Randy seems to have decided that we genea-bloggers need to have more fun! Not a bad idea, Randy. In his post last night (Sunday morning by my clock!), he asks who is Reference Number 1,000 in your genealogy software?
In my database, number 1,000 is missing in action! Number 999 is Birch B. Smeltzer. 1,001 is a living person. The next number in my database is 1006, who is Eleanor Sisley.
What happened to numbers 1000, and 1002 through 1005? Deleted. Gone. Early on in my research I added the names of the parents of spouses of relatives into my database. I have since switched to putting the parents names in the notes for the spouse and deleted them from my database. Less "clutter" in the database that way and fewer people to keep track of too! They aren't related to me and I usually don't have any dates or other information on them. Anyway, it is likely that the "missing" reference numbers are some of those people.
Birch B. Smeltzer was the husband of Fern Carrie Stemm, my first cousin four times removed. Birch was born October 1, 1887 in Elkhart County, Indiana and was the son of Daniel and Ida (Lammond) Smeltzer. Fern was born June 15, 1900 also in Elkhart County and was the last of seven children born to Lewis Austin and Susan Alice (Sevits) Stem. Lewis was the son of Conrad and Indiana (Sisley) Stem. Birch and Fern were married May 9, 1925 in Elkhart County. He died in 1950 and she in 1970. They are buried in Prairie Street Cemetery in Elkhart. I don't know if they had any children or not; I still need to get their obituaries.
Eleanor Sisley, also known as Nellie, is my 4th Great Grandaunt. She is the sister of Indiana Sisley who married Conrad Stem. And they are two of the ten children of Lewis and Margaret (Ellis) Sisley. According to the The Sisley Family Bible, Eleanor was born October 4, 1797 and was "joined in marriage with Robert Lyon September 4th 1819". She died March 15th 1861. Eleanor Lyon(s) lived in Cookstown Borough, Fayette County, Pennsylvania; she was a widow when her father's estate was settled in 1834. The 1840 census for that location indicates that she may have had at least three children. In the 1850 census, John Lyons, a 16 year old male, was listed in the household of Ellanor Lyons.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Just a few things that I am Thankful for...
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and/or friends!
personal history
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordless Wednesday :: Late Afternoon Peak
South of Death Valley National Park, Dante's Peak (I think). May 1979.
Copyright © 1979/2008 by Rebeckah R. Wiseman.
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tombstone Tuesday :: William & Sophia Wise
William and Sophia (Dunfee) Wise are my 2nd great grandparents. They are buried in Scott-Keister Cemetery in Etna-Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana alongside three of their four children as well as several grandchildren. Photograph taken July 14, 2000.
cemetery photos,
Tombstone Tuesday,
Monday, November 24, 2008
Twice Tagged... Me-me, Meme
Another game of tag is making the rounds. . . and I've been tagged twice, first by Apple, then by Lori Thornton
Rules to play by:
Rules to play by:
- Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
- Write a blog post about the eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog post, list eight people to get tagged.
- Leave a comment on their blogs telling them they’re tagged.
- My second job was as a dishwasher in a restaurant. The first was mowing lawns.
- Don't appear in many family photographs since I'm usually the one taking the pictures!
- I valued my sanity more than a career and left the Navy after 9 ½ years. No regrets.
- Some would say I am stubborn, but I prefer to say that I'm dedicated ;^)
- I Love dogs but don't currently have one.
- Have lost count of the number of places I've lived.
- Am still dreaming big and hoping to win a million dollars.
- My favorite color combination is burgundy and navy blue.
personal history
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Tale of Two Pensioners
A little over a year ago (before NARA raised their prices) I ordered the Civil War Pension files for three of my relatives (my 2nd great granduncle Samuel Fisher, Aaron Conroy the husband of my 2nd great grandaunt Lydia Fisher, and for Eli Yarian who is my 2nd great grandfather). They all have lots of useful and interesting information.
One problem though. I ordered the file for the wrong Samuel Fisher ;-(
Of course, I didn't know that until I opened the package from NARA. I had searched the Civil War Pension Cards on Footnote. I saw the card for Samuel Fisher that had served in Co. A 9th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry and ordered the file.
Anyway, after I got the NARA package I located the pension card for the other Samuel Fisher, the one I really wanted. The weird thing is that at the bottom of both of their pension cards it makes reference to the "other" Samuel. I just didn't see it. Or else I ignored the information. Not only that, the one I wanted also included his date of death, which matched my information. Sure wish I had clicked through a few more cards though. . .
But the government got them mixed up back in 1894, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. The moral of the story is don't assume there is only one person with the right name in the right unit (even though its wrong), or in the right location. I still haven't ordered the file on the "right" Samuel Fisher, primarily because of the cost. (I wonder how long it will be before Footnote has the Civil War Pension files online?)
On October 5, 1891 the Samuel Fisher who resided at Alfred in Douglas County, Kansas (the one who is my relative) filed an application (1064047) for pension based on his service in Co. A of the 9th Regiment Kansas Infantry for which he received pension certificate 1028602. Card shown above, image from footnote.
On March 3, 1894 the Samuel Fisher who resided at Osceola, Missouri filed application 1260663 based on his service in Co. B 9th Reg't Provisional Mo. Mil. [Missouri Militia]. He received pension certificate 890462 that was based on the service of the Kansas Samuel. Image from footnote.
If anyone out there is related to the Samuel Fisher described below, I'd be happy to send the file to you. . . it's about 100 pages.
Samuel Fisher resided in Lowery City, St. Clair, Missouri when he filed his application in August 1894. He was 67 years old and asked for a pension due to rheumatism and general debility. He stated that he had served in three different regiments of Missouri Militia. His original declaration also stated he served in the 9th Kansas Cavalry though he later said he didn't know how that got included.
On June 7th 1900, Missouri Samuel was living in Trenton, Hitchcock county, Nebraska. A special examination was held on that date. In his deposition, Samuel states that he was 74 years old on the 17th day of last March. He is a farmer and resides about five miles southeast of Trenton. He was born in Montgomery County, Kentucky near Mt. Sterling. In the fall of 1859 he moved to Grundy County, Missouri. Twelve years ago he moved to St. Clair, Missouri and in January 1899 moved to Hitchcock County, Nebraska.
He served six months in Co. E 9th Mo. Provisional Cavalry. The regiment was on duty at Chillicothe, Missouri doing guard duty and moving around Missouri guarding block houses and rail roads. In 1863 he was called to duty in Co. D 2nd Batt'n Mo. S.M. Cav. and also served in Co. E 8th Reg't Mo. State Militia. He states that he never served in Co. A 9th Kansas Cavalry. On August 9, 1894 he received a pension of $10 and saw that his certificate was for Co. A 9th Kans. Cav. and thought it was just a mistake. It was noticed when he was changed to the Des Moines, Iowa agency a short time ago.
He goes on to say that he has been married twice. First to Mary Dennis in Bass County, Kentucky in March of 1853. He thinks she died in 1872 in Grundy County, Missouri. He next married his present wife, Elizabeth Blue, on January 20, 1880 in Livingston County, Missouri. She had been married once before to John Mason who "disappeared and never could be found and my wife obtained a divorce from him about 1878 or 1879".
Samuel and Elizabeth have three children under the age of 16 years (dates recorded in the family bible): Otto Fisher, born Oct. 9, 1884; Everett Fisher, born Oct. 9, 1886; Edna M. Fisher, born Nov. 20, 1890. Witnesses to the deposition were Elizabeth A. Fisher and Richard Fisher.
I wish my ancestors were as easy to find in the census records as this Samuel was. Of course, it helps to know where he was. . .
In 1850, Samuel Fisher was a 22 year old farmer living in Division 2, Bath County, Kentucky. In his household was Mary Fisher, age 20; Levi Fisher, age 3/12; and John J. Fisher, age 10. All were born in Kentucky.
Samuel Fisher was 32 years old and living in Trenton township, Grundy county, Missouri in 1860. He was a farmer with a personal estate valued at $250. In the household was Mary, age 30; Martha, 8; Lydia, 5; Levi, 10; Moses, 3; and Moses, age 44, a farmer with real estate valued at $4000 and a personal estate of $500. Everyone except Martha was born in Kentucky, she was born in Indiana.
In 1870, Samuel Fisher was found in Liberty Township, Grundy County, Missouri. He was 44 years old, a farmer, real estate valued at $1600 and a personal estate valued at $900. He had been born in Kentucky. There were six children listed in the household, no wife: Martha, age 18, born Indiana; Lyddia, 15, born Kentucky; Moses, 12, born Kentucky; Mary, 9; John, 6; and Jesse J., 3. The last three were born in Missouri.
Samuel Fisher, age 53, was found in Lincoln Township, Grundy County, Missouri in 1880. He was a farmer, born in Kentucky. Listed with him was his 19 year old daughter, Mary M. and two sons, John R., age 15 and Jesse J., age 12. Also a 13 year old female with no relationship given - Annie Mason, age 13. His children and Annie were all born in Missouri.
The 1900 census for Grant Precinct, Hitchcock County, Nebraska shows Samuel Fisher, age 73, born June 1826 in Missouri, married 28 years, his parents were born in Kentucky, and he was a farmer. Listed in the household are: Betsey R., wife, born June 1880, age 59, had 12 children with 7 living; Richard, son, born Nov 1882, age 17; Otto, son born Oct 1885, age 14; Everett, daugt [sic, sex is male], born Oct 1886, age 13; and Edna, daughter, born Nov 1889, age 10. Betsey and the children were all born in Missouri.
Now, back to the pension file: In the letter submitted by the special examiner it states that Samuel "is drawing pension based upon the service of another man, although it is the service stated in his original declaration. How he came to hit upon that service is not clear, but there is nothing at this state of the investigation that indicates design or criminal intent."
It was recommended that his claim should be put on hold until it could be determined if the pensioner "was in the U. S. Service or not." For possible use in identification, a tintype picture of the man, taken about 20 years ago, was obtained, which is to be returned to the claimant. The examiner goes on to say "I do not put much reliance upon some of his statements regarding his services as he seemed to be somewhat muddled on this question." The examiner also recommended that the files of the two Samuel Fisher's should be separated to help eliminate future confusion. (Duh!)
On November 17, 1900 a letter was sent to Samuel Fisher at Trenton, Nebraska informing him that he would be dropped from the pension rolls because he was not the same Samuel Fisher who had served in Company A of the 9th Regiment Kansas Cavalry. He was officially dropped from the rolls on January 7, 1901 though he continued his battle for another four years. On October 11, 1905 his application was rejected "for the reason that the claimant has no title to pension. . . he did not render ninety days military service during the War of the Rebellion."
One problem though. I ordered the file for the wrong Samuel Fisher ;-(
Of course, I didn't know that until I opened the package from NARA. I had searched the Civil War Pension Cards on Footnote. I saw the card for Samuel Fisher that had served in Co. A 9th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry and ordered the file.
Anyway, after I got the NARA package I located the pension card for the other Samuel Fisher, the one I really wanted. The weird thing is that at the bottom of both of their pension cards it makes reference to the "other" Samuel. I just didn't see it. Or else I ignored the information. Not only that, the one I wanted also included his date of death, which matched my information. Sure wish I had clicked through a few more cards though. . .
But the government got them mixed up back in 1894, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. The moral of the story is don't assume there is only one person with the right name in the right unit (even though its wrong), or in the right location. I still haven't ordered the file on the "right" Samuel Fisher, primarily because of the cost. (I wonder how long it will be before Footnote has the Civil War Pension files online?)

If anyone out there is related to the Samuel Fisher described below, I'd be happy to send the file to you. . . it's about 100 pages.
Samuel Fisher resided in Lowery City, St. Clair, Missouri when he filed his application in August 1894. He was 67 years old and asked for a pension due to rheumatism and general debility. He stated that he had served in three different regiments of Missouri Militia. His original declaration also stated he served in the 9th Kansas Cavalry though he later said he didn't know how that got included.
On June 7th 1900, Missouri Samuel was living in Trenton, Hitchcock county, Nebraska. A special examination was held on that date. In his deposition, Samuel states that he was 74 years old on the 17th day of last March. He is a farmer and resides about five miles southeast of Trenton. He was born in Montgomery County, Kentucky near Mt. Sterling. In the fall of 1859 he moved to Grundy County, Missouri. Twelve years ago he moved to St. Clair, Missouri and in January 1899 moved to Hitchcock County, Nebraska.
He served six months in Co. E 9th Mo. Provisional Cavalry. The regiment was on duty at Chillicothe, Missouri doing guard duty and moving around Missouri guarding block houses and rail roads. In 1863 he was called to duty in Co. D 2nd Batt'n Mo. S.M. Cav. and also served in Co. E 8th Reg't Mo. State Militia. He states that he never served in Co. A 9th Kansas Cavalry. On August 9, 1894 he received a pension of $10 and saw that his certificate was for Co. A 9th Kans. Cav. and thought it was just a mistake. It was noticed when he was changed to the Des Moines, Iowa agency a short time ago.
He goes on to say that he has been married twice. First to Mary Dennis in Bass County, Kentucky in March of 1853. He thinks she died in 1872 in Grundy County, Missouri. He next married his present wife, Elizabeth Blue, on January 20, 1880 in Livingston County, Missouri. She had been married once before to John Mason who "disappeared and never could be found and my wife obtained a divorce from him about 1878 or 1879".
Samuel and Elizabeth have three children under the age of 16 years (dates recorded in the family bible): Otto Fisher, born Oct. 9, 1884; Everett Fisher, born Oct. 9, 1886; Edna M. Fisher, born Nov. 20, 1890. Witnesses to the deposition were Elizabeth A. Fisher and Richard Fisher.
I wish my ancestors were as easy to find in the census records as this Samuel was. Of course, it helps to know where he was. . .
In 1850, Samuel Fisher was a 22 year old farmer living in Division 2, Bath County, Kentucky. In his household was Mary Fisher, age 20; Levi Fisher, age 3/12; and John J. Fisher, age 10. All were born in Kentucky.
Samuel Fisher was 32 years old and living in Trenton township, Grundy county, Missouri in 1860. He was a farmer with a personal estate valued at $250. In the household was Mary, age 30; Martha, 8; Lydia, 5; Levi, 10; Moses, 3; and Moses, age 44, a farmer with real estate valued at $4000 and a personal estate of $500. Everyone except Martha was born in Kentucky, she was born in Indiana.
In 1870, Samuel Fisher was found in Liberty Township, Grundy County, Missouri. He was 44 years old, a farmer, real estate valued at $1600 and a personal estate valued at $900. He had been born in Kentucky. There were six children listed in the household, no wife: Martha, age 18, born Indiana; Lyddia, 15, born Kentucky; Moses, 12, born Kentucky; Mary, 9; John, 6; and Jesse J., 3. The last three were born in Missouri.
Samuel Fisher, age 53, was found in Lincoln Township, Grundy County, Missouri in 1880. He was a farmer, born in Kentucky. Listed with him was his 19 year old daughter, Mary M. and two sons, John R., age 15 and Jesse J., age 12. Also a 13 year old female with no relationship given - Annie Mason, age 13. His children and Annie were all born in Missouri.
The 1900 census for Grant Precinct, Hitchcock County, Nebraska shows Samuel Fisher, age 73, born June 1826 in Missouri, married 28 years, his parents were born in Kentucky, and he was a farmer. Listed in the household are: Betsey R., wife, born June 1880, age 59, had 12 children with 7 living; Richard, son, born Nov 1882, age 17; Otto, son born Oct 1885, age 14; Everett, daugt [sic, sex is male], born Oct 1886, age 13; and Edna, daughter, born Nov 1889, age 10. Betsey and the children were all born in Missouri.
Now, back to the pension file: In the letter submitted by the special examiner it states that Samuel "is drawing pension based upon the service of another man, although it is the service stated in his original declaration. How he came to hit upon that service is not clear, but there is nothing at this state of the investigation that indicates design or criminal intent."
It was recommended that his claim should be put on hold until it could be determined if the pensioner "was in the U. S. Service or not." For possible use in identification, a tintype picture of the man, taken about 20 years ago, was obtained, which is to be returned to the claimant. The examiner goes on to say "I do not put much reliance upon some of his statements regarding his services as he seemed to be somewhat muddled on this question." The examiner also recommended that the files of the two Samuel Fisher's should be separated to help eliminate future confusion. (Duh!)
On November 17, 1900 a letter was sent to Samuel Fisher at Trenton, Nebraska informing him that he would be dropped from the pension rolls because he was not the same Samuel Fisher who had served in Company A of the 9th Regiment Kansas Cavalry. He was officially dropped from the rolls on January 7, 1901 though he continued his battle for another four years. On October 11, 1905 his application was rejected "for the reason that the claimant has no title to pension. . . he did not render ninety days military service during the War of the Rebellion."
Civil War,
Pension File
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Adventures (?) in Scanning
Things have been pretty quiet here at kinexxions for the past month or so. Not much research has been done during that time. And not much writing. Just busy scanning documents. And scanning. And scanning. I knew I had accumulated a lot of paper in my 20+ years of research. I just didn't realize how much!
Since my last report a month ago, I've scanned another 9,694 pages! For a total of 18,029 pages scanned with the wonderful Fujitsu ScanSnap S300. In two months. And yet, there is still more to do.
I'm not on a first name basis with the fellow at the recycling center yet but he does recognize me! About a third of the pages that I've scanned have been physically discarded. Some of what had been filed were reports from my genealogy database that had been used for reference at some point in time. I didn't scan them before recycling them as many were quite old and some were still on the 'puter.
The papers that are being kept have been removed from their bulky space-consuming 3-ring binders and put into folders, then into "bankers" boxes for temporary storage. Once I become more "comfortable" with the idea and functionality of accessing the computer files, some of those papers will be recycled as well. Old habits die hard.
How much more is left to scan? I'm not sure, but not as much as there was a month ago!
Since my last report a month ago, I've scanned another 9,694 pages! For a total of 18,029 pages scanned with the wonderful Fujitsu ScanSnap S300. In two months. And yet, there is still more to do.
I'm not on a first name basis with the fellow at the recycling center yet but he does recognize me! About a third of the pages that I've scanned have been physically discarded. Some of what had been filed were reports from my genealogy database that had been used for reference at some point in time. I didn't scan them before recycling them as many were quite old and some were still on the 'puter.
The papers that are being kept have been removed from their bulky space-consuming 3-ring binders and put into folders, then into "bankers" boxes for temporary storage. Once I become more "comfortable" with the idea and functionality of accessing the computer files, some of those papers will be recycled as well. Old habits die hard.
How much more is left to scan? I'm not sure, but not as much as there was a month ago!
Digital Imaging,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wordless Wednesday :: Receding Tide
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tombstone Tuesday :: Jacob and Malissa Wise

On the left is the marker for Jacob Wise in Section "J" at the National Cemetery in Nashville, Tennessee. On the right is the marker for Jacob and Malissa in the Hively Corners Cemetery (now St. Matthew's Church Cemetery) in Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana.
JACOB WISE / BORN DEC 8, 1827 / DIED MAY 7, 1865
Melissa Ann Stem was the oldest of six children born to Conrad and Indiana (Sisley) Stem. Malissa and three of her sisters were born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. About 1844-1845 the Stem family moved from Pennsylvania to Chester Township in Wayne County, Ohio where another daughter was born. By 1852 the family had arrived in Thorncreek Township, Whitley County, Indiana where their last child, a son, was born.
On June 27, 1850 in Wayne County, Ohio Malissa Ann Stem was married to Jacob Wise who was also a resident of Chester Township, and probably a son of Peter and Christena Wise who are buried in Gilead Cemetery, Miami County, Indiana.
Jacob and Malissa had seven children, three of whom died young. Their last child was born two weeks after Jacob was drafted. It is not known whether or not he ever saw his youngest daughter. After Jacob's death, Malissa remained on the family farm, and with the support of her oldest son, 13 year old William P. Wise (my 2nd great-grandfather), went about the task of raising her family.
In March 1876, Malissa married Jacob Scott. After he passed away on June 2, 1890 Malissa resided with her son William. A very short obituary was published in the Columbia City Post on August 14, 1901 which stated "The most of her life was passed in the vicinity where she died, where all learned to esteem her for her kind and careful life and many virtues. Her last days were fraught with suffering being a helpless invalid for several years, but she endured her suffering with hopeful patience making no complaint, but with faith looking forward to the relief of the coming dawn of Eternal day."
cemetery photos,
Tombstone Tuesday,
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Clue Overlooked
You know those "extra" columns in the 1870 census, the ones to the right of the place of birth? It might help your research to actually look at them! I know I sometimes have a tendency to retrieve the basic information (name , age, place of birth) and ignore the rest. Probably not a good thing to do.
In reviewing all of the information I have on Peter Wise I noticed a hash-mark in the column with the heading "Parentage" and labeled "Father of foreign birth" in his 1870 census record. There is no mark in the column for his mother. Peter is also identified as a "Male citizen of the U. S. of 21 years of age and upwards."
Christena doesn't have any marks in those columns for her parents, which indicates that they were born in the United States (well, actually, what would become the United States). In all of the census records I have for Peter and Christena that give place of birth (1850, 1860, 1870) they are both listed as having been born in Pennsylvania. He was born about 1797 and she in 1801.
That information regarding parentage might help narrow down the possibilities for their parents.
According to census records, the first two children of Peter and Christena, William and Rebecca, were born in Pennsylvania between 1821-1824 (depending upon which census record you go by). Rosanna was born in November 1826 in Ohio, which narrows the time frame for when Peter and Christena moved to Ohio.
Regarding Adam Wise (of Washington County, Pennsylvania) mentioned in a previous post, this WorldConnect database has information on some of his children.
Also found a biography of Michael Wise, son of the Frederick that was living in Wayne and Ashland Counties at the same time as my Peter. Michael was born in Center County, Pennsylvania in 1820 and his father, George Frederick Wise, emigrated to Ohio in 1822 and had 7 children born in Pennsylvania and another 6 born in Ohio. As stated in the post mentioned above, Frederick is not old enough to be Peter's father but perhaps he is related in some way. The 1850 census shows that Frederick was born in Germany about 1783 (67 years old).
I found a Fredk Wise in Miles Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania in the 1820 census. Also listed in Miles Township were George, Benj, and Peter Wise. All 4 were large households with 7-12 persons listed. The oldest males in the households of George and Peter were over 45 years while in Benj and Fredk households they were 26-45. There were no foreigners not naturalized in any of the households.
The only Wise families in 1830 Miles Township, Centre County are a Frederick and a Daniel. I haven't checked for spelling variations yet...
In reviewing all of the information I have on Peter Wise I noticed a hash-mark in the column with the heading "Parentage" and labeled "Father of foreign birth" in his 1870 census record. There is no mark in the column for his mother. Peter is also identified as a "Male citizen of the U. S. of 21 years of age and upwards."
Christena doesn't have any marks in those columns for her parents, which indicates that they were born in the United States (well, actually, what would become the United States). In all of the census records I have for Peter and Christena that give place of birth (1850, 1860, 1870) they are both listed as having been born in Pennsylvania. He was born about 1797 and she in 1801.
That information regarding parentage might help narrow down the possibilities for their parents.
According to census records, the first two children of Peter and Christena, William and Rebecca, were born in Pennsylvania between 1821-1824 (depending upon which census record you go by). Rosanna was born in November 1826 in Ohio, which narrows the time frame for when Peter and Christena moved to Ohio.
Regarding Adam Wise (of Washington County, Pennsylvania) mentioned in a previous post, this WorldConnect database has information on some of his children.
Also found a biography of Michael Wise, son of the Frederick that was living in Wayne and Ashland Counties at the same time as my Peter. Michael was born in Center County, Pennsylvania in 1820 and his father, George Frederick Wise, emigrated to Ohio in 1822 and had 7 children born in Pennsylvania and another 6 born in Ohio. As stated in the post mentioned above, Frederick is not old enough to be Peter's father but perhaps he is related in some way. The 1850 census shows that Frederick was born in Germany about 1783 (67 years old).
I found a Fredk Wise in Miles Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania in the 1820 census. Also listed in Miles Township were George, Benj, and Peter Wise. All 4 were large households with 7-12 persons listed. The oldest males in the households of George and Peter were over 45 years while in Benj and Fredk households they were 26-45. There were no foreigners not naturalized in any of the households.
The only Wise families in 1830 Miles Township, Centre County are a Frederick and a Daniel. I haven't checked for spelling variations yet...
research notes,
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Brick Wall Knocked Down? Not.
The other day I was tired of scanning so I spent a few hours cruising the Internet looking for information about Peter Wise of Wayne County, Ohio whom I am pretty sure is my 4th great grandfather. I found a few interesting things. . .
A transcription of a land record led me to the website of fellow genea-blogger, Lori Thornton! Her ancestor Christian Lantz sold 76 acres to a Peter Wise in Wayne County, Ohio on August 22, 1829. That land was located in the SW corner of the SE ¼ of Section 21 Township 17 Range 12.
My Peter Wise owned 152 acres in the NE 1/4 of Section 1 Township 22 Range 15. I don't have a record of when he purchased that land, but he and his wife "Christiania" sold it on October 7, 1853 prior to their move to Miami County, Indiana.
I was quite excited when I found this article on the Wise Family of Washington County, Pennsylvania. It tells of Adam Wise, a native of Rhenish Hesse, a province of Hesse Darmstadt, who lived near the river Rhine where his ancestors carried on the business of milling and the distillation of wine. He first settled on Pipe Creek, in Carroll county, Md., at or near the site of Frederick City, where he lived about twenty-two years. Then, about 1770 he moved to western Pennsylvania settling near the junction of Ten Mile creek and the Monongahela river.
When Adam Wise died on June 9, 1781, in his sixty-third year, he left a large estate and also a large family of thirteen children, by two wives: Andrew, Peter, Frederick, Henry, Adam Jr., Jacob, Daniel, Abraham, Tobias, Mary, Mary Ann, Ulian and Judith.
A little information is given on some of the sons, but the line that really caught my attention was that about 1818, the son Peter sold the family homestead and moved to near Canton, Ohio, which is in Stark County, which is bordered by Wayne County on the west. I realized right off that this Peter was born too early to be "my" Peter, but perhaps he had a son named Peter.
In the census for 1820 Plain Township, Stark County there is a Peter Wise Sr. and Peter Wise Jr., along with Tobias, Adam, and Elizabeth. In 1830 and 1840 there is Peter, Peter M., and Tobias. So did Peter Jr. add the "M" or is he another Peter altogether? Peter Sr. wasn't found in the 1850 census in Stark County, but Peter M. Wise is still living in Plain Township.
In 1850, my Peter Wise (53 years old, born about 1797) was living in Chester Township, Wayne County, Ohio. Peter M. Wise, in Plain Township, Stark County was 56 years old (born about 1794). Both were born in Pennsylvania.
In Wayne County, Ohio in 1820 there were two Wise families listed in ancestry's index: Henry and John, both in Chippewa Township.
By 1830, there are 11 Wise families in Wayne County. Two Daniels', two Frederick's, one Jacob, two John's, and three Peter's! Each of those with the same first name are located in different townships.
In Chippewa township there is Abraham, Jacob, and John.
In Franklin and Mount Eaton township there is a Daniel.
In Perry township and in Chester township we find a Frederick.
In Green township there is a John and a Peter.
In Congress township and Jackson township there is a Peter.
The 1840 census index shows Daniel, Frederick, two George's, three Jacob's, two John's, Michael, Peter, and Susan.
Frederick and Peter are both in Perry township. The other two Peter's are not in the index. Perry township, Wayne county became part of Ashland County when it was formed in 1846.
In 1850, "my" Peter is in Chester township, Wayne County while Frederick is still in Perry township which was now in Ashland County. Peter was 53 years old and Frederick was 67 years old. Both were born in Pennsylvania and both had wives named Christena! Obviously, Frederick is not old enough to be Peter's father, but what is the likelihood that they are brothers? Or not related at all?
So, by evaluating just the census records, I've come to the preliminary conclusion that the Adam Wise family of Washington Couny, Pennsylvania isn't mine. That would have been too easy.
Obviously, additional research needs to be done in Stark, Wayne, and Ashland counties. Land records, estates, etc. I have other families in that area also including Dunfee, Stem, and Hazlett. I'll check the LDS catalog to see what records they have microfilmed, but perhaps a research trip is in order. . . I did the "grand tour" of Ohio counties back in the late 1980's which included Champaign, Delaware, Perry, Fairfield, Portage, Columbiana, Carroll and Holmes as well as Stark, Wayne and Ashland counties. But I know a little more about the families now and about doing onsite research than I did then, so I think it might be worthwhile to revisit some of those places!
A transcription of a land record led me to the website of fellow genea-blogger, Lori Thornton! Her ancestor Christian Lantz sold 76 acres to a Peter Wise in Wayne County, Ohio on August 22, 1829. That land was located in the SW corner of the SE ¼ of Section 21 Township 17 Range 12.
My Peter Wise owned 152 acres in the NE 1/4 of Section 1 Township 22 Range 15. I don't have a record of when he purchased that land, but he and his wife "Christiania" sold it on October 7, 1853 prior to their move to Miami County, Indiana.
I was quite excited when I found this article on the Wise Family of Washington County, Pennsylvania. It tells of Adam Wise, a native of Rhenish Hesse, a province of Hesse Darmstadt, who lived near the river Rhine where his ancestors carried on the business of milling and the distillation of wine. He first settled on Pipe Creek, in Carroll county, Md., at or near the site of Frederick City, where he lived about twenty-two years. Then, about 1770 he moved to western Pennsylvania settling near the junction of Ten Mile creek and the Monongahela river.
When Adam Wise died on June 9, 1781, in his sixty-third year, he left a large estate and also a large family of thirteen children, by two wives: Andrew, Peter, Frederick, Henry, Adam Jr., Jacob, Daniel, Abraham, Tobias, Mary, Mary Ann, Ulian and Judith.
A little information is given on some of the sons, but the line that really caught my attention was that about 1818, the son Peter sold the family homestead and moved to near Canton, Ohio, which is in Stark County, which is bordered by Wayne County on the west. I realized right off that this Peter was born too early to be "my" Peter, but perhaps he had a son named Peter.
In the census for 1820 Plain Township, Stark County there is a Peter Wise Sr. and Peter Wise Jr., along with Tobias, Adam, and Elizabeth. In 1830 and 1840 there is Peter, Peter M., and Tobias. So did Peter Jr. add the "M" or is he another Peter altogether? Peter Sr. wasn't found in the 1850 census in Stark County, but Peter M. Wise is still living in Plain Township.
In 1850, my Peter Wise (53 years old, born about 1797) was living in Chester Township, Wayne County, Ohio. Peter M. Wise, in Plain Township, Stark County was 56 years old (born about 1794). Both were born in Pennsylvania.
In Wayne County, Ohio in 1820 there were two Wise families listed in ancestry's index: Henry and John, both in Chippewa Township.
By 1830, there are 11 Wise families in Wayne County. Two Daniels', two Frederick's, one Jacob, two John's, and three Peter's! Each of those with the same first name are located in different townships.
In Chippewa township there is Abraham, Jacob, and John.
In Franklin and Mount Eaton township there is a Daniel.
In Perry township and in Chester township we find a Frederick.
In Green township there is a John and a Peter.
In Congress township and Jackson township there is a Peter.
The 1840 census index shows Daniel, Frederick, two George's, three Jacob's, two John's, Michael, Peter, and Susan.
Frederick and Peter are both in Perry township. The other two Peter's are not in the index. Perry township, Wayne county became part of Ashland County when it was formed in 1846.
In 1850, "my" Peter is in Chester township, Wayne County while Frederick is still in Perry township which was now in Ashland County. Peter was 53 years old and Frederick was 67 years old. Both were born in Pennsylvania and both had wives named Christena! Obviously, Frederick is not old enough to be Peter's father, but what is the likelihood that they are brothers? Or not related at all?
So, by evaluating just the census records, I've come to the preliminary conclusion that the Adam Wise family of Washington Couny, Pennsylvania isn't mine. That would have been too easy.
Obviously, additional research needs to be done in Stark, Wayne, and Ashland counties. Land records, estates, etc. I have other families in that area also including Dunfee, Stem, and Hazlett. I'll check the LDS catalog to see what records they have microfilmed, but perhaps a research trip is in order. . . I did the "grand tour" of Ohio counties back in the late 1980's which included Champaign, Delaware, Perry, Fairfield, Portage, Columbiana, Carroll and Holmes as well as Stark, Wayne and Ashland counties. But I know a little more about the families now and about doing onsite research than I did then, so I think it might be worthwhile to revisit some of those places!
research notes,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wordless Wednesday :: Which Way Now?
Southwest Colorado, May 1979
Copyright © 1979/2008 by Rebeckah R. Wiseman
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More Veterans in my Family - Part Three
Armistice Day. 1918. The 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. The end of "The Great War" thought then to be the "war to end all wars" but alas, it was not to be. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill that changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day, a day meant for honoring all American Veterans, the living as well as the dead, those who served in wartime and those who served during peaceful times.
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military.
Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
An * after the relationship indicates that I actually knew (or know) the person.
The first post in this series, includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War.
The second post covers the Spanish American War and World War I Veterans.
This post lists the Veterans from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Harold V. Bailey (March 25, 1909 - September 25, 1979)
A veteran of World War II
Huntington, Huntington County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Once Removed, Bonnieta Ream
Don Beard (May 9, 1922 - November 7, 1981)
A World War II Veteran.
Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
4th Cousin Twice Removed
Robert S. Blain (October 8, 1909 - June 8, 1995)
World War II Air Force veteran.
New Haven, Allen County, Indiana
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Thagras A. Burns (February 19, 1917 - October 27, 2008)
Served in the U.S. Navy for three years as a Lieutenant during World War II. Destroyer Gunnery Officer, participated in the invasions of Normandy and Southern France.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed*
Gene Romain Brubaker (August 18, 1925 - 15 February 15, 1983)
Served in the Navy during World War II
Veterans Hospital, Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Once Removed
Floyd Francis Dodd (August 5, 1923 - September 5, 2003)
U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II
Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois
3rd Cousin Once Removed
Wendell W. Fetters (May 11, 1922 - September 17, 1996)
A World War II Army veteran.
Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin, Marilynn Joan Phend*
Merle LeRoy Fisher (June 5, 1903 - September 23, 1981)
A veteran of the U. S. Navy, serving in World War II
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Herbert Edward Fry (May 22, 1920 - March 9, 1994)
Enlisted in the U.S. Army on March 16, 1943 and was discharged on Sept. 18, 1945.
Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Six brothers served simultaneously during WWII (3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed)
Clyde Dalton Goodrich (January 4, 1926 - March 13, 2006)
Esta Orville Goodrich (May 5, 1920 - January 13, 1976)
Fay Leroy Goodrich (October 28, 1917 - January 11, 1993)
Gerald Goodrich (living)
Harold Edward Goodrich (May 28, 1927 - October 28, 1950)
Kenneth Goodrich (living)
David Hugh Hockert (January 29, 1917 - March 6, 1983)
Army veteran of World War II.
Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Once Removed, Jeanette Richmond
Jay Herbert Howenstine (December 26, 1926 - March 10, 1986)
A veteran of World War II, he served in the U.S. Army.
North Webster, Kosciusko County, Indiana
4th Cousin Once Removed
John William Kaufman (October 24, 1917 - May 2, 1998)
Enlisted in the Air Force in 1940, serving five years with the 59th bomber squadron as a gunner stationed in Panama through World War II. Discharged as a staff sergeant in September, 1945.
Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 4th Cousin Once Removed, Mildred Howenstine
Verlin Lester McClain (December 16, 1915 - December 23, 1965)
Veteran of World War II
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Twice Removed, Ferne Dunfee
Ellis Revere McNabb (May 12, 1900 - July 1, 1953)
Enlisted in the Marine Corps on August 26, 1922. During World War II he served in the South Pacific, having fought in the battles on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Pelelieu and Palau Islands. He served on active duty until May 1948.
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Merle Louis Pepple (July 25, 1924 - December 9, 1997)
World War II Navy veteran.
Hicksville, Defiance County, Ohio
Husband of 1st Cousin Once Removed, Betty Phend*
Elmo Lowell Phend (April 15, 1918 - July 22, 2003)
Served in the Navy from July 30, 1942 to December 5, 1945 and in the Army from December 5, 1946 through December 19, 1966. He received the WWII Victory Medal, the Army Occupation Medal Japan, the Korean Service Medal with 5 bronze stars, Good Conduct Medal with 3 loops, Expert Carbine, and the National Defense Service Medal with one Oak Cluster.
Richmond, Virginia
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Keith Eugene Phend (March 4, 1922 - October 25, 1943)
Enlisted in the Navy on September 28, 1942. Killed in an airplane crash while in training at the Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode Island.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Once Removed
Elmer J Phend (living)
Enlisted in the Army on June 5, 1941
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed*
George W. Phend (September 6, 1920 - April 26, 1990)
Served in the Army.
North Redington Beach, Pinellas County, Florida
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Jacob J Phend (May 11, 1920 - May 31, 2006)
Served with the 1st Marine Division in the Pacific Theater
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed*
James Edward Phend (September 27, 1918 - March 22, 1967)
Enlisted in the Army on November 17, 1942. A veteran of both WWII and the Korean War, he received the Purple Heart after he was wounded during invasions in both European and Korean theaters. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor in both WWII and the Korean War.
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Parker H Phend (April 26, 1918 - October 3, 1985)
Enlisted in the Army on October 27, 1942
Milford, Kosciusko County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Charles Edwin Remy (Sep 8, 1916 - 1944)
Killed in France during World War II.
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Mary Alice Phend
Harry Wayne Richmond (Oct 4, 1910 - May 28, 1976)
Army veteran of World War II
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Once Removed
Dallas C. Shaw (living ?)
Served with the Army in France during WWII
3rd Cousin Once Removed
DeWayne Shaw (living ?)
Served with the Army in Italy during WWII. When his father died in May 1964, he was a Sergeant First Class serving with the Army in Nuremberg, Germany.
3rd Cousin Once Removed
William Morris Sites (May 31, 1917 - October 15, 2000)
During WWII, served with the U. S. Army in Europe.
Shelby, Richland County, Ohio
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Raymond Cecil Stemm (November 18, 1925 - April 24, 1980)
He served with the U. S. Army in World War II, earning the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Wayne Stemm (May 12, 1916 - January 16, 2000)
Served in the Army.
Cherokee Village, Arkansas
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Robert Laverne Walker (September 1, 1927 - October 4, 1989)
In August of 1945 he enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served in the South Pacific during World War II. He was discharged from the Navy in September of 1948.
Columbia City, Indiana
Husband of 1st cousin Once Removed*
William J. Wertzberger (November 6, 1912 - December 30, 1985)
Served in the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific during World War II.
Died at Tyler, Smith County, Texas. Formerly of Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana.
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Tyrus A. Winebrenner (November 26, 1926 - November 12, 2000)
Served in the Army during WWII and was honorably discharged October 27, 1946
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 1st Cousin Once Removed, Evelyn Phend*
David Franklin "Frank" Yarian (August 8, 1922 - May 31, 1971)
His military service was not mentioned in his obituary but the 1944 article below about his brother Robert states that Frank was stationed at Miami, Florida., after having been around the world several times on air transport duty.
Angola, Steuben County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Genevieve Yarian Arrants (May 11, 1916 - Jan 1996)
Served as an Army Nurse in Germany and Italy for several years during World War II.
Austin, Travis County, Texas
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Jacob Eugene Yarian (July 21, 1918 - August 22, 1995)
He was a World War II Army Air Corps veteran. The 1944 article about his brother Robert stated that Eugene was in New Guinea, having served for over two years in the southwest Pacific.
Attica, Warren County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Robert George Yarian (July 12, 1923 - June 7, 1978)
Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Nappanee Advance News, Elkhart County, Indiana (Thursday) January 27, 1944
Nappanee Boy Reported As Missing. A telegram was received by Mrs. Hazel Yarian, at Sarasota, Fla., on Monday of this week from the war department informing her S/Sgt. Robert G. Yarian was missing in action over Germany as of Jan. 11th, last. Mrs. Yarian went to Florida about two weeks ago with a group of friends and expected to spend the winter there, where she would be close to another son, Frank, who is now in an aviation school in Miami, Fla.
Upon entering the service Robert was assigned to Scott Field, Ill., where he was given special instruction as a ball turret gunner and radio man. He went to England in August and since that time had participated in at least fifteen raids over Germany and the occupied territories in western Europe. He had been awarded an air medal as well as the Oak Leaf cluster for bravery in action. He had written home folks under date of January 1st that he was nearing the required number of raids to make him eligible for a furlough back to the states and was looking forward to this end. It is believed he was on a daylight raid from which his craft failed to return and there is strong hopes his plane was forced down and the crew made prisoners, but no information could be given at this time.
Robert is one of a fighting family, he having two brothers and a sister in the service. Frank is now stationed at Miami, Fla., after having been around the world several times on air transport duty; Eugene is in New Guinea, having served for over two years in the southwest Pacific, and a sister, Mrs. Genevieve Arrants is a nurse and at present is on duty in Italy.
Warren Gillette Dawson (February 25, 1929 - May 5, 1993)
Veteran of the Korean War
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Enid Phend
Dale Eugene Ernest (February 6, 1933 - June 17, 2001)
He was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U.S. Army.
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed*
James Elmore Fry (November 9, 1933 - April 6, 1995)
He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.
Syracuse, Kosciusko County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Audra Dea Marshall Kutz (August 7, 1927 - May 29, 1993)
Denver, Denver County, Colorado
Served in the Marines as a disbursing officer and was a veteran of the Korean War.
Wife of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Richard Earl Kutz
Richard Earl Kutz (July 25, 1928 - January 9, 1996)
Retired from the Marine Corps. Served during the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Donald Lee Meier (Oct 21, 1931 - Oct 12, 1966)
He was a member of the American Legion when he died. Have not found dates of service yet, probably Korea.
Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military.
Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
An * after the relationship indicates that I actually knew (or know) the person.
The first post in this series, includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War.
The second post covers the Spanish American War and World War I Veterans.
This post lists the Veterans from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Harold V. Bailey (March 25, 1909 - September 25, 1979)
A veteran of World War II
Huntington, Huntington County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Once Removed, Bonnieta Ream
Don Beard (May 9, 1922 - November 7, 1981)
A World War II Veteran.
Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
4th Cousin Twice Removed
Robert S. Blain (October 8, 1909 - June 8, 1995)
World War II Air Force veteran.
New Haven, Allen County, Indiana
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Thagras A. Burns (February 19, 1917 - October 27, 2008)
Served in the U.S. Navy for three years as a Lieutenant during World War II. Destroyer Gunnery Officer, participated in the invasions of Normandy and Southern France.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed*
Gene Romain Brubaker (August 18, 1925 - 15 February 15, 1983)
Served in the Navy during World War II
Veterans Hospital, Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Once Removed
Floyd Francis Dodd (August 5, 1923 - September 5, 2003)
U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II
Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois
3rd Cousin Once Removed
Wendell W. Fetters (May 11, 1922 - September 17, 1996)
A World War II Army veteran.
Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin, Marilynn Joan Phend*
Merle LeRoy Fisher (June 5, 1903 - September 23, 1981)
A veteran of the U. S. Navy, serving in World War II
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Herbert Edward Fry (May 22, 1920 - March 9, 1994)
Enlisted in the U.S. Army on March 16, 1943 and was discharged on Sept. 18, 1945.
Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Six brothers served simultaneously during WWII (3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed)
Clyde Dalton Goodrich (January 4, 1926 - March 13, 2006)
Esta Orville Goodrich (May 5, 1920 - January 13, 1976)
Fay Leroy Goodrich (October 28, 1917 - January 11, 1993)
Gerald Goodrich (living)
Harold Edward Goodrich (May 28, 1927 - October 28, 1950)
Kenneth Goodrich (living)
David Hugh Hockert (January 29, 1917 - March 6, 1983)
Army veteran of World War II.
Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Once Removed, Jeanette Richmond
Jay Herbert Howenstine (December 26, 1926 - March 10, 1986)
A veteran of World War II, he served in the U.S. Army.
North Webster, Kosciusko County, Indiana
4th Cousin Once Removed
John William Kaufman (October 24, 1917 - May 2, 1998)
Enlisted in the Air Force in 1940, serving five years with the 59th bomber squadron as a gunner stationed in Panama through World War II. Discharged as a staff sergeant in September, 1945.
Jefferson Township, Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 4th Cousin Once Removed, Mildred Howenstine
Verlin Lester McClain (December 16, 1915 - December 23, 1965)
Veteran of World War II
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Cousin Twice Removed, Ferne Dunfee
Ellis Revere McNabb (May 12, 1900 - July 1, 1953)
Enlisted in the Marine Corps on August 26, 1922. During World War II he served in the South Pacific, having fought in the battles on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Pelelieu and Palau Islands. He served on active duty until May 1948.
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Merle Louis Pepple (July 25, 1924 - December 9, 1997)
World War II Navy veteran.
Hicksville, Defiance County, Ohio
Husband of 1st Cousin Once Removed, Betty Phend*
Elmo Lowell Phend (April 15, 1918 - July 22, 2003)
Served in the Navy from July 30, 1942 to December 5, 1945 and in the Army from December 5, 1946 through December 19, 1966. He received the WWII Victory Medal, the Army Occupation Medal Japan, the Korean Service Medal with 5 bronze stars, Good Conduct Medal with 3 loops, Expert Carbine, and the National Defense Service Medal with one Oak Cluster.
Richmond, Virginia
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Keith Eugene Phend (March 4, 1922 - October 25, 1943)
Enlisted in the Navy on September 28, 1942. Killed in an airplane crash while in training at the Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode Island.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
1st Cousin Once Removed
Elmer J Phend (living)
Enlisted in the Army on June 5, 1941
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed*
George W. Phend (September 6, 1920 - April 26, 1990)
Served in the Army.
North Redington Beach, Pinellas County, Florida
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Jacob J Phend (May 11, 1920 - May 31, 2006)
Served with the 1st Marine Division in the Pacific Theater
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed*
James Edward Phend (September 27, 1918 - March 22, 1967)
Enlisted in the Army on November 17, 1942. A veteran of both WWII and the Korean War, he received the Purple Heart after he was wounded during invasions in both European and Korean theaters. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor in both WWII and the Korean War.
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Parker H Phend (April 26, 1918 - October 3, 1985)
Enlisted in the Army on October 27, 1942
Milford, Kosciusko County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Charles Edwin Remy (Sep 8, 1916 - 1944)
Killed in France during World War II.
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Mary Alice Phend
Harry Wayne Richmond (Oct 4, 1910 - May 28, 1976)
Army veteran of World War II
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Once Removed
Dallas C. Shaw (living ?)
Served with the Army in France during WWII
3rd Cousin Once Removed
DeWayne Shaw (living ?)
Served with the Army in Italy during WWII. When his father died in May 1964, he was a Sergeant First Class serving with the Army in Nuremberg, Germany.
3rd Cousin Once Removed
William Morris Sites (May 31, 1917 - October 15, 2000)
During WWII, served with the U. S. Army in Europe.
Shelby, Richland County, Ohio
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Raymond Cecil Stemm (November 18, 1925 - April 24, 1980)
He served with the U. S. Army in World War II, earning the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Wayne Stemm (May 12, 1916 - January 16, 2000)
Served in the Army.
Cherokee Village, Arkansas
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Robert Laverne Walker (September 1, 1927 - October 4, 1989)
In August of 1945 he enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served in the South Pacific during World War II. He was discharged from the Navy in September of 1948.
Columbia City, Indiana
Husband of 1st cousin Once Removed*
William J. Wertzberger (November 6, 1912 - December 30, 1985)
Served in the 3rd Marine Division in the South Pacific during World War II.
Died at Tyler, Smith County, Texas. Formerly of Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana.
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Tyrus A. Winebrenner (November 26, 1926 - November 12, 2000)
Served in the Army during WWII and was honorably discharged October 27, 1946
Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 1st Cousin Once Removed, Evelyn Phend*
David Franklin "Frank" Yarian (August 8, 1922 - May 31, 1971)
His military service was not mentioned in his obituary but the 1944 article below about his brother Robert states that Frank was stationed at Miami, Florida., after having been around the world several times on air transport duty.
Angola, Steuben County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Genevieve Yarian Arrants (May 11, 1916 - Jan 1996)
Served as an Army Nurse in Germany and Italy for several years during World War II.
Austin, Travis County, Texas
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Jacob Eugene Yarian (July 21, 1918 - August 22, 1995)
He was a World War II Army Air Corps veteran. The 1944 article about his brother Robert stated that Eugene was in New Guinea, having served for over two years in the southwest Pacific.
Attica, Warren County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Robert George Yarian (July 12, 1923 - June 7, 1978)
Wakarusa, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Nappanee Advance News, Elkhart County, Indiana (Thursday) January 27, 1944
Nappanee Boy Reported As Missing. A telegram was received by Mrs. Hazel Yarian, at Sarasota, Fla., on Monday of this week from the war department informing her S/Sgt. Robert G. Yarian was missing in action over Germany as of Jan. 11th, last. Mrs. Yarian went to Florida about two weeks ago with a group of friends and expected to spend the winter there, where she would be close to another son, Frank, who is now in an aviation school in Miami, Fla.
Upon entering the service Robert was assigned to Scott Field, Ill., where he was given special instruction as a ball turret gunner and radio man. He went to England in August and since that time had participated in at least fifteen raids over Germany and the occupied territories in western Europe. He had been awarded an air medal as well as the Oak Leaf cluster for bravery in action. He had written home folks under date of January 1st that he was nearing the required number of raids to make him eligible for a furlough back to the states and was looking forward to this end. It is believed he was on a daylight raid from which his craft failed to return and there is strong hopes his plane was forced down and the crew made prisoners, but no information could be given at this time.
Robert is one of a fighting family, he having two brothers and a sister in the service. Frank is now stationed at Miami, Fla., after having been around the world several times on air transport duty; Eugene is in New Guinea, having served for over two years in the southwest Pacific, and a sister, Mrs. Genevieve Arrants is a nurse and at present is on duty in Italy.
Warren Gillette Dawson (February 25, 1929 - May 5, 1993)
Veteran of the Korean War
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Enid Phend
Dale Eugene Ernest (February 6, 1933 - June 17, 2001)
He was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U.S. Army.
Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed*
James Elmore Fry (November 9, 1933 - April 6, 1995)
He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.
Syracuse, Kosciusko County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
Audra Dea Marshall Kutz (August 7, 1927 - May 29, 1993)
Denver, Denver County, Colorado
Served in the Marines as a disbursing officer and was a veteran of the Korean War.
Wife of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Richard Earl Kutz
Richard Earl Kutz (July 25, 1928 - January 9, 1996)
Retired from the Marine Corps. Served during the Korean War and Vietnam War.
Aurora, Arapahoe County, Colorado
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Donald Lee Meier (Oct 21, 1931 - Oct 12, 1966)
He was a member of the American Legion when he died. Have not found dates of service yet, probably Korea.
Whitley County, Indiana
3rd Cousin Twice Removed
More Veterans in my Family - Part Two
Armistice Day. 1918. The 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. The end of "The Great War" thought then to be the "war to end all wars" but alas, it was not to be. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill that changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day, a day meant for honoring all American Veterans, the living as well as the dead, those who served in wartime and those who served during peaceful times.
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.
I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military. Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. The 1930 census indicated that some of them were veterans of the Spanish American War or World War I. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
The first post in this series, includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War. This post covers the Spanish American War and World War I Veterans.
Charles H. Dunfee (September 1866 - April 1, 1921)
Oakland, California
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
Dewitt Caswell Fisher (November 19, 1872 - March 13, 1941)
Lived in Seattle, King County, Washington in 1930.
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
William Allen Lynch (April 13, 1879 - December 22, 1939)
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war in 1898 he enlisted, and was assigned to Co. M of the 50th regiment of the marine corps. Subsequently he served four years in the Philippines.
Died at the Veteran's hospital at Hines, Illinois. His home was in Elkhart, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Goldine Alice Wilson
John F. Richmond (Apr 1878 - May 6, 1938)
Veteran of Spanish American War.
Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Charles Jay Shidler (September 30, 1876 - August 18, 1943)
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, he enlisted at Spokane, Washington as a member of Co. L, Third Batallion.
Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Charles Sylvester Joslin (March 4, 1879 - April 25, 1934)
Enlisted in the Army September 27, 1902 and discharged September 26, 1905
National Military Home in Kansas City
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
George H. Beam (July 28, 1893 - August 26, 1962)
Died at the Veteran's Hospital in Fort Wayne, resided in Wabash, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed, Esther Hoffman
Orville C. Briggs (December 27, 1892 - October 27, 1983)
He enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1917 and served as a dentist with the base hospital unit at Camp Crane, Allentown, Penn., while preparing for overseas duty. Discharged from service in 1919.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Wayne William Gidley (November 3, 1898 - July 23, 1974)
Served in the Navy.
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Arlo S. Goodrich (November 17, 1898 - June 3, 1964)
Wheatland, Platte County, Wyoming
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Floyd Ernest Goodrich (January 5, 1892 - January 20, 1975)
In 1930 he was living in San Benito County, California
2nd Cousin 4 Times Removed
Orville John Hovey (December 17, 1889 - March 9, 1971)
In 1930 he was living in Stanislaus County, California
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Ruth Bell Akers
Frank Allen Joslin (January 12, 1897 - 1962)
Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
Laurel Guy Phend (February 16, 1899 - April 27, 1974)
Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Raymond Hillis Phend (March 19, 1892 - October 9, 1951)
Served with General MacArthur's Rainbow division and as part of General Pershing's honor guard in WWI.
Elkhart County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed
Willard Arthur Phend (October 16, 1899 - January 1974)
Coronado, Pima County, Arizona
1st Cousin Twice Removed
Ralph Bryan Pressler (July 18, 1896 - April 23, 1979)
Served in the Coast Artillery.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
Husband of Grandaunt, Gladys Phend
Balsar John Rohrer (January 27, 1896 - December 21, 1973)
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Gladys Trilby Berlin
Harper D. Stemm (May 5, 1896 - February 2, 1982)
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana,
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
Lloyd O. Yarian (April 6, 1894 - December 29, 1964)
Served in the Army.
Died at Bay Pines, Florida but lived most of his life in Nappanee, Indiana.
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.
I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military. Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. The 1930 census indicated that some of them were veterans of the Spanish American War or World War I. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
The first post in this series, includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War. This post covers the Spanish American War and World War I Veterans.
Charles H. Dunfee (September 1866 - April 1, 1921)
Oakland, California
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
Dewitt Caswell Fisher (November 19, 1872 - March 13, 1941)
Lived in Seattle, King County, Washington in 1930.
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
William Allen Lynch (April 13, 1879 - December 22, 1939)
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war in 1898 he enlisted, and was assigned to Co. M of the 50th regiment of the marine corps. Subsequently he served four years in the Philippines.
Died at the Veteran's hospital at Hines, Illinois. His home was in Elkhart, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Goldine Alice Wilson
John F. Richmond (Apr 1878 - May 6, 1938)
Veteran of Spanish American War.
Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Twice Removed
Charles Jay Shidler (September 30, 1876 - August 18, 1943)
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, he enlisted at Spokane, Washington as a member of Co. L, Third Batallion.
Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Charles Sylvester Joslin (March 4, 1879 - April 25, 1934)
Enlisted in the Army September 27, 1902 and discharged September 26, 1905
National Military Home in Kansas City
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
George H. Beam (July 28, 1893 - August 26, 1962)
Died at the Veteran's Hospital in Fort Wayne, resided in Wabash, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed, Esther Hoffman
Orville C. Briggs (December 27, 1892 - October 27, 1983)
He enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1917 and served as a dentist with the base hospital unit at Camp Crane, Allentown, Penn., while preparing for overseas duty. Discharged from service in 1919.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Wayne William Gidley (November 3, 1898 - July 23, 1974)
Served in the Navy.
South Bend, Saint Joseph County, Indiana
2nd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Arlo S. Goodrich (November 17, 1898 - June 3, 1964)
Wheatland, Platte County, Wyoming
3rd Cousin 3 Times Removed
Floyd Ernest Goodrich (January 5, 1892 - January 20, 1975)
In 1930 he was living in San Benito County, California
2nd Cousin 4 Times Removed
Orville John Hovey (December 17, 1889 - March 9, 1971)
In 1930 he was living in Stanislaus County, California
Husband of 2nd Cousin Once Removed, Ruth Bell Akers
Frank Allen Joslin (January 12, 1897 - 1962)
Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
Laurel Guy Phend (February 16, 1899 - April 27, 1974)
Bremen, Marshall County, Indiana
2nd Cousin Once Removed
Raymond Hillis Phend (March 19, 1892 - October 9, 1951)
Served with General MacArthur's Rainbow division and as part of General Pershing's honor guard in WWI.
Elkhart County, Indiana
1st Cousin Twice Removed
Willard Arthur Phend (October 16, 1899 - January 1974)
Coronado, Pima County, Arizona
1st Cousin Twice Removed
Ralph Bryan Pressler (July 18, 1896 - April 23, 1979)
Served in the Coast Artillery.
Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
Husband of Grandaunt, Gladys Phend
Balsar John Rohrer (January 27, 1896 - December 21, 1973)
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 2nd Cousin Twice Removed, Gladys Trilby Berlin
Harper D. Stemm (May 5, 1896 - February 2, 1982)
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana,
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
Lloyd O. Yarian (April 6, 1894 - December 29, 1964)
Served in the Army.
Died at Bay Pines, Florida but lived most of his life in Nappanee, Indiana.
1st Cousin 3 Times Removed
Tombstone Tuesday :: Brubaker in Mississippi

cemetery photos,
Tombstone Tuesday
More Veterans in my Family - Part One
Armistice Day. 1918. The 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. The end of "The Great War" thought then to be the "war to end all wars" but alas, it was not to be. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill that changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day, a day meant for honoring all American Veterans, the living as well as the dead, those who served in wartime and those who served during peaceful times.
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.
I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military. Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
An * in front of a name indicates the person died while in the service.
The list is rather long so it will be split into several posts, this first one includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War.
~ WAR OF 1812 ~
Levi Goodrich (November 3, 1782 - after 1860)
Private in Israel P. Case's Company, Franklin County, Ohio; War of 1812
Jackson County, Ohio
5th Great Granduncle
Mathias Yarian (1779 - March 26, 1854)
Sergeant in Martin Sittler's Company, War of 1812
Columbiana County, Ohio
4th Great Granduncle
* Myron Collins (1834 - April 26, 1865)
Drafted into Company H, 184th Ohio near the end of the war, Myron died in the military hospital at Nashville, Tennessee just 16 days after Lee surrendered to Grant.
Portage County, Ohio
Husband of 2nd Great Grandaunt, Lydia Berlin
Aaron H. Conroy (January 15, 1843 - July 2, 1925)
Company B, 7th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Homelake, Rio Grande County, Colorado
Husband of 2nd Great-Grandaunt, Lydia Fisher
Adam Fisher (May 28, 1846 - Sep 7, 1923)
Enlisted in Company D, 35th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry.
Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Great-Grandaunt, Mary E. Stem
Samuel Fisher (February 24, 1840 - September 7, 1913)
Enlisted as a Private on 28 May 1863; Company A, 9th Cavalry Regiment Kansas on 28 May 1863; Discharged on 17 Jul 1865 at DeVall's Bluff, Arkansas.
Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas
2nd Great Granduncle
* Solomon Fisher (About 1843 - September 19, 1862)
Enlisted as a Private on 7 January 1862 in Company I, 48th Infantry Regiment Indiana
Reportedly died at Iuka, Mississippi.
2nd Great Granduncle
David Goodrich (December 26, 1843 - November 4, 1921)
Musician in Co. B, 44th Regiment Indiana Volunteers (same regiment as his father Ralph)
Memphis, Tennessee
1st Cousin 5 Times Removed
* Ralph Goodrich (March 30, 1820 - April 8, 1862)
Co. B, 44th Regiment Indiana Volunteers.
Killed in action during the battle of Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing), Tennessee.
4th Great Granduncle
John Jacob Mohler (September 16, 1836 - January 7, 1928)
Private in Company D, 68th Regiment Indiana Infantry; Civil War
Meade County, Kansas
Husband of 3rd Great Grandaunt, Elmina Wise
Hugh Murray (September 29, 1834 - December 10, 1913)
Enlisted in the Union army August 14, 1862 and served until June 13, 1865 in Co. K, 102nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Nova, Ashland County, Ohio
Husband of 1st Cousin 4 Times Removed, Jane Ann Shidler
Christian Ringgenberg (August 12, 1816 - October 14, 1892)
Enlisted in Company H, 48th Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry on December 27, 1861. Company H was also known as the "German" company.
Husband of 2nd Great-Grandaunt, Caroline Fisher
John W. Slear (January 6, 1843 - January 18, 1930)
In 1861, at the age of 17, he enlisted and was assigned to Co. D of the 28th Pennsylvania infantry and was with them till the end of the war, being promoted to sergeant. His command participated in the battles of Gettysburg, Fredericksburg and Antietam, besides many clashes of less historical importance.
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed, Louisa Walter
James Madison Walker (July 28, 1841 - December 11, 1926)
Served three years in Battery A, First Ohio Light Artillery
Alliance, Stark County, Ohio
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
On May 28, 2007 I posted a list of The Veterans in my Family, which primarily consisted of members of my immediate family as well as my ancestors and a few of their siblings who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States.
I've spent some time over the last two days going through my genealogy database looking for other relatives that served in the U. S. Military. Very little is known about most of these men and women (just two women). For many of them, all it stated in their obituary was that they were a veteran of a war with no details given, not even the name of the unit in which they served. (Sources will be provided upon request.)
The format of the data is:
Name of Veteran (date of birth - date of death)
Service information, if known.
Residence at time of death.
Relationship to me.
An * in front of a name indicates the person died while in the service.
The list is rather long so it will be split into several posts, this first one includes Veterans of the War of 1812 and the Civil War.
~ WAR OF 1812 ~
Levi Goodrich (November 3, 1782 - after 1860)
Private in Israel P. Case's Company, Franklin County, Ohio; War of 1812
Jackson County, Ohio
5th Great Granduncle
Mathias Yarian (1779 - March 26, 1854)
Sergeant in Martin Sittler's Company, War of 1812
Columbiana County, Ohio
4th Great Granduncle
* Myron Collins (1834 - April 26, 1865)
Drafted into Company H, 184th Ohio near the end of the war, Myron died in the military hospital at Nashville, Tennessee just 16 days after Lee surrendered to Grant.
Portage County, Ohio
Husband of 2nd Great Grandaunt, Lydia Berlin
Aaron H. Conroy (January 15, 1843 - July 2, 1925)
Company B, 7th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Homelake, Rio Grande County, Colorado
Husband of 2nd Great-Grandaunt, Lydia Fisher
Adam Fisher (May 28, 1846 - Sep 7, 1923)
Enlisted in Company D, 35th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry.
Whitley County, Indiana
Husband of 3rd Great-Grandaunt, Mary E. Stem
Samuel Fisher (February 24, 1840 - September 7, 1913)
Enlisted as a Private on 28 May 1863; Company A, 9th Cavalry Regiment Kansas on 28 May 1863; Discharged on 17 Jul 1865 at DeVall's Bluff, Arkansas.
Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas
2nd Great Granduncle
* Solomon Fisher (About 1843 - September 19, 1862)
Enlisted as a Private on 7 January 1862 in Company I, 48th Infantry Regiment Indiana
Reportedly died at Iuka, Mississippi.
2nd Great Granduncle
David Goodrich (December 26, 1843 - November 4, 1921)
Musician in Co. B, 44th Regiment Indiana Volunteers (same regiment as his father Ralph)
Memphis, Tennessee
1st Cousin 5 Times Removed
* Ralph Goodrich (March 30, 1820 - April 8, 1862)
Co. B, 44th Regiment Indiana Volunteers.
Killed in action during the battle of Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing), Tennessee.
4th Great Granduncle
John Jacob Mohler (September 16, 1836 - January 7, 1928)
Private in Company D, 68th Regiment Indiana Infantry; Civil War
Meade County, Kansas
Husband of 3rd Great Grandaunt, Elmina Wise
Hugh Murray (September 29, 1834 - December 10, 1913)
Enlisted in the Union army August 14, 1862 and served until June 13, 1865 in Co. K, 102nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Nova, Ashland County, Ohio
Husband of 1st Cousin 4 Times Removed, Jane Ann Shidler
Christian Ringgenberg (August 12, 1816 - October 14, 1892)
Enlisted in Company H, 48th Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry on December 27, 1861. Company H was also known as the "German" company.
Husband of 2nd Great-Grandaunt, Caroline Fisher
John W. Slear (January 6, 1843 - January 18, 1930)
In 1861, at the age of 17, he enlisted and was assigned to Co. D of the 28th Pennsylvania infantry and was with them till the end of the war, being promoted to sergeant. His command participated in the battles of Gettysburg, Fredericksburg and Antietam, besides many clashes of less historical importance.
Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana
Husband of 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed, Louisa Walter
James Madison Walker (July 28, 1841 - December 11, 1926)
Served three years in Battery A, First Ohio Light Artillery
Alliance, Stark County, Ohio
1st Cousin 4 Times Removed
Monday, November 10, 2008
Blogging Cousins, what a Treat!
When Wendy Littrell posted Political Road Map, which was her contribution to the 59th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy, I'm sure she never thought she would discover a couple of cousins, albeit very distant ones. In one paragraph she talks about her 9th great-grandfather, Richard Treat, who settled in Wethersfield, in the Connecticut Colony. Richard Treat is my 11th great-grandfather and is also the 11th great-grandfather of Julie Cahill Tarr.
Richard Treat was born in 1584 in Pitminster, County Somerset, England and emigrated prior to 1641, settling in Wethersfield. He became a prominent citizen, involved in the governing of the town and the Connecticut Colony. Depending upon which "history" you read, Richard's first wife was named Joanna who was the mother of his children and Alice Gaylord/Gaylard/Galaud was his second wife who bore no children. However, "The Treat Family" published in 1893 and written by John Harvey Treat states that Richard married Alice Gaylard on April 27, 1615, in Pitminster. Also, "wife Alis Treat" is given lands in the will of Richard Treat. This would seem to indicate that Alice was his first and only wife and the mother of his children. Nothing like a little squabble in the family over who begat whom. . .
In Roadmap to New Cousins! Wendy provides her line of descent from Richard Treat. Julie does the same in Found Cousins. Below is my lineage back to the prolific Mr. Richard Treat. . .
Disclaimer: No research has been done in original records for this lineage in the Colonial and Revolutionary War eras. Some of the published resources that were used are listed below, some with better source documentation than others. . .
Richard Treat was born in 1584 in Pitminster, County Somerset, England and emigrated prior to 1641, settling in Wethersfield. He became a prominent citizen, involved in the governing of the town and the Connecticut Colony. Depending upon which "history" you read, Richard's first wife was named Joanna who was the mother of his children and Alice Gaylord/Gaylard/Galaud was his second wife who bore no children. However, "The Treat Family" published in 1893 and written by John Harvey Treat states that Richard married Alice Gaylard on April 27, 1615, in Pitminster. Also, "wife Alis Treat" is given lands in the will of Richard Treat. This would seem to indicate that Alice was his first and only wife and the mother of his children. Nothing like a little squabble in the family over who begat whom. . .
In Roadmap to New Cousins! Wendy provides her line of descent from Richard Treat. Julie does the same in Found Cousins. Below is my lineage back to the prolific Mr. Richard Treat. . .
- Richard Treat (1584-1670)
- Honor Treat (1616- ?) and John Deming, Sr. (1615-1705)
- Honor Deming (abt 1643 - aft 1701) and John Beckley (abt 1642 - abt 1696)
- Catharine Beckley (1684-1768) and Daniel Dewey (1680-1717)
- Sarah Dewey (1712-1782) and Benjamin Goodrich (1717-1787)
- John Goodrich (1754-1834) and Abigail Price (1754-1827)
- Bela Goodrich (1777-abt 1864) and Sally Church (abt 1780 - abt 1831)
- Abigail Goodrich (abt 1805 - aft 1882) and James Joslin (abt 1796 - aft 1850)
- Lysander Price Joslin (1825-1899) and Lydia Robison (1825-1899)
- Malissa Joslin (1849-1937) and William Brubaker (1843-1912)
- Charles Romain Brubaker (1871-1945) and Maude Catherine Wise (1877-1953)
- Hazlette Brubaker (1902-1984) and Rolland Victor Phend (1893-1991)
- Virginia Phend and Jack Wiseman
- Me
Disclaimer: No research has been done in original records for this lineage in the Colonial and Revolutionary War eras. Some of the published resources that were used are listed below, some with better source documentation than others. . .
- The Treat Family: A Genealogy of Trott, Tratt and Treat for Fifteen Generations, and Four Hundred and Fifty Years in England and America. John Harvey Treat. Salem, Massachusetts, The Salem Press, 1893.
- A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's Register. James Savage. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860.
- One Bassett Family in America with All connections in America and many in Great Britain and France : Principally an Outline of What the Ancestors Did to Help Make America : Mainly from original records heretofore unpublished. Buell Burdett Bassette. New Britain, Connecticut, 1926.
- The Warner-Harrington Ancestry : The Ancestry of Samuel, Freda and John Warner. Frederick Chester Warner. Boston, Massachusetts, 1949.
- Hale, House and Related Families. Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar Francis Waterman. Hartford, Connecticut, 1952.
- Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines : A Memorial Volume Containing the American Ancestry of Rufus R. Dawes. Mary Walton Ferris. Privately Printed, 1943.
- New England Marriages Prior to 1700. Clarence Almon Torrey. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1985.
- The history of ancient Wethersfield, Connecticut : comprising the present towns of Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, and Newington : and of Glastonbury prior to its incorporation in 1693, from date of earliest settlement until the present time. Based upon the Manuscript Collections of the Late Sherman W. Adams. Volume II - Genealogies and Biographies. Henry R. Stiles. New York, The Grafton Press, 1904.
- A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records. Charles William Manwaring. Hartford, Conn., 1904.
- The Descendants of Richard Beckley of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Caroleen Beckley Sheppard. The Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut, 1948.
- A Record of Marriages, Births and Deaths in Westfield, Mass., Prior to the year 1700. Emerson Davis. The New England Historical & Genealogical Record, Boston, July 1862.
- Life of George Dewey, Rear Admiral, U.S.N., and Dewey Family History. Louis Marinus Dewey. Westfield, Massachusetts, 1898.
- The Bulkeley Genealogy. Donald Lines Jacobus. New Haven, Connecticut, 1933.
- Wethersfield Inscriptions: A complete record of the inscriptions in the five burial places in the ancient town of Wethersfield, including the towns of Rocky Hill, Newington, and Beckley Quarter (in Berlin), also a portion of the inscriptions in the oldest cemetery in Glastonbury. Edward Sweetser Tillotson. Hartford, Connecticut, 1899.
- The Goodrich Family in America. Lafayette Wallace Case. Fergus Printing Company, Chicago, 1889.
- The Jocelyn-Joslin-Joslyn-Josselyn Family. Edith S. Wessler. Charles E. Tuttle Company. Tokyo, Japan 1961.
New England Ancestors,
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Time out for some R & R
I'm back. But then, y'all didn't know I was gone, did ya?
Last Sunday (11/02) I left for a visit with my Joslin cousins in Springfield, Missouri (Ruth said I needed to take a break from scanning!) and arrived there mid-morning on Monday. I had planned on having more posts scheduled for last week but quite simply ran out of time before I left. (That little jaunt to Huntington County didn't help any with time management!) While I was gone I kept up with email but not with blog reading. Over 500 posts (not all of them genealogy) awaited my perusal when I returned home Friday night. Finally got caught up with them on Saturday, in between several loads of laundry.
The weather was beautiful all week, except for a bit of rain on Thursday and clouds on Friday. On the way back, at St. Louis I took I64 south across Illinois stopping just past Evansville, Indiana for the night. Friday morning I followed the "scenic" route along the Ohio River through Indiana to Vevay and Switzerland County. It was really pretty, though the ups-downs and twists-turns of the narrow roads was a bit unnerving at times. There was a little bit of color left in the few remaining trees that still bore leaves.
In Switzerland County, I visited the McKay Cemetery where my Bray and Wiseman ancestors are buried. On previous visits, years ago, I had taken pictures with a film camera but really wanted digital photos - originals, not scanned. Upon my arrival at the cemetery, the clouds had returned to block out the sun. But, just as I was about to leave, the sun broke through the clouds and I got some nicer shots. Four hours later, I was home, safe and sound.
It was a pleasant trip spent in the company of some very nice people!
Last Sunday (11/02) I left for a visit with my Joslin cousins in Springfield, Missouri (Ruth said I needed to take a break from scanning!) and arrived there mid-morning on Monday. I had planned on having more posts scheduled for last week but quite simply ran out of time before I left. (That little jaunt to Huntington County didn't help any with time management!) While I was gone I kept up with email but not with blog reading. Over 500 posts (not all of them genealogy) awaited my perusal when I returned home Friday night. Finally got caught up with them on Saturday, in between several loads of laundry.
The weather was beautiful all week, except for a bit of rain on Thursday and clouds on Friday. On the way back, at St. Louis I took I64 south across Illinois stopping just past Evansville, Indiana for the night. Friday morning I followed the "scenic" route along the Ohio River through Indiana to Vevay and Switzerland County. It was really pretty, though the ups-downs and twists-turns of the narrow roads was a bit unnerving at times. There was a little bit of color left in the few remaining trees that still bore leaves.
In Switzerland County, I visited the McKay Cemetery where my Bray and Wiseman ancestors are buried. On previous visits, years ago, I had taken pictures with a film camera but really wanted digital photos - originals, not scanned. Upon my arrival at the cemetery, the clouds had returned to block out the sun. But, just as I was about to leave, the sun broke through the clouds and I got some nicer shots. Four hours later, I was home, safe and sound.
It was a pleasant trip spent in the company of some very nice people!
personal history,
Saturday, November 08, 2008
for Ruth and Lorene...
A visit to a cemetery, the name of which I know not, to view the fall foliage. Most of the trees were way past their prime. Except for this one marvelous specimen. A beautiful day!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Wordless Wednesday :: Red Seat
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Tombstone Tuesday :: Parkison Family
The Parkison plot in the Masonic Section, Greenhill Cemetery, Columbia City, Indiana. The large stone in the center is for George and Sarah Parkison. On the left is the marker for one of their sons, Benjamin F. Parkison.
Sarah Foster Parkison is my 3rd great grandmother. Born on May 14, 1818 in Perry County, Ohio she was the daughter of Benjamin Foster and Margaret "Peggy" Myers. Sarah's brother, Eli, was born December 28, 1819. I don't know for sure when their mother died, but on September 27, 1821 their father married Peggy's sister, Anna Maria "Mary" Myers. Benjamin and Mary Foster had eleven children between the years 1822 and 1843.
On November 20, 1843 Sarah Foster gave birth to a son, William Brubaker, who became my 2nd great grandfather. Born out of wedlock, his father was John Brubaker. On March 28, 1849 Sarah was married to George Thomas Parkison and two years later they moved to Thorncreek Township in Whitley County, Indiana. At that time the family consisted of William and his half-brother Jacob Henry Parkison. (William and Jacob would later marry sisters, Malissa and Roxie Joslin.) Sarah and George would have three more children, all born in Whitley County: Mary E. Parkison, Benjamin Foster Parkison, and George Washington Parkison.
GEORGE T. PARKISON / DIED JUNE 27, 1902 / AGED 81 Y. 10 M. 15 D. / SARAH - WIFE OF G. T. PARKISON / DIED APR. 24, 1904 / AGED 85 Y. 11 M. 10 D.

On November 20, 1843 Sarah Foster gave birth to a son, William Brubaker, who became my 2nd great grandfather. Born out of wedlock, his father was John Brubaker. On March 28, 1849 Sarah was married to George Thomas Parkison and two years later they moved to Thorncreek Township in Whitley County, Indiana. At that time the family consisted of William and his half-brother Jacob Henry Parkison. (William and Jacob would later marry sisters, Malissa and Roxie Joslin.) Sarah and George would have three more children, all born in Whitley County: Mary E. Parkison, Benjamin Foster Parkison, and George Washington Parkison.

cemetery photos,
Tombstone Tuesday
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Did they get involved? Umm, not so much.
While growing up, politics was a subject that was not discussed with us kids. If my parents discussed their preferences, it was not when we were around. But the likelihood that they were Republicans is fairly strong. Me? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. I tend to not vote along party lines, rather voting for the individual I think is best suited for the job at hand.
In looking back into the time since our nation was founded, I discovered just three relatives who held elected office.
It seems that the majority of my ancestors who lived after the Revolutionary War had an aversion to becoming involved in politics and local government. I think some of them went out of their way to avoid having to hold office. They were farmers and more concerned with their own enterprises; somewhat distrustful of government officials.
On the other hand, many of the ancestors I've found who lived during the Revolution and in the Colonial era seemed to accept, if not actively seek out public office. They were Lieutenants and Captains of their militia, moderators of meetings, surveyors of highways, and deacons in their church.
Submitted to the 59th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy :: Politics and Our Ancestors
In looking back into the time since our nation was founded, I discovered just three relatives who held elected office.
- John Brubaker (1819-1879), 3rd great grandfather: "He, with twelve others, built the first school house in the district where he died. . . Mr. Brubaker has been identified with all enterprises tending to improve the material interest of our county. At the October election of 1866, he was elected county commissioner, performed the duties of his office with fidelity and to the very best interest of our county."
- William Hamilton Dunfee (1822-1888), 3rd great grandfather: "He filled the office of county and township assessor acceptably and in 1856 was elected sheriff and re-elected two years later. He was a very popular officer as well as a popular man. At the time of his death Mr. Dunfee had the contract of carrying the mails from this post office to Cromwell. Mr. Dunfee was a staunch democrat and a jovial whole-souled fellow. News of his death will cause a feeling of sorrow in all parts of the county."
- Price Goodrich (1799-1891), brother of my 4th great grandmother Abigail Goodrich Joslin: He served two terms as Whitley County commissioner and one term as probate judge.
It seems that the majority of my ancestors who lived after the Revolutionary War had an aversion to becoming involved in politics and local government. I think some of them went out of their way to avoid having to hold office. They were farmers and more concerned with their own enterprises; somewhat distrustful of government officials.
On the other hand, many of the ancestors I've found who lived during the Revolution and in the Colonial era seemed to accept, if not actively seek out public office. They were Lieutenants and Captains of their militia, moderators of meetings, surveyors of highways, and deacons in their church.
Submitted to the 59th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy :: Politics and Our Ancestors
Carnival of Genealogy
It's Still There!
What's still there, you ask? The residence of John Brubaker, my 3rd great grandfather, that's what! Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful fall day here in northeast Indiana and I couldn't resist taking advantage of it. After running some errands, it was about 2:30 in the afternoon by the time I got to Huntington County. A few minutes later I was in the area where I thought the house should be, and there it was! It didn't quite look the same as in the image from the atlas, but I was pretty sure it was the right house. I pulled off to the side of the road and took a couple of pictures. The sun was in the "wrong" position for a really good shot, but it does show some of the details. The house is some distance from the road. Thank goodness for zoom lenses!
Comparing the two images, the first thing I noticed was that the pitch of the roof is steeper in the old image (artistic license perhaps?), several of the chimney's have been removed, and the brick exterior has been painted. The porch has been extended to the full depth of the offset and a sloped roof replaces the railed deck. There is only one entrance off of the porch into the house. The door going into the south facing section has been removed. The second window above the porch was actually a door. It too has been removed as has the "front" door (the empty space below the 3rd upstairs window). Modern insulated windows have replaced the originals, and the decorative thing-a-ma-jigs above the windows are gone.
Cropped portion of the picture used in the 1876 atlas, shown in a previous post.
Looking southeast, showing the room that was added onto the southwest corner of the house and some of the out-buildings.
After taking the pictures, I did something that I've never done before. I saw a car in the driveway so I drove up to the house. I was greeted by a very friendly black lab and a small golden haired retriever-mix. They didn't bark or make a sound, which I thought was odd. Anyway, I petted them for a minute and then went onto the porch and knocked on the door. No answer. I peeked around behind the house thinking perhaps someone was outside, but there wasn't anybody there. Went back on the porch and knocked on the door again. Still no answer. Waited a few minutes, knocked again. No answer. So I left. As I was driving down the lane out to the road, the school bus pulled up and dropped off several children. After speaking with them for a few seconds, I turned around and went back to the house, where their mother was waiting on the porch!
She hadn't heard me knocking on the door. She was very nice and friendly. I showed her a copy of the picture of John's house and she confirmed that it was the same house. She said that she was told that the house had been built in the early 1850s. She and her husband purchased the house eight years ago from a couple that had bought it about 1970. She didn't know who they had purchased it from.
After a few minutes of chatting on the porch she invited me inside. The walls are solid brick, at least 12" thick. It's hard to see from the pictures above, but the house is really two rectangular "sections" that are offset by the depth of the porch. So the back, or south facing section, is only as long as the north facing section. We didn't go down into the basement but I didn't think to ask whether it was a full or partial basement or whether its walls were stone or brick.
There are two fairly large rooms on each floor of the front section. There is just one large room in the back section on each floor but the enclosed stairway is also on that side of the house. At the top of the stairs there is a large landing area that has been converted into a closet and a hallway. I was surprised by the height of the rooms upstairs as they have 8' ceilings. I was expecting them not to be as high as those downstairs. There are no fireplaces left in the house.
The only change to the original footprint of the house is the addition of a room at the back, southwest corner, downstairs. It is actually two small rooms. One is being used as the laundry room and back entrance and the other is a galley-type kitchen.
All in all, I must say, it was a very nice day!

After taking the pictures, I did something that I've never done before. I saw a car in the driveway so I drove up to the house. I was greeted by a very friendly black lab and a small golden haired retriever-mix. They didn't bark or make a sound, which I thought was odd. Anyway, I petted them for a minute and then went onto the porch and knocked on the door. No answer. I peeked around behind the house thinking perhaps someone was outside, but there wasn't anybody there. Went back on the porch and knocked on the door again. Still no answer. Waited a few minutes, knocked again. No answer. So I left. As I was driving down the lane out to the road, the school bus pulled up and dropped off several children. After speaking with them for a few seconds, I turned around and went back to the house, where their mother was waiting on the porch!
She hadn't heard me knocking on the door. She was very nice and friendly. I showed her a copy of the picture of John's house and she confirmed that it was the same house. She said that she was told that the house had been built in the early 1850s. She and her husband purchased the house eight years ago from a couple that had bought it about 1970. She didn't know who they had purchased it from.
After a few minutes of chatting on the porch she invited me inside. The walls are solid brick, at least 12" thick. It's hard to see from the pictures above, but the house is really two rectangular "sections" that are offset by the depth of the porch. So the back, or south facing section, is only as long as the north facing section. We didn't go down into the basement but I didn't think to ask whether it was a full or partial basement or whether its walls were stone or brick.
There are two fairly large rooms on each floor of the front section. There is just one large room in the back section on each floor but the enclosed stairway is also on that side of the house. At the top of the stairs there is a large landing area that has been converted into a closet and a hallway. I was surprised by the height of the rooms upstairs as they have 8' ceilings. I was expecting them not to be as high as those downstairs. There are no fireplaces left in the house.
The only change to the original footprint of the house is the addition of a room at the back, southwest corner, downstairs. It is actually two small rooms. One is being used as the laundry room and back entrance and the other is a galley-type kitchen.
All in all, I must say, it was a very nice day!
Family Photographs