Wednesday, May 30, 2007
FGS/ACPL Conference Early Registration Deadline Approaching
If you register online you'll get a screen to select the sessions that you want to attend. You can skip that screen and return after you've checked out to select the sessions, otherwise the registration process may take too long and "time out" like it did for me the first time!
The list of sessions is available online. There is also a "printable" version available from the conference home page.
The conference will be held at the recently renovated Grand Wayne Center which is across the street from the "new" Allen County Public Library. The conference website says that the Library will have extended hours.
The two downtown hotels are sold out but there are many other hotels in the area as well as several bed & breakfast establishments that can be found at the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Travel time from most of the outlying motels to downtown should be about 20 minutes at the most, even during the morning "rush" hour.
Are there any other genea-bloggers or genea-blog readers planning to attend?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
In Memoriam - Jacob J Phend (1920-2006)

Jake was another distant cousin that I met while researching the Phend family. He didn't know much about his Phend relations since he was so young when his father died. But he soon found that he had a lot more relatives than he ever dreamed he had. Jake was a regular attendee of the "extended" Phend Family Reunions that have been held on the "even" years since 1992.
He had a great sense of humor, with a streak of orneriness thrown in for good measure. At each of the reunions he attended he brought me a gift - a "puzzle" made of wood or metal. One year it was a small heart with an arrow through it, with no indication of a cut line in the heart. I never have figured out how he got that arrow through the heart! Another year it was a "Quarter Pounder". I saw him coming across the yard with a McDonald's carry-out bag. He just grinned and handed it to me. I tentatively opened it and inside was a small "spring-loaded" clothespin with a miniature "hammer" positioned on top of a quarter coin.... he was definitely one of a kind.
Jake always got a kick out of introducing himself at the reunions... he was Jacob J Phend, his father was Jacob J Phend, and his father was Jacob Phend. He was thrilled when one of his grandchildren named his first child Jacob. Jake had two sons, I don't know why he didn't name one of them Jacob. Two of his grandchildren have the middle name of "J" so that is carried on also. The picture below of Jake, me, and his wife Evadean, was taken at the reunion in Kalona, Iowa in August 1998. That's the "Quarter Pounder" in the upper right corner of the post.
From Tarawa we went to Hawaii to re-group and train for the next landing. When we left Hawaii we landed on Saipan. This campaign was different than Tarawa. They had caves on Saipan. We used demolition and flamethrowers to get the Japs out of the caves. Again the casualties was high for that assault force.
Tinien was a fair size island south of Saipan and after Saipan was secured we took Tinien. Tinien was a breeze compared to the other landings. The CB's built an air field on Tinien and the bomber that dropped the atomic bomb on Japan took off from that air field. After Tinien we went back to Saipan. There was a group in our company known as the "Old Ones" not because they was old, but because out of the 250 original men who had started in Samoa, there was only 35 of the original bunch left.
The Marine Corps made provision for those Marines with over 32 months overseas duty to return to the states. So from Saipan I went back to the states for a 10 day furlough and was then sent to the East Coast to report into Marine Base at Paris Island, N. C. for a refresher course in assault engineering methods. After looking through the training manuals we found that most of the training was what we had developed in the islands through personal experience. So I was sent back up to Norfolk Naval Base, put on a ship that went through the Panama Canal and back out into the Pacific.
We joined up with a task force at Hawaii and left Hawaii. After two days out of Hawaii our task force was joined by another task force, the ocean was full of troop ships, battle ships, and aircraft-carriers, cruisers and destroyers, as far as you could see on the horizon was ships. We landed on Okinawa. This campaign was a real mess. Lots of casualties, but they kept me out of the hot spots. My sole duty on this campaign was advisor to a company of assault engineers. This was the last American offensive action of World War II. I had seen action in the first offensive and the last offensive action of World War II, with a few campaigns in-between.
My assault team has four Presidential Unit Citations from President Roosevelt and two from President Truman. After Japan signed the peace treaty I left Okinawa for the states, and after nearly 5 years in the marine corps, I figured I would get discharged and find out what civilian life was like. I never got wounded, had malaria and jungle rot on Guadalcanal. On Saipan I had dengue fever, but was never wounded. For the most part, I enjoyed my hitch in the Marines. It was a very exciting time, and I did get to see a lot of the world.
After I got out of the Marine Corps I returned to South Bend, Indiana. Got a job in a small factory that made folding cartons and started enjoying a peaceful civilian life. I met a girl at a church supper that they had for returning service men. The girl finally became my wife. My mother-in-law told me later that when Evadean [3] saw me at that supper, my goose was cooked. We lived at Lydic, Indiana and had two boys and one girl, Tom, Jim, and Linda. Eventually the company I worked for transferred me to St. Louis, Missouri. By then I was a supervisor. I worked for Packaging Corp. of America (a subsidiary of Tenneco) 36 years, retired in 1982. The company was good to me and I enjoyed my work, but retirement has been very good, I recommend it for everyone.
I like to camp and travel, hunt rocks, I'm a half way rock hound, and make things with wood. Every other year the "Old Ones" from the Marine Corps get together and talk and talk. Only about 20 of the bunch is left [4]. After all, we're all getting older. Evadean says each time they get together the stories get bigger. Well our memories are getting older too.
Becky, I did not put any dates down because I can't remember them. If you can use some of this in your book, good. If none of it is any good for your book, that's o.k. too. You asked for something about Jake Phend so here it is. Will see you in Osceola this fall [5], and good luck with your book [6]. Jake.
[1] Surelda was Jake's half sister.
[2] CCC was the Civilian Conservation Corps.
[3] Jake married Wilma Evadean Hardy on February 15, 1947.
[4] 20 of the "old ones" were still living in March 1991.
[5] Osceola, Indiana was the site of the 1991 Phend Reunion.
Monday, May 28, 2007
In Memoriam - Walter Eugene Mitchell (1921-2006)

In Memoriam - Marion Lamonte Yoder (1931-2007)

In Memoriam - Teresa Wiseman Plybon (1954-2007)
It's sad to say, but I didn't really know my sister. She was 6 years younger than I was and I was pretty much gone from home after I graduated from high school - she was 12 years old then. I moved to Fort Wayne, joined the Navy, went to college and when I returned home in 1982, she was all grown up, married, and divorced, with two daughters. Five years later she moved to Daytona Beach, Florida, with her second husband, where she lived the rest of her life. On January 19, 1989, she had another child, a son, Edgar Delano Plybon. He survives, as does her husband Edgar Lee Plybon, and her two daughters from her first marriage, Tami and Carrie, and four grandchildren.
I saw Terry four times during the 20 years she lived in Florida. So, my memories of her are fleeting, bits and pieces here and there. She was a good-natured kid, overweight most of her life, generous to a fault. She'd give you the shirt off her back if you needed it more than she did. She was always giving to others, even when she didn't have anything, which was most of the time. She did the best she could under the circumstances. She had an infectious laugh and a great sense of humor.
In Memoriam - Michael Eugene Mitchell (1944-2007)
Although Mike was one of the "older" cousins, he was usually good with us younger kids and willing to play with us and spend time with us when we visited his home while growing up, and that was nearly every weekend! Our parents would play cards, usually Euchre, on Saturday nights. While they played cards, we'd pop corn, watch television, play games and just have a good time. As he got into high school, he didn't spend as much time with us and he did tease us mercilessly, but it was generally good-natured fun.
Mike enjoyed taking care of his potted plants and had a collection of old bottles he'd inherited from his father that gave him a great deal of pleasure. At the past couple of Phend Family Reunions he volunteered to be the auctioneer for the "White Elephant" auction fund raiser that helped pay for the expenses of the reunion. He had a lot of fun with it and did a good job too.
In the past 10 years or so, Mike has had health problems, dealing with back pain among other ailments. A couple of years ago he was injured in a car accident and his health has gone downhill ever since. Several weeks ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer but I don't think that was the cause of his death. Saturday afternoon Mike went with his mother and sister to visit the gravesite of his father and little brother. They had talked about many of the people they had known who had passed away. When they got back home, they had a piece of rhubarb pie. Mike was tired and went into the bedroom to take a nap. He never woke up. May he rest in peace.
Visitation will be Wednesday, May 30th, from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home in Columbia City. Services will be held there at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 31st.
The Veterans in my Family
- Charles Douglas Wiseman (brother). US Navy 1964-1968. Doug served as a Hospital Corpsman and was stationed with the Marines at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.
- Jack Lynn Wiseman (brother). A Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy 1969-1973, Jack was stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Station and with the Marines in San Diego, California.
- Gary Wiseman (cousin). US Navy 1969-1973. Enlisted at the same time as my brother, Jack, on the "buddy" program, which meant they got to go through boot camp together. Gary saw shipboard duty.
- Rebeckah R. Wiseman (that would be me). US Navy 1969-1979. Photographer's Mate stationed in Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Iceland, California and Japan. I hesitated to include my name in the list, but what the heck, I am a vet! Read the letters from Boot Camp that I sent to my mother.
- William Roland Conrad (cousin). US Navy Radioman. Served four years in the late 50's and early 60's. He was stationed in Alaska in January 1959 when it became our 49th state.
- Kenneth Eugene Fawley (distant cousin and husband of first cousin). Enlisted in the Army in June of 1957, right after high school. After Basic Training at Ft. Polk, Louisiana Kenny attended camera repair school at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. In December 1957, he was assigned to the 97th Signal Battalion, Photo Platoon, in Boblingen , Germany where they had two camera repairmen, 7 or 8 photographers, and some lab fellows. Kenny spent 30 months in Germany and attained the rank of Spec 5. He was discharged in June of 1960. The 97th Signal Battalion has a reunion group, which meets once a year at different locations. [Added December 4, 2010]
- William Henry Phend (uncle). Bill joined the Army in March 1951. After basic training he was sent to Camp Stewart, Georgia. There he received training as a Combat MP (Military Police). Three times his name was put on the list of those who were to go to Korea, but for some unknown reason he was never sent. He was honorably discharged in March 1953.
- Jack William Wiseman (father). Enlisted February 19, 1943. 511th Parachute Infantry, 11th Airborne Division. He saw combat duty in the Pacific and would have been part of the invasion forces in Japan but instead, thankfully, was a member of the occupation forces. Born in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana on January 29, 1924 to Elsie Shuder and Charles Wilson Wiseman he died December 18, 1995 at Warsaw, Indiana. I have my father's discharge papers and have found some information on the 511th on the internet but sadly do not have any information on the World War II service of my uncles.
- Perry Martin Comfort Wiseman (uncle). Enlisted April 14, 1942. Perry was born August 3, 1906 and died July 9, 1968. On February 6, 1954 he was married to Retha Juanita Rindfusz Wallace. They did not have any children.
- Emery Emerson Wiseman (uncle). Enlisted in the Navy. Emery was born August 1, 1922 and died November 23, 1971. He lived in Kosciusko County, Indiana all his life. On February 24, 1946 he married Jean Ruth Bailey. They had three children.
- Robert Glen Reiff (uncle). Enlisted in the Army on February 27, 1943. Bob was born March 10, 1924 and died February 17, 2000. He was married on June 17, 1945 to Patricia Eileen Phend. They had four children.
- Carl Emmert Conrad (uncle). Carl was born December 4, 1917 at Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana and died October 15, 1970. He was married to Fern Louise Wiseman on September 22, 1939. They had one daughter.
- Glenn Roland Conrad (uncle, and brother to Carl Emmert Conrad) was born March 2, 1913 at Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana and died October 30, 1949 in Elkhart County. Glenn went into the Army on November 29, 1944. After basic training at Ft McClellan, Alabama, he was went to Fort Ord, California. On May 17, 1945 he went to Manilla leaving there on July 9, 1945 for Luzon where he started driving a 1 1/2 ton Dodge and also a Jeep. In October 1945 he was involved in the occupation of Japan, in the town of Tachigi where they destroyed war equipment. He was discharged April 4, 1946 and landed in Seattle, Washington. He was T/5 in the 158th Infantry, 1st Batallion. Glenn married Jessie Dell Wiseman (sister of Fern who married his brother Carl) on April 1, 1938 in Kosciusko County. They had two children: son, William is mentioned above and Caroline - the cousin who has done a lot of the research on the Wiseman lineage. (Added November 24, 2010).
- Rolland Victor "Vic" Phend (grandfather). Enlisted Sept. 19, 1917 and discharged June 19, 1919. Served in France.
- Charles Romain Brubaker (great grandfather). Enlisted but dates of service not known. He was 48 years old in 1919 and was not required to register for the draft. I have not yet found record of his service but his gravemarker and his obituary both state that he was a veteran of WWI.
- Charles Romain Brubaker (great grandfather). Enlisted in Company K, 160th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in June 1898 in Huntington County. He served in Cuba as a Mess Sergeant.
- William Brubaker (2nd great grandfather). Enlisted April 21, 1861, in Company E, 17th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving three years and two months in Wilder's Brigade, Army of the Cumberland. In a skirmish he was wounded in the thigh, being disabled for several months and sent to the hospital. After discharge he veteranized in Company I, 152nd Regiment, was made sergeant of his company and served until the close of the war. Pension Claim 69407. On April 28, 2007 William was inducted as a part of the Charter Member Class into the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana, a program sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society.
- Jacob Wise (3rd great grandfather). Was drafted and mustered in on October 5th 1864, at Kendallville, Indiana. He served as a Private in Company "C" of the 30th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. His widow's pension application states "and having served Honestly and Faithfully with his Company to the present date, is now entitled to a Discharge by reason of Death in Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. on May 17, 1865 of chronic diarrhea." Widow's Pension Application 101.119. On April 28, 2007 Jacob was inducted as a part of the Charter Member Class into the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana, a program sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society.
- Eli Yarian (2nd great grandfather). Enlisted January 28, 1862 and served as a private in Battery D, 1st Ohio Light Artillery. Mustered out July 15, 1865. His brother, Benjamin Yarian also served in Battery D and was mustered out at the same time as Eli. Another brother, David Yarian enlisted with Battery A, 1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery on August 11, 1862 and was discharged with the regiment in 1865. Yet another brother, Jonathan Yarian. Served with Company A of the 35th Indiana Regiment of Infantry. Jonathan enlisted in September 1864 while living in Noble County, Indiana. On December 16, 1864, during the second days battle at Nashville, he was severely wounded and taken to Cumberland Hospital, where his left leg was amputated. He was honorably discharged on May 26, 1865.
- Jacob Berlin (2nd great granduncle). Enlisted in Company C, Ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry on September 5, 1861. He was killed on April 7th, 1862, during the second day's fighting of the Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee). The Nappanee G.A.R. Post was named in his honor.
- Henry Robison, Jr. (3rd great granduncle). Enlisted in Company I of the 30th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Wounded on April 7, 1862 at Pittsburgh Landing. Served through the end of the war.
- William Klingaman (husband of 2nd great grandaunt). Served in Company F of the 142nd Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Moved to Jefferson County, Iowa in 1867.
- Conrad Yarian (4th great grandfather). Served as a Lieutenant in Martin Sittler's Company, from Columbiana County, Ohio along with his brother Mathias.
- Bela Goodrich (5th great grandfather). Served from August 24, 1812 until October 4, 1812 and from May 4, 1813 until May 27, 1813 in Israel P. Case's Company from Franklin County, Ohio. In 1855, applied for Bounty Land. File 143.039.
- William Alexander (4th great grandfather). Lived in the area of Cecil County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 24, 1776. By March of 1777, he was a 1st Lieutenant of the 7th Battalion of the Maryland Regulars Regiment. He served in the 5th Company. He was killed on Aug 27, 1777 on the 2nd day of battle at "Landing Head of Elk" Maryland.
- James Ball (4th great grandfather). At age 27, enlisted on August 20, 1776 at Hampshire, Virginia in Captain William Voss' company, 12th Virginia Regiment. Served for three years. He was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Stoney Point. Received two wounds at the battle of Brandywine. Pension claim W8336.
- Henry Bray (5th great grandfather). Signed "Patriot's Oaths of Fidelity and Support" on March 16, 1778 in Washington County, Maryland. Accepted as DAR patriot. File number 3185877.
- John Bray (4th great grandfather, son of Henry Bray). At age 16, enlisted in September 1777 at Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia. Served as a Private in Captain William Voss' Company, 12th Virginia Regiment. Was wounded during the battle of Brandywine (Delaware) and fought at Monmouth and Stoney Point. Discharged in 1780 in Yorktown, Pennsylvania. Pension claim W4145.
- Andrew Brinker (5th great grandfather). He served as a Private in Lieutenant Colonel Cochin's 4th Company, 4th Battalion, of the Northampton County, Pennyslvania Militia. He moved to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania between 1785-1790 then to Columbiana County, Ohio about 1806 where he died in 1828. [Added November 10, 2011]
- Johann Heinrich "Henry" Coy/Kau/Cow/Cowe (5th great grandfather). Served from Washington County, Maryland and Franklin County, Pennsylvania along with his brothers Jacob and Frederick.
- John Goodrich (6th great grandfather). Marched for the relief of Boston in the Lexington Alarm April 1775. Served as a Private in Capt. Hezekiah Wells' Company, Colonel Erastus Wollcotts' Regiment January-March 1776. DAR No. 592151 through Juanita (Mrs. Eugene) Beard.
- Joseph Joslin (6th great grandfather). On page 125 of the "The Jocelyn-Joslin-Joslyn-Josselyn Family" (1961), Edith Wessler says that Joseph was a Lieutenant in the Revolution. On page 106 in "Blackman and Allied Families" author Alfred L. Holman says that Joseph was a Sergeant in the Revolution. Joseph's tombstone says "In memory of Lieut. Joseph Joslin..." I've not done any further research to prove or disprove these claims so if he served during the revolution, I don't know where or when or in what capacity.
- Thomas Sprague (4th great grandfather). He resided at Union, Tolland County, Connecticut and Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. Served as a private in Capt. Christopher Banister's Company, Col. Ezra May's Regiment; enlisted September 20, 1777; discharged October 5, 1777, service 21 days on expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga.
- Jacob Van Keuren (6th great grandfather). Served in the Fourth Regiment from Ulster County, New York.
Other relatives who have served:
- Veterans in my Family :: the War of 1812 and the Civil War
- Veterans in my Family :: Spanish American War and World War I
- Veterans in my Family :: World War II, Korea, and Vietnam
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Some Notes on my trip to Iowa
Love-Hate. I've always had a love-hate relationship with the Interstate Highway system. It's great for getting relatively quickly from point A to point B - but it can be very stressful and extremely boring and you sure don't get a feel for the land you're driving through. The traffic on I-80 from South Bend through the southern end of Chicago to Joliet is horrendous. The trucks and cars competing for a small piece of the highway all going 75 miles an hour. Yuk! I timed my departure to avoid the morning rush but it was still very busy. From Joliet to the Quad Cities is a nice drive as is the drive through Iowa.
The hills of Iowa. Once you get close to the Mississippi River the terrain changes from flat land to rolling hills. Now, I've been to Iowa before but I just didn't realize how hilly it was. Especially when you get off the Interstate. I took a couple drives around the Osceola area, south towards the Missouri line and east towards Ottumwa. Indiana has hills too, but not like those in Iowa. It's pretty too, especially this time of year.
My Boss. Ron is a good guy. I'm not just saying that either, he really is nice. He is so laid back, nothing seems to get to him very much. He has recently had to deal with his house burning. It was a kitchen fire but smoke and water damage made the house unlivable for a few months. The family is back into the house now. A couple weeks ago he contracted to have the roof replaced over his garage. The guy he hired worked on it for a couple days but didn't get it finished before the heavy rains a few weeks ago, the ones that caused all the flooding in Missouri. Lots of water damage but that's pretty much taken care of now. The only thing is, I think Ron is a bit crazy (but aren't we all in our own way?). He goes on the RAGBRAI 'bicycle ride across Iowa' trips, not every year, just those years when it's not in what he called the "flat" lands. He loves riding the hills, especially when it's hot and humid. I can't imagine having the stamina and strength to ride those hills.
John Wayne. If I had been so inclined I could have stayed another day and joined the celebration of John Wayne's 100th birthday in Winterset, Iowa. Looks like it might have been fun. Yesterday, Randy Seaver posted about his 8th cousin, Marion Robert Morrison, aka John Wayne, and has some information on him.
Winterset, birthplace of John Wayne, is in Madison County which was the setting for Robert James Waller's novel "The Bridges of Madison County" and the movie that followed. Looks like a nice place to spend some time, and it's only about 15 miles or so off of Interstate 35.
I just might have to go back to Iowa this summer... my 3rd great grandparents, Lysander and Lydia Robison Joslin, lived in Jefferson County, Iowa between 1867 and 1870. They returned to Whitley County just in time for the 1870 census. One of their daughters, Anna Eliza, had married William Klingaman on October 12, 1865 and shortly thereafter moved to Black Hawk township in Jefferson County, which is in the south east corner of the state.
I did stop at several Tourist Information Centers in Iowa and picked up some brochures. I didn't have a chance to take advantage of the free wireless internet access that Iowa has available at their rest stops along Interstate 80 but it is nice to know it is available. There were several large truck stops that also had wireless access advertised.
I had a good trip, but there's no place like home!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Greetings from the 'Hawkeye' state...
Tonight is the first opportunity I've had to get connected to the Internet since Monday. I've missed my daily fix of genea-blogging news and still haven't caught up with all the recent postings yet!
Friday, May 18, 2007
24th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy
"The topic for this edition is Mothers! We have wonderful tributes and tales of the women who have for better or worse had a hand (or a gene ;-) in making us who we are today. They come in all shapes and sizes, races and religions, ages and eras. They live in our hearts and in our minds and now in our Carnival too. Let's hear it for moms!"There are some really wonderful and inspiring stories that have been posted - check it out!
The topic for the next edition of the COG will be:
"Who inherited the Creative Gene in your family? We're all aware of someone on the family tree who was/is "the creative one" or "the talented one"... the painter, musician, poet, wood carver, interior designer, writer, knitter, singer, calligrapher, or such. Tell us about their creative pursuits. Let's hear it for the creatives!"
Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. The deadline for submissions for the next edition will be June 1st. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Paul Allen and World Vital Records
It's kind of interesting to get a 'behind the scenes' view of starting a company, though I'll admit it can be a bit dry reading at times! Still, the insights provided are enlightening. His announcement of the World Vital Records Partnerships shows his enthusiasm for what he is doing and how he hopes to help improve the world of genealogy research. These partnerships should help increase traffic to the Family History Centers and will make more records accessible to more people than ever before.
His blog deals for the most part with the business aspect of genealogy and with business in general, so it's not a "genealogy" blog (posts that are categorized as "genealogy" can be found here).
As stated in a previous post, these are indeed exciting times for genealogists and family researchers! However, I feel that the news of this "explosion" in genealogy resources to come must be tempered somewhat with caution. It's going to take time and not all records will be available (at least, not in my lifetime). It's just not feasible when you consider how many records there are and the various kinds of records that are kept. We also need to keep in mind that that is a business and though the motives and intent may be good, the bottom line will be profit. That is probably what is driving 'The Generations Network' to make the decisions they have in the recent past. We need to be optimistic and hope that these new companies and partnerships will keep the needs and desires of their customers in mind - accessible records at a relatively low cost. Collaboration is good, competition is better. I applaud Paul Allen and World Vital Records for their partnership with FamilySearch and all of the other companies that have announced partnerships in the last few days and am very much looking forward to using all these resources.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Roy Parkinson Has Fine Store at Wolf Lake
Roy Parkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson, of this city, is the proprietor of a general store at Wolf Lake, and he has one of the finest store rooms of any country merchant in this part of the state. A few years ago he lost his store and contents by fire but he immediately built a new building which is certainly a good one. The building is about forty feet wide with a plate glass front, making the room an exceptionally well lighted one. He handles a complete line of general merchandise and also operates an ice cream parlor and sells soft drinks.
[Note: Roy is my Half 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed. He is a descendant of my 3rd Great Grandmother, Sarah Foster, and her husband George Parkison. The surname can be found as "Parkison" and "Parkinson" as well as other variations.]
Partnerships and Collaboration - ain't it great!
Quintin Publications Partners With To Make Thousands of Genealogical Databases Accessible
Historic Ellis Island Passenger Records Receive Expanded Online Access This is a partnership between The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., World Vital Records, Inc. and FamilySearch.
More Than 4,500 Family History Centers Worldwide to have Free Access to
Other recent announcements, posted by Dick and many other genea-bloggers, regarding partnerships and expanded availability of content include:
ProQuest CSA Teams Up with LexisNexis to Add Selected Serial Set Content to HeritageQuest Online "The addition of the Private Relief Actions and Memorials and Petitions from the LexisNexis Serial Set collection serves the growing genealogy and local history segment of the public library market. " Note that HeritageQuest is available only to libraries, not to individuals. Teams With FamilySearch to Release Revolutionary War Pension Files "This new partnership brings together two organizations that will utilize their combined resources to digitize and make available many large historical collections. The first project will be the three million U.S. Revolutionary War Pension files, which will be published for the first time online in their entirety."
This past Tuesday, following the Footnote and FamilySearch announcement, Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings gave us his thought on what this means to the future of genealogy and research. You'll have to scroll down past the announcement to find his comments...
But, perhaps the most important recent announcement is that FamilySearch will Provide Access to the World's Genealogical Records. FamilySearch announced "its Records Access program to increase public access to massive genealogy collections worldwide. For the first time ever, FamilySearch will provide free services to archives and other records custodians who wish to digitize, index, publish, and preserve their collections. The program expands FamiliySearch's previously announced decision to digitize and provide online access to over 2 million rolls of copyrighted microfilm preserved in the Granite Mountain Records Vault. A key component of the program allows FamilySearch and archives to team with genealogy websites to provide unprecedented access to microfilm in the vault. The combined results ensure a flood of new record indexes and images online at and affiliated websites."Godfrey Memorial Library and FamilySearch Centers Announce Partnership "The Godfrey Library has been digitizing much of their information and is now accelerating that effort. Even better, visitors to LDS FamilySearch Centers around the world will now have free access to the digitized material."
These are indeed exciting times for genealogists as well as researchers in general! I'm sure there will be more announcements in the near future. Don't you just love competition and collaboration, I sure do!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mothers and Grandmothers

Left: My Mother Right: Me and Grandma with cousins Jim, Mike, Kathy and Tom.

My 2nd Great Grandmothers, Malissa Joslin Brubaker Bower and Lovina Berlin Yarian with my aunt Phyllis Phend, about 1924.
Today being Mother's Day, I spent most of the day with Mom, just the two of us. It was a very pleasant day. That being said, my tribute for Mother's Day will not be for her, but for all the mothers that came before to get us to this time and place... some known, some unknown. Here are the known, through my Mother and back eight generations:
Hazlette (Brubaker) Phend Dunn Ferguson (1902-1984) Indiana
Maude Catherine (Wise) Brubaker Yontz (1877-1953) Indiana
Susie Lula (Yarian) Phend (1872-1956) Indiana
Louisa (Fisher) Phend (1827-1898) Germany, Ohio, Indiana
Lovina Viola (Berlin) Yarian (1845-1932) Ohio, Indiana
Malissa Mariah (Joslin) Brubaker Bower (1849-1937) Indiana
Sophia Elizabeth (Dunfee) Wise (1850-1916) Indiana
Susanna (Kübli) Phend (1785-1856) Switzerland, Ohio, Indiana
Christenia (Houck) Fisher (1805- ? ) Germany, Ohio
Elizabeth (Switzer) Yarian (1815-1894) Ohio
Susannah (Hoffman) Berlin (1804-1880) Ohio, Indiana
Sarah (Foster) Parkison (1818-1904) Ohio, Indiana
Lydia (Robison) Joslin (1825-1899) Ohio, Indiana
Malissa Ann (Stem) Wise (1833-1901) Ohio, Indiana
Catherine (Jones) Dunfee (1829-1903) Ohio, Indiana
Catharina Phend (1754-1797) Switzerland
Verena (Laederich) Kübli (1747-1824) Switzerland
Eva (Rupert) Yarian (1786-1866) Pennsylvania, Ohio
Mary Catherine - wife of Jacob Switzer (about 1790 - ? ) Pennsylvania, Ohio
Juliana (Dietzler) Berlin (about 1772 - ? ) Pennsylvania
Catherine (Coy) Hoffman (1779-1852) Maryland, Ohio
Nancy (Neel) Brubaker (1797-1851) Ohio
Margaret "Peggy" (Myers) Foster (1797-1820) Ohio
Abigail (Goodrich) Joslin (about 1805-after 1882) Ohio, Indiana
Anna - wife of Henry Robison (about 1794 - ? ) Ohio, Indiana
Christena - wife of Peter Wise (1801-1884) Ohio, Indiana
Indiana (Sisley) Stem (1809-1888) Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Sophia Elizabeth (Hazlett) Dunfee (1794-1864) Ohio, Indiana
Elizabeth (Helms) Jones (1804-1883) Ohio, Indiana
Magdalena (Tschiemer) Phend (1722-1797) Switzerland
Anna (Frutiger) Kübli (1720-1790) Switzerland
Margaretha (Williams) Yerion (1745-1833) Pennsylvania
Susan (Wagner) Berlin (about 1744 - ? ) Pennsylvania
Susanna (Alder) Hoffman (about 1760 - ? ) Pennsylvania, Ohio
Mary - wife of Henry Coy (about 1755 - about 1785) Maryland, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth (Steinweg) Brubaker (about 1765-about 1821) Pennsylvania
Rebecca (Franks) Neel (1768- ? ) Pennsylvania, Ohio
Magdalena (Daniel) Foster (1755-1823) Virginia, Ohio
Margaret - wife of John Myers (about 1770- ? ) Ohio
Ruth (Dyer) Joslin (1771-1830) Vermont, Ohio
Sally (Church) Goodrich (1780-about 1831) Connecticut, Ohio
Margaret (Ellis) Sisley (1773-1870) Pennsylvania
Mary - wife of George Dunfee (about 1760 - ?) Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Elizabeth - wife of Jonathan Hazlett (1762-1848) Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Mary (Swigart) Helms (1777- ? ) Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
Barbara (Zwahlen) Phend (1701- ? ) Switzerland
Margreth (Egger) Tschiemer (about 1695- ? ) Switzerland
Maria Magdalena - wife of Mathias Jurion (1705-1763) Pennsylvania
Anna Margarita (Euler) Berlin (about 1720-about 1807) Pennsylvania
Anna Elizabeth (Andriges) Kau (about 1720- ? ) the Pfalz ?
Christina Barbara (Kleist) Daniel (1734-1770) Pennsylvania
Sarah (Tarbell) Joslin (1741-1810) Massachusetts
Abigail (Price) Goodrich (1754-1827) Connecticut, Ohio
Lucy (Wilder) Joslin (1715- ? ) Massachusetts
Elizabeth (Bowers) Tarbell (1707-1756) Massachusetts
Sarah (Dewey) Goodrich (1712-1782) Connecticut
[note: Updated with some links and additional names May 11, 2008]
Friday, May 11, 2007
Runaway Colt and Marriage (Meier-Burnworth)
Colt Ran Away With Two Young Drivers.
Henry Meier, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Meier of this city, and Carl Stickler, son of Orlando Stickler and wife, of Washington township, got the “worst” end of a runaway Sunday while driving a colt.
Meier and his friend, a Miss Burnworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burnworth, of the south side, had driven to the Stickler home to spend the day and during the afternoon the two young men went to the barn and hitched the colt to a cart. The parents of Stickler saw him hitching the colt but did not stop him as he had driven the colt several weeks and had never had any trouble. About an hour after the boys drove away they returned but not wearing the same garments they had on when they drove away.
They told the following story: After driving down the road a short distance an auto came up behind them and they turned out to let it go around. When the machine was even with the colt it gave a jump and the shafts of the cart were broken. This frightened the colt and it ran away. The rig collided with a mail box in front of the Noah Mullendore home and they were thrown from the cart. Their trousers were torn so badly that they found it necessary to borrow a pair each from Guy Mullendore. Both boys were bruised at places on their bodies and Mr. Meier found it painful to sit down.
Columbia City Post ~ Saturday, August 11, 1917
Young Folks Eloped to Michigan.
Information reaches this paper that Henry Meier, son of Mrs. John Meier, of this city, and Miss Doris Burnworth, daughter of Charles Burnworth, of the south side, eloped to Kalamazoo, Mich., Thursday evening, where they were married. The groom has been working at the Panhandle depot in this city for some time. He is eighteen years old and is a hustling youngster. The bride is well known among her circle of friends. They will reside in this city.
[Doris Elbertine Burnworth - was my 2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed. Doris was 16 years old and Henry was 18 when they were married. They shared their life together for 46 years, until he passed away in 1964. Doris passed away in 1977.]
Sheep Drowned
F. H. Foust had eight or ten sheep drowned Sunday night and Monday morning as a result of the floods. He had about 150 head on the low lands Saturday and the recent rains drove 50 or 75 to an island boarding on the river, where they were compelled to remain until the island was completely submerged with water. Some of the sheep were fortunate enough to get on the tree tops, stumps, etc., but as many as ten are thought to be lost. Supt. Harshbarger and his hands had a narrow escape from drowning Monday while going to the rescue. They attempted to drive a team of horses and wagon to the isolated sheep, when they got into the deep water, the wagon box floating off. After some time and trouble they rescued the remainder of the wool growers to a place of safety.
[Franklin H. Foust was the husband of my 3rd Great-GrandAunt, Maxamillia Francis "Maxie" Jones.]
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
The Goose Lake Farm
Home on the Farm at Goose Lake ~ about 1914 ~ Thornton Brubaker (sitting on the stump, half-brother of William Brubaker), Jane, Orville Day (a hired man), Maud, Billy, Hazlette, Spot, and Charles Romain Brubaker.

There is a partial basement under the left portion of the house, which leads me to believe that the left side was the original house. The current owners have a living room and master bedroom on the lower floor and two bedrooms upstairs. The kitchen is in the right side of the house. It now has all of the modern conveniences.
My grandmother, Hazlette Brubaker Phend, describes the house in her autobiography:
From the wood shed to the door and into the summer dining room we have been walking on a brick walk. And the small yard in front of the dining room and around the windmill was brick. This brick must have been there for years because even in 1909 it was green with moss.
I think that summer dining room was quite unique. There was an iron water tank in one corner that was enclosed by a modern cabinet with a lid on it; the tank held about forty gallons of water. This room was screened in on the north and south with a storage room to the east and the kitchen to the west. There were wooden doors that enclosed it all in the wintertime. There was as large cupboard that had been built years before and Grandma always had the room looking cool and nice.
The next room was the kitchen. I guess I can hardly tell you anything good about it, yet I learned to cook there on an old wood-burning stove. The entrance to the cellar was a trap door in the floor, you opened it and went down the ladder and hoped no one would fall into the opening while you were down below. The cellar was where the potatoes and onions were stored along with the canned fruits and vegetables; a hanging shelf was our refrigerator. The kitchen table was in the space beside this trap door and many was the time that we would have to open the door for milk or cream after we were all seated at the table. The ones that sat on the side near the door, usually Jane and Me, had to stand guard till the trip for cream was made.
On the other side was the buttery and pantry; it was just a big dark place to put everything. There were shelves and a table or sink. It was always dark as night, there were no windows and no kerosene lamp could take the awful dark away - or at least that is the way it seemed to me! There was a plastered room for meat and anything else eatable that freezing wouldn't hurt. This room was always locked.
There had been an addition to this kitchen and in the space between the pantry and the back door was a cistern pump with an iron sink. In 1909 this was quite a modern improvement. The stove was opposite the sink with the wood box and a cupboard.
It really seems very primitive but there were many delicious meals prepared and eaten in that kitchen. There was a screen door between the kitchen and the dining room, which was used as a dining room only on very rare occasions. But the screen door had been put up when we were very small so that Mama could keep an eye on us while working about the kitchen.
The dining room had wainscoting about three feet high all around and this room was my favorite. It had the heating stove beside which we kids would always get dressed on cold mornings. There was a table upon which we played games and got our lessons, Grandma had a nice cupboard here and a couple of rocking chairs. There was a wall desk that I just adored - the front came down revealing pigeonholes with lots of things in it that us kids were not to touch! The telephone was in this room, which was the heart of the house.
And it was in this room that I recall my first Christmas tree. It was just before Billy was born. I had kept saying that I wanted a yellow doll (a doll dressed in yellow) and after all the gifts were removed and opened from beneath what I thought was an enormous tree, Papa lifted me up and there in the tree was a beautiful doll dressed in yellow!
Off this room was the parlor. When Grandma lived here it was very cold and formal. In fact I don't believe we ever went into this room except for Uncle Hale's funeral. But when we moved into this house in 1911 all that was changed and we used it always whenever we had company. Later Papa bought us a piano and we took music lessons and I guess this room just came alive.
Off this room was the great bedroom, which became Jane's and mine when we grew older. There was another bedroom off the dining room, which was the master bedroom. Mama would let me stay in that room sometimes when I was sick; I remember the pink roses in the wallpaper. This room was at the back of the house but you could see the orchard from the window. It was really lovely in the spring.
There were two large rooms upstairs and an enormously interesting attic. The large room in front had a closet that ran the full length of the room, this was Hale's room and it was sacred to Grandma and was kept locked. But after Uncle Hale died and we moved into the house this is where we kids slept. It was papered with a white rose paper that was lovely. The crab apple tree, which even now stands west of the house, would then touch the windows of this room and the perfume from the blossoms was so lovely, I can still remember spring mornings in that room.
The other room was never papered, the stair well was here and the entrance to the attic. And oh, what an attic! We were allowed to play here on rainy days and it was delightful. Grandpa had a civil war gun with musket and his knapsack. There were candle molds and the butchering equipment was kept here - sausage stuffer and lard renderer, the great big meat grinder attached to a bench. There were trunks of old clothes and books that I would give a lot to see now. This room had just one window but the chimney came up through here and it was always cozy. It also had mice and wasps, which nearly scared me to death - but I loved to go there anyway.
Hale Brubaker (part 2 - Obituary)
The following tribute is from The Bachelor, the Wabash College paper which he founded in his senior year, as published in the Columbia City Post.Although tempered in a small degree by the news that he was dangerously ill, the sad intelligence that M. Hale Brubaker had passed away in New York City Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock was a heavy burden for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker, of Troy township, to bear, and a source of sorrow to his any friends here. He was taken ill last week with a heavy cold which he contracted at the meeting of the Indiana society of New York, Friday, December 3. The cold deepened and last Friday evening developed into pneumonia.
When his condition was learned he was hurried to a New York hospital where he was attended by the foremost lung specialist in the city. Everything possible to human skill was done for the saving of his life. He was fortunate in the possession of several close college friends who were attending Columbia university with him and they gave him every attention and kept his parents and friends in the city informed. Leo C. Kelly, Lee McCanliss and R. M. Frink were Wabash college graduates who were closely attached to the deceased and they were at had to administer to his needs. Al C. Jennison, who is attending Harvard university and is also a Wabash man who new Mr. Brubaker, hastened to New York with the knowledge of his illness and was constantly at his bedside until the end.
The message from the young men to Mrs. Brubaker, sent Tuesday evening read: "Hale very low. Doctor says he is hardly holding his own. He recognized us both today. Crisis tomorrow (Wednesday). All depends on physical strength. (Signed) "Kelly and McCanliss."
With the knowledge that he was fighting against terrible odds the parents believed that he might recover but shortly after one o'clock Wednesday the word came to this city that he had passed away. No details as to the sending of the body were given. The time which intervened between the coming of the disease and the end was just five days.
Maurice Hale Brubaker was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker of Troy township, May 17, 1886, and died in New York City December 14, 1910, aged 24 years, 8 months and 27 days. He was a very brilliant boy and entered the high school in this city at the age of 13 years, after completing the common branches in his home township. In 1903 he graduated from the high school and for two years thereafter he was employed in this city on the Commercial-Mail and in the postoffice, where he performed his work in a thorough manner and taught school for one winter.
In the fall of 1905 he entered Wabash college where he completed the regular four year course in three years, winning membership in the Phi Beta Kappa honor fraternity for his excellence in scholarship. In addition to his ability as a student he distinguished himself as a leader of student enterprise, was instrumental in the organization of the press club and was a prominent member of one of the literary societies. At the conclusion of his college course he was awarded a scholarship in Columbia university. He accepted and entered the college of law, where he prosecuted his studies and at the same time carried enough outside work to largely support himself. He was associated with the Citizens' League of New York and with the Municipal Art League which was engaged in public charities on a large scale.
He was of untiring energy and never took up a responsibility that he did not discharge. He carried more work and did it easier than two average men in college and seemingly was never wearied. In that spirit he strove for an education, to fit himself thoroughly for his life's work. His years of life were crowded, though they were few, with duties and privileges, all of which tended to broaden him and to deepen his influence on those who knew him. Friends he had without number and they feel profoundly the loss that has come upon them personally. To the brother and the parents are extended the sincerest sympathy in their hour of grief.
Mr. Brubaker was a social member of the Modern Woodmen order, a member of Company G of the Indiana National guard for several years and was first lieutenant of the company at the time he resigned because of his duties in the east. He was not long away from the service however, for he joined the Naval Militia in New York and became acquainted with army life on the sea. He was a member of the Indiana society of New York and was intensely loyal to his mother state. In his last letter to his parents, in telling of the banquet of the society, he showed a warm feeling for Indiana and Whitley county. He was a member of the Baptist church in this city and at one time was the superintendent of the Sunday school there. He leaves his parents and one brother, C.R. Brubaker, of Traverse City, Michigan.
About three years ago there was born into the mind of a man here at Wabash the plan for a Press Club. To that man, more than to any other individual, The Bachelor, which is the outcome of his plan owes its existence. Now that man is no more; and this paper, that may in a certain sense be looked upon as his, joins in sympathy with all who mourn his departure.The Funeral Service
Maurice Hale Brubaker, a man with a mind and energy somewhat extraordinary. Keenness of conception and brilliance of execution were among the chief characteristics of his intellect and actions. All of his moments were busy ones. Into his life of twenty-four years he had contrived to crowd more real experience than is usually accorded to one so young. And who can say this was in vain? His future was a promising one. But just at the time immediately previous to his entering upon life's
realities, he was cut off from the living, taking with him his talent and his garnered experience and knowledge. Who would call this the irony of Fate? Let us rather regard it as the workings of a divine Providence, whose rules we know not, and whose will we can not understand.
Hundreds of people in city and county honor memory of brilliant and promising young man. The funeral of M. Hale Brubaker Sunday at the Baptist church was a most notable demonstration of the place the young man held in the heart of the people and the county for hundreds gathered to pay last tribute to his memory. A brief service was held at the Brubaker home in Troy township, where neighbors and friends had gathered, and at 9:15 the cortege left the homestead for the church in this city.
The seating capacity of the church was quickly exhausted and the Sunday school room was filled with friends while many were unable to gain entrance. Miss Martha Carter played the funeral march and the music was provided by a quartette composed of M.W. Landis, Mrs. Walter Eisaman, Mrs. Clarence Braddock and David Williamson. Hildreth Sharp, Ruby Hull, Mrs. Robert Garty, Lydia White and Mrs. Bert Clugsten, members of the high school class of which the deceased was a member, were in charge of the floral tributes. The profusion of these and the large number which were sent from New York attested to the extent to which Hale Brubaker had made friends wherever known in the short life he lived.
In his sermon Rev. J. F. Porterfield spoke from the text, "Perplexed, but Not in Despair." He felt that the same question was being asked by all concerning the death and that question was why a man of so much promise, a man who had proven his worth purely on the basis of his native qualities and who was just beginning to get into a position where he could enjoy the fruits of years of struggle, should be touched by the hand of death and called from life.
It is a hard matter to understand; it is not possible to explain it upon a logical basis. It is right and natural that such a question would arise, and it is not strange that there is perplexity in the minds of his many friends and relatives. The perplexity increases in considering that the young man had, in a few years, come into touch with the great movements for god and had himself been a powerful agent in pushing forward the cause for which he labored. The hymns chosen for the service were "Nearer my God to Thee," Rock of Ages," Abide with Me," and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul".
Monday, May 07, 2007
Hale Brubaker (part 1)

Hale graduated from high school at the age of 17, and taught at least one term at Crow's Corner School in 1904, before going on to Wabash College.
He joined the Indiana National Guard while at Wabash College (Columbia City Post December 15, 1906) "M. Hale Brubaker of Co. G, who took an examination last week at Auburn before a military board for promotion from sergeant to second lieutenant, passed successfully. Major Y. Kuhlman who presided, notified Capt. S. N. Markey of this city, that the young man had passed and been assigned to Co. G, 3rd Regiment. He is in Wabash College at present. The company has decided to give a cake walk with dances, Dec. 21st. They will also have target practice tonight."
Below is a postcard photo of his National Guard Company that he sent to his parents on January 12, 1908. "Company G 3rd Reg'td N. G. in camp at Muncie Ind" Hale is on the right in the front row.

From The Evening Post of Columbia City on December 6, 1909: "M. Hale Brubaker, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker, who is attending the law college of Columbia University, New York, is the business manager of "The Civic Journal," a weekly put out by the People's Institute. The object of the organization and publication is the practical education of Americans in citizenship, the organization of civic clubs for young men and co-operations having similar objects. The paper deals with the problems of a city having a large element of foreign-born population, the purification of politics, Americanization, Immigration, and kindred subjects. The present publication was started the 9th of October of the present year and carries no advertising, depending entirely on subscription to defray the expense of publication. Mr. Brubaker... [several words not legible]... for the People's Institute for more than a year past ... [three words not legible]... to be useful to them in putting out the paper."
I thought this was an interesting article - I have no idea how he got involved with being an agent since he was in school. (Columbia City Post March 9, 1910): "M. Hale Brubaker, who has been attending the law school of Columbia University in New York City for the past two years, was in the city Sunday and spent the night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker, of Troy township. This is his first visit home since leaving for the east and he has been getting along first class as shown by his appearance. The opportunity to visit his parents came when he reached Chicago Saturday on a trip as advance agent for Commander Robert F. Peary, who will soon start a lecture tour of the country. He had expected to go to Indianapolis, but his instructions were changed and he was sent to Minneapolis instead. He has obtained a two weeks' leave of absence from his work in New York in order to travel ahead of Peary. He finds that all of the large cities are willing to offer large sums of money to hear the explorer and there is no difficulty in arranging dates. He left for Minneapolis early Monday morning."
And then on December 14, 1910 came the notification of his illness: "A telegram to Mrs. William Brubaker, of Troy township, Monday evening informed her that her son, M. Hale Brubaker, is in a New York hospital very ill with an attack of pneumonia. As was stated Monday Mrs. Brubaker received a card from him Saturday stating that he was sick with a heavy cold but it was not known to be serious till the arrival of the telegram. Mr. Brubaker is in the law College of Columbia University and is fitting himself for the practice of the law. His illness will be learned here with regret. A special dispatch from Al C. Jennison and another from Leo C. Kelly, who were students in Wabash College with Hale Brubaker, but who are now in New York, reached here Tuesday afternoon, saying that the condition of the patient was critical and that the crisis would come Wednesday and be followed by another critical day Friday. The attending physicians hold out little encouragement, but are doing all they can to save the young man's life."
His obituary and several memorials were published a few days later...