Monday, February 08, 2010

The Closest Thing to a Valentine

In all of the photo albums and family papers of my grandmother's, I haven't come across any valentines or love letters written by or to anyone. None. Zilch. Nada. And I don't have any personal valentines (that I'd care to share). So with my birthday being just 3 days after Valentines Day, I thought these cards might be good substitutes for inclusion in the 20th edition of Smile For The Camera. My niece Carrie made them a “few” years ago (when she was 9 or 10 years old). The images were previously published here on kinexxions in July 2009.


Harriet said...

How sweet that you saved these. My children made many cards for their grandparents when they were young. My mother-in-law died 3 years ago and my sister in-law has most of her things. She had us over recently and gave us several cards that my kids had made their grandmother. We were so happy to have these to hold on to for years to come.

Linda Hughes Hiser said...

I think these a perfect Valentine's cards and birthday cards, too. You are a loved aunt. Thanks for sharing Becky.

Dorene from Ohio said...

These are just delightful! Thanks for sharing them!