Created by
Jasia, the iGene Awards are a bit unusual as far as awards go. There is no actual competition, no pitting one genea-blogger against another. Rather, the iGene Awards provide an opportunity for us to be able to recognize and honor what we consider to be our best blog posts for the past year, in five categories. Not an easy task to make the selection by any means.
1. Best Picture - Best old family photo that appeared on your blog in 2009. Tell us which you liked best and why.I really, really like the
Wiseman Siblings and the photo of
Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob is one of my all time favorites but I've selected
Little Darlings! Who are you? as this years' winner. They are some of my unknowns and they are rather unusual photographs. They aren't ancestors, but they are likely relatives, though I still don't know who they are!
2. Best Screen Play - Which family story that you shared in 2009 would make the best movie? Who would you cast as your family members?For this category, it would have to be the series of posts written about how my grandmother connected with her 2nd cousin, Irwin Joslin. It likely wouldn't play to a wide audience, but it is sure to have genealogists riveted to their seats. Yeah, right.
Angela Lansbury would be perfect for the role of my grandmother. And how about Sam Elliott to portray Irwin? I just love Sam's voice, among other things. And maybe Megan Smolenyak could take on the role of Mrs. Wessler? If not, perhaps one of the actors from the History Detectives would.
3. Best Documentary - Which was the best informational article you wrote about a place, thing, or event involving your family's history in 2009?It would be interesting to see how Ken Burns might handle a topic like
Warnings Out in New England. The entry for my ancestor, recorded in
Jonas Joslin :: Warning Out, 1814 wasn't really very informative, but in reading through some of the other entries in the ledger at the Town Clerk's Office in Charlotte and in the Rollins book, it appears to me that there are some incredible stories therein that could and should be told.
4. Best Biography - Which was the best biographical article you wrote in 2009?In looking over my posts, I see that I didn't really write any other biographies last year! Books have been written about The Reverend Mr. Stoever, a controversial character for his time. My little piece about
John Caspar Stoever and the Hebron Lutheran Church certainly doesn't do him justice.
5. Best Comedy - Which was the best funny story, poem, joke, photo, or video that you shared on your blog in 2009?Ah, well. 'Twas just a little prank for April Fool's day, but I can't help dreaming of receiving,
The Best Gift - Ever!