Friday, March 11, 2011

March 8th 1871 :: Virgil Young to Sam Coppes

Elkhart. March 8th /71
Mr. S.D. Coppes
Dear Sir,

I recd your letter some days since, but was very unwell and have delayed answering until now. Am feeling some better. Now, in regards to that land. I will sell it for twelve dollars per acre, one fourth down, and the remainder to be paid in from 2 to 4 or 5 yrs, at ten per cent interest. Please let me know how they would like to make their payments, how much money down etc. etc.

There was a gentleman here this morning. In a Griffin of Cass County, Mich. to see about that land, he is going to visit his family, to Missouri next month, and expects to find him a home there somewhere. Will be there to look at that land.

If the men of whom you spoke do not conclude to buy, you can work the forty acres, on the terms you propose, that is I am to receive one third in the crib or granary and to pay for taking care of & marketing the same.

I would like to have twenty five acres to corn, Do not give yourself any uneasiness about being thrown out of the use of the land. I have agreed to pay Alcorn 148 dollars for fencing, this I should expect to receive if I sold, in addition to the 12 dollars per acre.

Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours Resp
Virgil Young

In 1869 Sam & Lizzie (Berlin) Coppes moved to Marysville, Nodaway County, Missouri and stayed there four years. Virgil Young apparently owned land there and it sounds like Sam may have found a buyer for it.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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