census records.

Nancy Jane (Lavering) Shuder (my great-grandmother, Elsie's mother) was 55 years old and living in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana. She was widowed and head of household. Residing with her were her four sons and one daughter; William H. (33), Charles J. (26), Cleveland (19), Anna M. (16), and Ezra (15).

The tally of those found in the 1910 census: 3 out of 4 grandparents (whereabouts of one is not known), 7 of 8 great-grandparents (the other one was deceased), and 6 of 16 great-great-grandparents (the other 10 were deceased). However, I know where the deceased are all buried and when they died, so the only one of the 28 whose whereabouts is unknown is my grandmother, Elsie (Shuder) Wiseman. She would have been 25 years old and wherever she was, I hope she had her infant daughter Eva Leah with her!

The deceased great-grandfather:
  • Isaac Shuder died August 11, 1905 (age 59) buried in North Webster Cemetery, Kosciusko County, Indiana
And the deceased great-great-grandparents (all locations are in Indiana):
  • Louisa (Fisher) Phend died April 4, 1898 (age 68) buried in Hepton Union Cemetery, Kosciusko County
  • Eli Yarian died January 28, 1895 (age 55) buried in South Union Cemetery, Elkhart County
  • Charles Wiseman died August 14, 1895 (age 79) buried in McKay Cemetery, Switzerland County
  • Naomi (Bray) Wiseman died December 8, 1908 (age 84) buried in McKay Cemetery
  • William Alexander died April 7, 1899 (age 93) buried in Morris Chapel Cemetery, Kosciusko County
  • Rachel (Van Curen) Alexander died December 20, 1891 (age 67) buried in Morris Chapel Cemetery
  • Christian Schuder died September 2, 1885 (age 72) buried in Syracuse Cemetery, Kosciusko County
  • Sarah Nancy (Huntsicker) Schuder died June 14, 1883 (age 66) buried in Syracuse Cemetery
  • Daniel Lavering died October 10, 1895 (age 65) buried in Syracuse Cemetery
  • Elizabeth Ann (Long) Lavering died November 23, 1895 (age 66) buried in Syracuse Cemetery
What did I learn? Nothing that I didn't already know, but here's a couple "interesting" items:
  • Still can't find grandmother Elsie in the 1910 census. I looked, again. For the upteenth time.
  • All of the deceased great-great-grandmothers, except one, were 66-68 years old when they died.
  • Great-grandmother Nancy Jane (Lavering) Shuder lived to the age of 99 years 30 days.
  • Grandfather Rolland Victor Phend lived to the age of 97 years 11 months 30 days.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Tombstone Tuesday :: George and Bessie Shuder

George Shuder and his wife, Bessie, are interred in North Webster Cemetery in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana. The same cemetery where his parents, Isaac and Nancy Shuder, and several siblings are buried, including Charles and Dessie (Wissler) Shuder. Bessie was a twin sister of Dessie, who died a month after giving birth to her daughter, Audrey. George and Bessie raised Audrey. They also had a daughter, Ethel, born 10 months after Audrey.

Bessie and Dessie were the twin daughters of John and Mahala (Plew) Wissler and were born on May 27, 1883 in Kosciusko County, Indiana. Bessie passed away on July 14, 1960. George Marion Shuder was born November 5, 1880 near Oswego, Kosciusko County. He died on September 28, 1954 in Warsaw, Kosciusko County. He was a farmer and they resided in the North Webster area all of their married lives.

BESSIE I. / 1883 MOTHER 1960
GEORGE M. / 1880 FATHER 1954

Monday, June 01, 2009

Tillers of the Soil

Not all of my ancestors were farmers, but many of them were. You have to go back several generations, to the great-grandparents on Dad's side of the family and the great-great-grandparents on Mom's side, to get to them - to those who tilled the soil and lived off of the bounty of their land. Wherever they lived they owned the land. It must have been a matter of great importance to them.

Thanks to the Kansas State Agricultural Schedules and their "General Statistics Relating to Farms, Productions of Agriculture, etc." we get a glimpse of the crops produced and animals raised on the farms owned by Lysander and Lydia Joslin, my 3rd great grandparents, in 1885 and 1895.

Living in Odin Township, Barton County, in central Kansas in 1885, they were the owners of 320 acres of land, 40 acres under fence and 280 acres not fenced. The value of the farm was given as $3,000 and the farming implements and machinery were worth $50. They had paid $400 in wages during the year ending March 1, 1885. There were 450 rods of wire fence. They had sown 40 acres of wheat in the fall of 1884. They either plan to or already planted plant 50 acres of corn, 1 acre or Irish Potatoes and 5 acres millet & hungrains in the spring of 1885.

They had 50 bushels of corn and 100 Bushels of wheat on hand. There had been 20 tons of cane hay cut in 1884 and 4 acres of prairie hay. They sold $100 worth of poultry and eggs during the year and had made 200 pounds of butter.

Livestock included 3 Horses, 2 Milch cows, 1 other cattle, and 1 swine. They had fattened or sold for slaughter animals valued at $60. The orchard consisted of 80 peach trees and 10 cherry trees bearing fruit. There were 40 apple trees that are not bearing. They owned 2 dogs.

General remarks by assessor [not for any particular farm]: Winter wheat is in a bad condition. At least three fourths is killed by frost. What remains is backward. Two or three weeks later than it should be. All that was sowed is given in these statistics but not more than one fourth of value. Other crops promise well.

Lysander and Lydia had moved to Melvern Township, Osage County on the east side of the state about 1890. On March 1, 1895 they were both nearing 70 years of age and the farm was a little smaller, consisting of 40 acres that were fenced, of which 38 were under cultivation. The fences were a combination of hedges and wire of 130 and 100 rods, respectively. The cash value of the farm was $1,000 and the farming implements and machinery were valued at $30.

They planned to plant 30 acres of corn in the spring of 1895 as well as 3 acres of sorghum for forage or seed. Two acres of prairie grass were under fence or used for meadow. They had sold $35 worth of poultry and eggs and had made 200 pounds of butter during the year ending March 1, 1895. They had 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 26 swine, and 2 dogs. The value of all animals fattened and slaughtered during the year was $180.

Their orchard contained 274 fruit bearing trees: 140 apple, 2 pear, 50 peach, 7 plum, and 75 cherry. They had 6 stands of Bees that produced 60 pounds of honey.


In my grandmother's files, there were three letters that Lysander and Lydia wrote to their daughter Malissa Brubaker who was living in Whitley County, Indiana. These letters provide us with a first-hand account of the fruits of their labors.
Written for and contributed to the 73rd Carnival of Genealogy :: The Good Earth.

Family Lines :: The Maternal Branches

When you die, you are not forgotten, so long as someone remembers your name.

I can't take credit for that thought, but I also can't tell you where it came from ;-)

Remembering the ancestors, those who came before us, is one of the underlying reasons why I "do" family history and genealogy. My research goals are twofold:
  1. find out as much as possible about each ancestor
  2. determine from whence they came (where from and when)
As sacrilegious as it may sound, I'm not really all that concerned with or even interested in finding the ancestors in the "old country" for the simple reason that many of my ancestors came here in the 1700s and early 1800s and I don't really feel any "ties" to their place of nativity. The exceptions to that are the Phend, Fisher, and Wiseman families who were the late comers, arriving in 1832 and 1833. I know that the Phend and Wiseman ancestors lived in Canton Berne, Switzerland and it is on my list of places to visit before I die! The Fishers came from "somewhere" in Germany.

Why post this now, after more than two years of blogging about my family? True, it should have been done long ago but I just never took the time to put it together. The primary reason for doing so now is to get the names "out there" in the hopes that anyone related that reads it will contact me (kinexxions "at" gmail "dot" com) and also to show the "kinexxions" between the various families that I've been writing about (hyperlinked names).

In the listing below, the Immigrant Ancestors are denoted with an asterisk (*) after their name. There are quite a few "dead ends" with the female ancestral lines, as might be expected. In some cases the maiden name is known but the parents have not yet been found. This could partially be due to the fact that I haven't taken the time to research them! Yet. After all, there are only so many hours in a day.


Rolland Victor Phend (1893-1991) and Hazlette Aileen BRUBAKER (1902-1984) ~ Indiana
Henry A. Phend (1865-1958) and Susie Lula YARIAN (1872-1956) ~ Indiana
Jacob Phend * (1829-1917) and Louisa FISHER * (1829-1898) ~ Switzerland/Germany, Ohio, Indiana
Johannes B'hend, aka John Phend * (1782-1859), and Susanna Kübli * (1785-1856) ~ Switzerland, Ohio, Indiana
Catharina Phend (1757-1797) ~ Switzerland (The father of her son,Johannes, is not known.)

Research done by Sonja Balmer Reid, a distant cousin, extends the Phend line back three more generations. The Swiss lines that connect to the Phend family in Canton Berne include Tschiemer, Zwahlen, Egger, Glaus, and Rohr. Those that connect to the Kϋbli family are Laederich and Frutiger. Sonja's father was born in Interlaken, Canton Berne and they are connected to me through the Phend, Kϋbli, and Zwahlen lines so we are cousins multiple times!
Eli Yarian (1839-1895) and Lovina Viola BERLIN (1845-1932) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Jacob Yarian (1812-1895) and Elizabeth SWITZER (1815-1894) ~ Ohio
Conrad Yarian (1780-1860) and Eva RUPERT (1786-1866) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
John George Yerion (1733-abt 1803) and Margaretha WILLIAMS (1745-1833) ~ Pennsylvania
Mathias Jurion * (abt 1702-before 1763) and Maria Magdalena Unknown * (abt 1705-after 1763) ~ Pennsylvania

Mathias, a Palatine, arrived in Philadelphia onboard the ship "Pleasant" in October 1732. It is not known when Maria arrived in this country but their first child, John George, was born on October 18, 1733. It's possible they were married prior to leaving the Palatine. On November 1, 1732 Mathias was indentured to David Kaufman of Oley, province of Pennsylvania, for three years and nine months in payment of his passage to Philadelphia, which amounted to sixteen pounds and nineteen shillings.
Louisa Fisher * (1829-1898) and Jacob PHEND * (1829-1917) ~ Germany/ Switzerland, Ohio, Indiana
Michael Fisher * (est 1800-1845) and Christenia HOUCK * (est 1805-aft 1850) Germany, Ohio, Indiana

Date of arrival for Michael and Christenia is not known for certain but their 3rd child was born in "Germany" in June 1833 and their 4th in June 1836 in Ohio.
Lovina Viola Berlin (1845-1932) and Eli YARIAN (1839-1895) ~ Ohio, Indiana
John D. Berlin (1792-1879) and Susannah HOFFMAN (1804-1880) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
John Frederick Berlin (1771-1843) and Juliana DIETZLER (abt 1772-between 1830/1840) - Pennsylvania
John Frederick Berlin (1742-1836) and Susan WAGNER (abt 1744-unknown) ~ Pennsylvania
Johann Jacob Berlin * (1716-1790) and Anna Margarita EULER * (1720-1807) ~ Pennsylvania

Johann Jacob was born in Niederbronn, France. He arrived here onboard the "Charming Nancy" in November 1738. It is not known when Anna Margarita arrived but they were presumably married prior to the birth of their first son in November 1740.
Susannah Hoffman (1804-1880) and John D. BERLIN (1792-1879) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
John Hoffman (1779-1860) and Catherine COY (1779-1852) ~ Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Johann Dietrich Hoffman * (1751-1826) and Susanna Alder * (est 1760-unknown) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio

Dietrich was reportedly brought to Pennsylvania as a young child by his parents Michael Hoffman and Maria Engel, date not yet known. Dietrich is a Revolutionary Patriot and is buried in Washingtonville Cemetery, Mahoning County, Ohio.
Catherine Coy (1779-1852) and John HOFFMAN (1779-1860) ~ Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Johann Henrich "Henry" Coy * (1747-after 1804) and Mary Unknown * (abt 1755-before 1785) ~ Maryland, Pennsylvania

Johann was born in the Pfalz, Bayern, which is now part of Germany. He was the son of Johann Henrich Kau/Coy and Anna Elisabetha Andriges.

Hazlette Aileen Brubaker (1902-1984) and Rolland Victor PHEND (1893-1991) ~ Indiana
Charles Romain Brubaker (1871-1945) and Maude Catherine WISE (1877-1953) ~ Indiana
William Brubaker (1843-1912) and Malissa Mariah JOSLIN (1849-1937) ~ Indiana
John Brubaker (1819-1879) and Sarah FOSTER (1818-1904) ~ Indiana, Ohio (John and Sarah were not married to each other, William was born out of wedlock)
Martin Brubaker (1799-1862) and Nancy NEEL (1797-1851) ~ Ohio
Hans Jacob Brubaker III (before 1759-about 1824) and Elizabeth Steinweg/Stoneroad (about 1765-about 1821) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
Hans Jacob Brubaker II * (about 1725-about 1802) and Anna Maria Schimpft (est 1735 - unknown) ~ Germany, Pennsylvania
Hans Jacob Brubaker * (about 1700-about 1755) and Wife Unknown ~ Germany, Pennsylvania
Maude Catherine Wise (1877-1953) and Charles Romain BRUBAKER (1871-1945) ~ Indiana
William Pythagrus Wise (1852-1935) and Sophia Elizabeth DUNFEE (1850-1916) ~ Indiana
Jacob Wise (1827-1865) and Malissa Ann STEM (1833-1901) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Peter Wise (about 1797-1875) and Christina Unknown (1801-1884) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana (Not proven that Peter and Christina are the parents of Jacob.)
Sophia Elizabeth Dunfee (1850-1916) and William Pythagrus WISE (1852-1935) ~ Indiana
William Hamilton Dunfee (1822-1888) and Catherine B. JONES (1829-1903) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
James Dunfee (1788-1861) and Sophia Elizabeth HAZLETT (1794-1864) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Malissa Ann Stem (1833-1901) and Jacob WISE (1827-1865) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Conrad Stem (1804-1882) and Indiana SISLEY (1809-1888) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Catherine B. JONES (1829-1903) and William Hamilton DUNFEE (1822-1888) ~ Ohio, Indiana
William B. Jones (about 1800-1843) and Elizabeth HELMS (1804-1883) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Elizabeth Helms (1804-1883) and William B. JONES (about 1800-1843) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Conrad Helms (about 1775 - unknown) and Mary SWIGART (1777- unknown) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Indiana Sisley (1809-1888) and Conrad STEM (1804-1882) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Lewis Sisley (1765-1826) and Margaret ELLIS (1773-1870) ~ Maryland, Pennsylvania
Jacob Sisley (about 1740-unknown) and Jane Unknown (about 1740-unknown) ~ Pennsylvania
Margaret Ellis (1773-1870) and Lewis SISLEY (1765-1826) ~ Maryland, Pennsylvania
Nathan Ellis (about 1750-unknown) and Mary Unknown (about 1750-unknown)
Benjamin Foster (1791-1879) and Margaret "Peggy" MYERS (about 1797-about 1820) ~ Virginia, Ohio
Willhelm George Forster, aka William Foster * (1749-1815) and Magdalena DANIEL (1755-1823) ~ Prussia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio
Nancy Neel (1797-1851) and Martin BRUBAKER (1799-1862) ~ Ohio
James Neel (1770-1855) and Rebecca FRANKS (1768-1797/1800) ~ Pennsylvania, Ohio
Margaret "Peggy" Myers (about 1797-about 1820) and Benjamin FOSTER (1791-1879) ~ Virginia, Ohio
John Myers (about 1765-about 1820) and Margaret Unknown (about 1770-1850/1860) ~ Ohio
Magdalena DANIEL (1755-1823) and Willhelm George Forster, aka William Foster * (1749-1815) ~ Prussia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio
Adam Daniel * (1716-1777) and Christina Barbara Kleist * (about 1734-1770) ~ Germany, Pennsylvania

Three years ago I spent a couple of months delving into my New England ancestors, the Joslin and Goodrich lines. Quite frankly, the amount of information available through the various publications and the connections to so many surnames was overwhelming. I put them aside and continued work on the lines listed above.

The research done on the Joslin lines (beyond Joseph 1742-1829) and the Goodrich lines (beyond John 1754-1834) has been through the use of publications (family history books, the NEHGR, online databases). In other words, I don't have any documentation to substantiate these lineage, yet.

Malissa Mariah Joslin (1849-1937) and William BRUBAKER (1843-1912) ~ Indiana
Lysander Price Joslin (1825-1899) and Lydia ROBISON (1825-1899) ~ Ohio, Indiana, Kansas
James Joslin (about 1796-after 1850) and Abigail GOODRICH (about 1805-after 1882) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Jonas Joslin (1769-after 1850) and Ruth Dyer (1771-1830) ~ Massachusetts, Vermont, Ohio
Joseph Joslin (1742-1829) and Sarah Tarbell (1741-1810) ~ Massachusetts
John Joslin (1710-1789) and Lucy Wilder (1715- unknown) ~ Massachusetts
Peter Joslin (1665-1759) and Johanna Whitcomb (1673-1717) ~ Massachusetts
Nathaniel Joslin * (1627-1694) and Sarah King * (1632-1706) ~ England, Massachusetts
Thomas Joslin * (1592-1661) and Rebecca Jude * (1592-after 1664) ~ England, Massachusetts

According to published records, the Tarbell line connects to the BOWERS, WOODS, RUSHTON, LONGLEY, and GOFFE families. The Wilder line connects to GARDNER, MASON, WELLS, SMITH, and WHEELER while the Whitcomb line joins up with WATERS, COGGAN, and LINTON.
Abigail Goodrich (about 1805-after 1882) and James JOSLIN (about 1796-after 1850) ~ Ohio, Indiana
Bela Goodrich (1777-about 1864) and Sally Church (about 1780-about 1831) ~ Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana
John Goodrich (1754-1834) and Abigail Price (1754-1827) ~ Connecticut, Ohio
Benjamin Goodrich (1717-1787) and Sarah Dewey (1712-1782) ~ Connecticut
Benjamin Goodrich (1688-1742) and Grace Kilbourn (1693-1764) ~ Connecticut
William Goodrich (1661-1737) and Grace Riley (1661-1712) ~ Connecticut
William Goodrich * (about 1625-1676) and Sarah Marvin * (1631-1702) ~ England, Connecticut

According to various publications, the Kilbourn line goes back another three generations and connects to BULKELEY, BROWNSON, CHETWOOD, HILLS, and MOODY. The Dewey line connects to BECKLEY, DEMING, TREAT, and ORTON.
Lydia Robison (1825-1899) and Lysander Price JOSLIN (1825-1899) ~ Ohio, Indiana, Kansas
Henry Robison (about 1794-1852) and Anna McMorron (about 1794-after 1855) ~ Ohio, Indiana